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Part II - The Technology for the New Energy Paradigm

N.C. Belanger

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From: ncbelanger
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 12:46 PM
Subject: Part II - The Technology for the New Energy Paradigm -- Bold, Swift Action to Solve the Economic, Environmental and Energy

In Part I of this series, I made some extraordinary claims and comments—that we can all have a new energy paradigm take root in our world.  I said I would disprove the notion this is not feasible and present a discussion regarding the technology behind the New Energy Paradigm, that is “the Physics of New Energy.” 

Let there be no misunderstanding.  I am talking about a system where homes, business, industry and government can all have their own individual energy generating devices, using a source of free energy and therefore using no external fossil-based fuels.  This system will power typical electrical devices such as computers, refrigerators, stoves, TV’s, heating and air conditioning systems, as well as powering all modes of transportation and heavy industry.  Known as “over-unity” technology, these systems produce more output energy in usable, commercially viable power than is required to run them. Let me add that free energy technologies are not only possible, they already exist.  What’s more, we can have access to individual units in 18 to 24 months after certain funding goals have been met.  The question is not whether such systems can be viable replacements for fossil fuels.  The question is whether we have the courage to transform world society.  We need the collective will, creativity and courage to see them applied.  In other words, we must demand they be released and brought to market.  Practical applications using these technologies, developed over the past several decades, have been ignored due to their unconventional nature or have been classified and suppressed due to national security, military, and other ‘special’ interests.  It is utter nonsense, and quite probably criminal, that these technologies continue to be hidden from the world.  It is interesting to note that years ago, the former head of Lockheed Skunkworks told members of Dr. Greer’s team that “…whatever you can imagine has already been built, but it would take an act of God to release it to the public.”  When education, awareness, and discourse reach a critical level, there will be a public outcry demanding that these new energy technologies resurface, be replicated and be brought to market. 

Fortunately, we are not at the mercy of gearing up government to do this for us.  At this very moment, The Orion Project (TOP), a non-profit organization led by Dr. Steven Greer, is working very diligently to bring a free energy generator to the global general public, one that frees us from dependence on costly, limited, and polluting fossil fuels.  In a most fortuitous development, the group recently disclosed the acquisition of one such technology.  TOP will bring the brightest scientific minds on the planet together, under one roof, to collaborate in the reproduction and replication of the technology recently acquired (Hydroxy Gas Energy Systems), as well as other promising core technologies, such as Thermal Exchange motors and Pulsed Motor Generators.  They aim to then develop a consumer-friendly, non-polluting, sustainable free energy generator.  This development is indeed a milestone worthy of maximum public awareness and support.

As mentioned above, the technology involves the use of over-unity devices.  According to today’s physics, we are to believe that a device which produces more energy output than is required to run it is not possible.  This is not only debatable, it has been effectively disproven.  In order for you to understand how today’s physics was deliberately manipulated in the 1930’s, the information in The Orion Project’s October 14 Newsletter (2008) is provided here.  Do not be intimidated by the notion that anything dealing with physics is only for scientific minds.  This material is actually quite interesting and not difficult to understand, so please take the time to give it a read.  You will find it very illuminating to learn how over-unity technology can and does operate.

Precursor Engineering—The Physics of New Energy   In The Orion Project’s Oct 14, 2008 newsletter, found at, retired Col. Thomas Bearden described some of the physics mechanisms that will allow the extraction of energy from the vacuum.  He, he wrote an easy-to-read briefing entitled “Precursor Engineering and the Falsification of Modern Physics” which describes some history of energy physics and why energy science is at a stalemate today. It makes for very interesting reading and provides a clue as to why our energy sector is in such a mess and how we may get out of the dilemma. Below are a few of the far-reaching ideas and scientific references Bearden presents to get you intrigued. Please see the original article to understand more fully the implications of what he is telling us.

He suggests that nothing less than “directly engineering physical reality at will” is possible using the physicist Paul Dirac's concept of “local vacuum tickling.”  How might this happen?  Well, in the classical concept of the “probabilities” vacuum, there are positive energy/positive probabilities of ever-higher energy interactions that ultimately result in the creation of every “observable” in the universe. Basically, the observable universe is “continually being created and ‘happening' at an incredible rate” by these positive energy/positive probabilities.

Now, what if there is a way to produce some sort of negative energy/negative probabilities

(negative E)?

Dirac describes the removal of the negative energy from physics: “One gets over the difficulty on the classical theory by arbitrarily excluding those solutions that have a negative E. One cannot do this in the quantum theory, since in general a perturbation will cause transitions from states with E positive to states with E negative." [Dirac, Proc. of the Royal Society A, Vol. 117, p. 610]. Here he suggests that tiny perturbations will produce negative energy in the affected region of the vacuum. In other words, tiny-energy sharp-gradient pulses will add “negative probabilities” into a specific region so that highest “positive probabilities” that create and hold together a physical structure start to “unhappen.”

For example, if the correct sharp-gradient pulse were applied to water, the OH-bond positive-probability that holds water together would start to “unhappen” and the water molecules would just come apart as their OH bonds start to vanish statistically.

As readers of The Orion Project materials may quickly realize, this suggests a powerful tool in the breaking apart of water to produce a combustible mixture of H and O or hydroxy (Brown's) gas. This is what might have been done by Stan Meyer, Dr. John Kanzius (Kanzius' watergas process,) and other researchers, who used various pulsed electromagnetic energies to break apart water. They probably did this without an understanding of this potential mechanism. This mechanism of negative energy “unhappening”, as Bearden describes it, can also be used in the “unhappening” of some diseases, another area of present research.

Finally, it is interesting to note that the concepts of “negative energy occur in the Schrödinger equation and in Dirac's relativistic electron theory, and so there it is in the very foundations of physics.” Yet during the 1930's some physicists, afraid of the implications of this negative energy, removed as much of this knowledge as possible from classical physics.  As noted by Hotson, "I think if one had to point to a single place where science went profoundly and permanently off the track, it would be 1934 and the emasculation of Dirac's equation." [D. L. Hotson, "Dirac's Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy," Part I, New Energy, Issue 43, 2002, pp. 1-20. Quote is from p. 1.]

Bearden calls the application of these processes “precursor engineering, since one is directly engineering the ongoing creative bubble-set of an observable entity, by not only "happening" the statistical processes involved in it but also by selectively "unhappening" the entire set or selected parts of it.”

The ultimate application of such technology will allow “humankind to enter into the “final physics” and allow direct engineering of physical reality itself,” hopefully for the overall betterment of mankind.  At least as a start, those at The Orion Project and others can use some of these concepts to change our energy paradigm. 

"Precursor Engineering and the Falsification of Modern Physics" was written by Thomas E. Bearden, Lt. Col., USA (Ret.), Ph.D., nuclear engineer, CEO of CTEC, Inc., Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists, and Fellow Emeritus of the Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study.  The article is Copyrighted.  It was released to Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder of the Orion Project, with permission. Col. Bearden’s website is 

In my next installment, I will discuss just what we can do to bring this technology to the consciousness of the world, thereby ensuring its reaching market and affordable by most of us.  Look for it in “Part III of III – How to Bring New Energy Technology to the World Community.”

Until then, keep this in mind—“All is Thine in 2009.”

Norbert C. Belanger

Lt. Col., USAF (Ret.)

12 Woodburn St

Keene, NH 03431 
