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UFO Technology 2

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To understand UFO technology, you have to understand abstractly a combination of puzzle pieces including forces & pseudo-forces, the various physics constants including c, speed of light; h, Planck’s constant; G, gravitational constant of the Universe space-time itself, and the nature of space-time itself.

What are the operational parameters of space-time? Every volume of space/space-time must enforce the laws of physics such as Newton’s Laws, Maxwell’s equations, Schrodinger's Equations, etc.

There are other relationships. If our universe was a computer simulation, and I’m not saying it is, then space would be defined with x, y and z coordinates, and then the laws that govern objects within that space would be defined separately. There would be rules of how these objects would move within the defined space, and other rules of how they interact when they come into contact. If the programmer forgot to write interaction rules, then two objects might pass right through each other without ever affecting each other. Furthermore, “time” would be governed by the internal clock and by the rate at which instructions were executed. If you were walking around in this world, you might see a can lying in the grass. Maybe you kick the can. You might have to wait while the processor discovers that input and executes the subroutine. After a moment, the can you kicked would go hurtling through the air.

But our universe works differently. It doesn’t work like a simulation because everything in the universe including stars, planets, people, atoms and subatomic particles obey a set of laws and relationships; they obey simultaneously and instantaneously. It’s as if each particle, each interaction has its own computer processor which executes all factors instantaneously. But more than that, even if there are an infinite number of factors involved, somehow, everything is accounted for instantaneously.

When I look at the physics, I’m struck by the “assumed” nature of the space-time that particle interactions occur within. String theorists do allude to branes as things that pin down the vibrating springs, the way guitar strings are screwed down. But space, and the laws of physics themselves are assumed as background infrastructure already in place. So here is what I propose.

Figure 1: This is space/space-time.

Space/Space-TimeIf the Creator took a bucket filled with superstrings and dumped it into the nothingness, it would create space and time. The superstrings themselves are self-organizing and will form the flat empty space that we see, and will configure; or can be configured to, a particular set of physics. Like droplets of water in cooking oil, there can be regions of space-time whose laws of physics are configured differently. In fact, there can be localized regions whose laws of physics are the same but for the boundary processes that separate them.

Figure 2: Space-Time tethered to higher dimensional d-branes.

SuperstringsWe might imagine looking at the bucket and finding these superstrings. Superstrings make of everything in the physical universe. Superstrings are infinite in number. Superstrings are identical in the way that Swiss Army knives are identical. Superstrings have an unknown number of possible states and ways to manifest. In fact, strings can manifest as things other than strings. Superstrings can exist as higher dimensional membranes. Strings can even exist as the unseen building blocks of space itself.

Superstrings interact with each other. They can self interact as well. They can span light years in length, and are the basic elements of black holes. They have discrete energy states and they are bound by conservation laws. They can change their state, their nature, even their shape, but will always obey their transmutation laws.

Time itself is not an absolute clock, but comes out of the rate at which superstrings evolve in time and transmute and interact with one another. Strings dance with each other, at their own rate and in doing so, manifest time itself.

Transformation LawsThe chemical expression of CH4 + O2 + energy à CO2 + H2O (water vapor) is a transmutation expression. But to manipulate time and space, to create warp fields and jump through light years to other planetary systems, one must utilize the various transmutation rules.

For example, to escape the space-time speed of light restriction, one must contract and expand space itself at a fast enough rate. Consider a disk below. In front of the disk, space is “depleted” out of it. Along the sides, there are space-time layers that slide across each other. And in front, space is filled in. The idea is to maintain inertia and the absence of forces while you’re doing this.

The superstrings that manifest the    (Note:  the words ended abruptly)

Monday, February 2, 2009

UFO Physics - Getting Started

For the last few days, Jan 31, 2009 I had asked the Aliens for help and inspiration to understand the warp drive, UFO technology, or whatever it takes to get a starship weighing thousands of tons off of the earth’s surface, launched into space, and to far surpass the speed of light. On January 31st, I saw an alien in my minds eye. It was one of the “Grays” with the big black eyes. Interestingly enough, the image was in black and white; for this reason, the experience was distinctive because I don’t visualize or have “psychic” experiences in black/white. They’re always in color. But the alien entity, who I will call Professor Grey, appeared that way.

