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Update on Stan Meyer Technology

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As readers of this TOP Newsletter know, we have been negotiating for the Stan Meyer water-powered car, equipment, and documents. We were told last year by a representative of the present owners that we had been awarded them. We submitted a purchase agreement to the representative at the end of last year and have been waiting for approval of the document since then, so we could move forward. There was a delay getting back to us; but there has finally been some movement. We will inform you, our supporters, of these negotiations once they are complete.


Since we announced our interest in acquiring these items, several individuals have contacted us and have offered to help evaluate the status of the car, equipment and documents to determine if they are intact. These individuals all knew and worked with Stan at one time or another and they will be invaluable in helping us with this evaluation.

Why is this of concern and these offers exceedingly valuable to The Orion Project? One colleague of Stan's reported that he visited Stan's home/shop the day after he died. There was yellow tape around it as though it were a crime scene. But, since Stan did not die at home, there was an expressed concern that some of his important work and equipment were taken away. Another of his colleagues supported this contention when he told us that within a few hours of Stan's death, much of Stan's research materials were gone. Someone had removed them. This is not unlike the reports of Nikola Tesla's belongings being removed after his death.

Since no one appears to know what of Stan's technology is still there, we will take several of these individuals with us to closely examine the items. If it appears they are intact, we will study them exhaustively and replicate them. If it appears the materials are either not intact or missing, this will be a most important finding. If the new energy source that Stan produced nearly twenty years ago was plundered and suppressed, this is of major concern.

We are going to pursue this to its conclusion. If the "guts" of Stan's work are not there and no longer available, as verified by individuals intimate with his inventions, we will launch a public education program identifying the suppression. Whether we find the complete body of work to replicate his device or not, our work will not be in vain. We will either have what we need to produce and bring Stan's new energy source to the world, or we will have information to fuel a public call for an investigation into how this important work was suppressed.