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Imagine...No Electric Bills...Ever Again!

Nancy Martin

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itute by any means.  I have a garden where I grow veggies, herbs and flowers and I work as a Specialist in a Natural Health/Body Care Department in a grocery store.  There is never a dull moment in my life, as you will see here in a moment.

A little over a year ago, my husband "the techie" ran across a man who got his attention, so to speak.  A unique personality who happens to be the spokesperson for a ministry.  Now in my past experience, a ministry for the most part, reminds me of church.  You know...sermons and Sunday school.  This one isn't quite like that, although they do strongly believe in God, as they pray and meditate, they also believe that the source of their knowledge comes from God and the Heavenly Hosts.  Now you know why it's called a Ministry.  As my husband got to know Sir Timothy Thrapp and his Ministry, WITTS, he was intrigued with his inventions, so he made a donation and spoke with him.  As time goes on, and two trips to see him and his inventions, I decided to accompany my husband on his third trip.  What I saw, well, still leaves me spellbound.

WITTS, "World Improvement Through The Spirit" Ministries is over a century old, full of knowledge on how to clean up this dirty world we now find ourselves living in day after day.  Technology from Nikola Tesla and others that was once suppressed, is now allowed.  Because our dear Mother Earth is not well, we can now go forward and begin the process of cleaning up.  Something like a huge Earth Day Festival to begin making EVERYONE aware of how close we are to extinction.   Yes, I said it...extinction.  Might as well get it out there in the open.  My grandson is six years old and I certainly DO NOT want to leave this world knowing I am leaving a mess for him and his generation to clean up.  It's time to clean up our mess... don't you think?  

Imagine please, for a moment, a generator that will run all of your electrical gadgets in your home without paying an electric bill... ever!  A Sky Well that is capable of pulling thousands of gallons of water from the air every day... good, clean water for those in remote areas of the world who must travel a distance for any water.  Turning polluted or salt water into drinking water for everyone to enjoy.  I have met Sir Timothy Thrapp and have seen the ministry's technologies with my own eyes.  Folks, it is here at last!  I don't understand how it works, and you don't have to understand how it works either.  Just know that it does work.  These machines use NO FUEL, DO NOT POLLUTE, DO NOT REQUIRE WIND, SUN, OR ANY OTHER RESOURCE TO RUN.  I have seen it, and you can too.

Every one of us has an opportunity to get behind these technologies and become part of the solution to bring them to market.  Go to and learn more about these technologies and what they can do for you, your family, your neighbors, communities and the world.  We are all responsible for our own neck of the woods.  If all who read this gave a few dollars to this ministry, they could raise the ten million needed to build the factory, build the machinery and get this out where it belongs... to the people.  Sir Timothy Thrapp would ask everyone to listen to your hearts and give what you can.  Tell everyone you know about this technology.  If you tell 5 people and they tell 5 people and so on, we can carry this load together and be a part of the change we all want to see.