I asked Professor Grey if he would teach me UFO physics. The impression I got back was that UFO physics was far, far beyond my ability to comprehend. As a side note, I do have a B.S. in physics. I got the impression that it was like a first grade student asking a college physics professor to explain quantum mechanics. There is just too much that must be learned first. None the less, I asked Professor Grey to use metaphors.

The first concept that came to me was the following thought experiment. Imagine a merry-go-round or a disk that can spin. In Earth physics, when the merry-go-round or disk begins to spin, objects, people, etc on the disk will experience centripetal forces. In fact, the centripetal force is F = I ω where I = ½ mr2 and w is the angular momentum in radians per second. But if the disk is a UFO that is spinning, nobody on the disk/UFO will experience centripetal forces. Consider an outer rim of the disk, a circle of radius R. There is a mathematical relationship that can be calculated using this circle to compare Earth physics with UFO physics.

The second impression I got was a sphere that can spin along angles θ and φ. A comparison between these laws of physics would express a relationship between Earth and UFO physics involving spherical coordinates.

The next image I saw was a cube of space with a UFO inside of it. The cube, simply a visual aid, was starting, stopping and translating in space. The idea was to describe the translational physics using Earth physics, where starting and stopping produce forces and jerks, and UFO physics where the occupants on board do not experience acceleration or jerks. The next step is to derive a relationship between the two kinds of physics.

Starship Technology

There are two different technologies that are required to lift and move heavy space vessels; first, the ability to generate/store huge amounts of energy and second, the techniques used to generate large scale pseudo forces. Earth physics has studied four forces in great detail; gravity, E&M, strong and weak forces. Whatever unknown forces beyond these four that are used in UFO physics, I will simply call pseudo forces to avoid any accidental disagreements with established Earth physics.

Within the starship, there must be artificial gravity that it homogenous and constant; not doing so could result in loss of balance, disorientation and even nausea for its travelers. While the technical details are not yet clear, it will suffice to speak of two parallel plates, like two DVDs stacked that sandwich between them the travelers and living space. These we can call Gravitation Plates. The radius of the plates, rdisk ,is many times larger than the separation between the plates. Similar to a capacitor whose electric field is confined between the plates, but not outside them, so the gravitational field is confined between the Gravitation Plates.

The starship is designed upon this configuration. Wherever else equipment is positioned, the Gravitation Plates represent the available living, working biosphere. This Encapsulation Disk must be protected from radiation, unexpected force disturbances and any other environmental conditions hostile to life. As shown in the figure below, there are pass through sections built into the Gravitation disk so that the Gravitation plates are not physically isolated.

There are two types of starship maneuvering. There is Newtonian/Einstein motion, and Warp/space manipulation. In Newton-Einstein motion, the starship exerts forces on its environment to hover and move. But in Warp-space manipulation, space itself is redirected. On real UFO’s, both are used which gives the effect of changing directions instantaneously and right angle shifts. But the definitions of the different kinds of movement are useful for learning.

Warp Drive

It is impossible for object to move through space at speeds faster than light, even for UFO’s. Just getting to the speed of light requires such an enormous amount of energy that this Newton-Einstein motion is just not practical. But there are no velocity restrictions on manipulating space itself. Think of a jet engine. Air is sucked in the front and expelled from the back. It is the equipment build around the Encapsulation Disk that create the effect of a jet engine; only it’s not air that passes through the starship, it is space itself. At interstellar speeds, the starship takes on a Ring configuration. Since the space that passed through the ring can become distorted, molecular objects like rocks, asteroids, metal debris have to be repulsed out of the way. If not, those objects that pass through the ring can be ripped apart at the atomic level. This is a massive drain on the engine and power supply. Cosmic rays and dust can pass through with very little drain on the engine. The repulsion fields have to be shaped like an arrow which redirects objects out of the path. In addition to the warp velocity, there is Newton-Einstein velocity as well of about a few thousand miles an hour. In a way, it’s like a submarine moving through the ocean water at 50 knots, but the ocean itself is being ejected from a fire hose at 300 knots; metaphors themselves start to become awkward to use. The warp drive uses principles very similar to Cosmic Inflation. But don’t worry about causing any Big Bangs along the way. It is simply impossible to distort space-time that way. To distort space-time to that extent would require a black hole three parsecs wide.