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On the Importance of New Technologies

Ben Dench

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In his epic book The Lucifer Principle Howard Bloom (not to be confused with Harold Bloom) explores, among other things, the history of great empires from ancient China to modern day America. The thing that causes a country to rise in the pecking order among nations is its dedication to innovation and its investment in new technologies. What causes great nations to begin declining on the world stage is that oftentimes those on the top don't seem to understand how they got there. They become complacent and let new technologies and innovations slip through their fingers. When Napoleon was taking over Europe militarily, England spent its time investing in steam and cotton processing technology. Guess who wound up on top? But the country that dominated the world by selling cotton clothes and steam engines let new technologies, that their scientists had developed, go to other countries. Germany learned how to make chemical fertilizers and out-harvested the rest of the world. Germany and America invested in developing ways to harness electricity and made a bundle doing it. America has been on top for a while, but America, too, has let new technologies that its scientists have first developed go to other countries, like Japan. The rich executives on the top figure, “Hey, we're on the top. Why mess with what works? Why spend money investing in new technologies that might not work when we could make more immediate money for ourselves just doing what we're doing?” The result of this mentality, of course, is that those who were once on top end up being surpassed by those willing to look to the future.

In a stirring speech last night, President Obama argued for the importance of investing in new technologies and better infrastructure, especially in the fields of green energy, education, and health care. And he is absolutely right. This economic crisis may be just the kick in the pants that we need to make us do something bold—invest in new technologies. Because that is the only thing that is going to save us in the long run. While each of the fields he mentioned are important for immediate reasons, green technology is probably the most important thing for us to be investing in. Because it undoubtedly is a technology that the future will need, and if we are on the cutting edge of its development we can ride that wave into a new era of prosperity.

All this being said, here are specific technologies in each of the fields mentioned that I'm keeping an eye on

Green Energ

Full Spectrum Solar Cell

The solar cells we have today suck, but new discoveries may allow us to produce cells that absorb the full spectrum of visible light and cost less to make than traffic lights. This alone could revolutionize the way we do everything

Wind: Maglev Wind Turbine and The Sky Serpent

Advances in wind technology may make it much more practical than it has ever been before

Plasma Arc

No matter what we do to power our cities, we still need clean ways to dispose of our garbage. Plasma Arcs might let us do both simultaneously

Craig Venter's CO2 Bugs

Genetically engineered, fourth-generation biofuels may be the easiest way to go green in our existing energy infrastructure


The future of education may not be in classrooms. Most kids don't like going to school. And can you blame them? As Foucault explains, our schools are set up on the same philosophical and architectural principles as prisons. They are designed to break spirits and encourage conformity, they cost a fantastic sum, and they teach kids to hate learning through loading them down with mountains of grueling work. But there may be a better way. Consider Montessori Education . These schools currently cost a lot, but they are pioneers in certain basic strategies which I think are important. While still existing in classrooms—though of a different type—these schools focus on learning through discovery and play. Children are encouraged and helped in the process of self-education, learning using things like self-correcting toys that teach basic concepts. Studies show that when children that went through Montessori elementary schools entered normal middle schools, they did as well if not better than their peers in every subject, while also showing improved social skills. Self-educating systems coupled with supportive social environments may be the key to the future of education. The One Laptop Per Child program designed affordable, hardy computers to help children anywhere in the world and under any conditions gain access to education through self-motivated play and discovery. Rosetta Stone is a computer program that teaches people a new language faster and easier than any other known method. Imagine a world where your children, instead of going to school, learn everything they need through playing video games that they love and going to play groups where they have fun. Not only will they learn more information better and faster, but they'll learn to love the process of learning and continue it effortlessly throughout life.

Medical Technology

Anti-HIV Laser

New technology may provide us with a cure-all for all viral and bacterial based diseases—that either exist currently or could possibly exist

Cancer Killer

The late John Kanzius invented a method to treat cancer without surgery or chemotherapy.


These are some of the sorts of technologies that I think we should be investing in. Please submit some of your own ideas so we can get a running list going.

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Author's Bio: Ben Dench graduated valedictorian of his class from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in the Spring of 2007 with a B.A. in philosophy (his graduation speech has five stars on youtube). He is currently enrolled in the Pebble Hill School of Sacred Ministry, where he is studying to be an interfaith minister. His interests include all forms of experiential and technique oriented spirituality, especially shamanism and the out-of-body-experience; social justice, including environmentalism and building a sustainable global community; and the study of how to live effectively and maximize human potential. He has written a book and is currently in the process of seeking publication.