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Dan Winter is arguably the worlds foremost expert on the physics of meditation, the physics of kundalini,

and the electrical nature of consciousness. Using the pure charge symmetry language of physics, he argues

that that western scientists are fools and leading the race to death because- they do not have the barest

clue to the electrical nature of life, the function and purpose of life - even the immortalizing coherence making electrical function of DNA.

Current scientists in their fabulously arrogant ignorance ("Why does an object fall to the ground, Mr Einstein?") have not the least clue to how gravity is made and stabilized (fractality) and therefore how DNA creates an implosive and gravity making (phase conjugate) coherence field that CAN get immortal. In effect - western science is literally blind to everything that makes life meaningful- namely - that which brings charge (fractally) into DNA to the point of the BLISS (see how it's measured) - that makes you sustainable (how surviving death is measured in charge coherence). Follow us as we explore how the simple physics of fractal charge deeply explains - to the point of true self empowerment - the deepest mysteries of LIFE!