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Golan Heights

Miroslav Provod

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Miroslav Provod" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:44 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Golan Heights

Golan Heights that spread over 1250 square kilometers are an important spring region that supplies 4 states with water. The great presence of static electricity in this region can be deduced from the high number of megalithic structures. A local circular structure of diameter of 159 meters is composed of five concentric circles that are laid out by freely laying stones that all weigh 37 000 tons in total. The heaviest single stones that were used weight about 20 tons. Around this structure there is further 8 500 dolmens and menhirs, the heaviest weighing 50 tons and they are up to 7 meters in height.

Golan Heights may be thought of as a natural laboratory, which can provide us with historical information, in view of research. The static electricity that is almost unknown to present science was crucial for all megalithic structures that were built around the Earth. The new knowledge about properties of static electricity that I describe at <> provides more in depth information via continuing research about the mysteries of construction of megalithic structures with combination of different types of rocks, for example Stonehenge, Machu Picchu and many others.

The megalithic structures had all the same function. They accumulated static electricity in their matter, which they gained from various sources. At Golan Heights the sources are mainly underground springs, which provide the megaliths with the static electricity charge


The "electronics of human body" takes the static electricity from cellular membranes in order to maintain functionality of all organs. The static electricity is continuously supplied by mitochondria. It can be proved by various experiments that the charge of human body can be filled by other means as well " by staying close to greater source of static electricity, which spontaneously gives the energy to cellular membranes. The transfer of energy is rather slow. In case of transfer between a rock and a human body it takes tens of minutes. This shows that the megalithic structures and later also sacral structures were built mainly for health purposes.

Golan Heights are a great hint, which needs greater research to be done. By this I mean gathering of statistical data about all the megaliths in this region, mainly from which types of rocks the individual dolmens were built and their chemical composition. The great ratio of dolmens to the population hints that the reason for building them wasn't only filling the bodily energy. It may be deduced from the combination of rocks at many of the structures that it mattered through which part of the rock the static electricity went. It's probable that it was influenced by chemical properties of the rock, which it transferred to the cellular membranes of human body. If the combination of different types of rocks is proved by the dolmens it would logically point out that the reason for building them was curing of various bodily anomalies.

Big groups of megaliths aren't only at Golan Heights but at various places around the Earth. Further statistical data from other regions would make more believable knowledge not only about history but also about static electricity. From the economic point of view the "re-discovered" energy may bring great motivation to people in many fields.

January 2009-01-06

Miroslav Provod