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I. The Israeli Air Defenses chief announces that Israel can defend itself against ALL of the ballistic missile threats it faces in the entire Middle East!

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This is true -- but only because Israel has Scalar Weaponry in her arsenal!

The pathetic U.S. Patriot System and the Israeli Arrow system of hitting missiles with missiles is woefully inadequate. Thank goodness Israel is not depending upon them for its air defense!

NEWS BRIEF: "'We can defend against Iranian Shihabs', The Jerusalem Post, August 6, 2008

"A month after Iran test-fired its long-range Shihab missile, commander of the IAF Air Defense Forces Brig.-Gen. Daniel Milo said Tuesday that Israel has an effective response to all of the ballistic missile threats it faces in the Middle East."

The most important word in this statement by the Israeli Brigadier General is the word "all". By this word, General Milo is communicating to the world that Israel can neutralize 'ALL' ballistic missiles which might be aimed at the tiny state of Israel.

Obviously, General Milo cannot be speaking of the American Patriot Missile System or the Israeli Arrow System; both of these defensive weapons systems are a ballistic missile hitting another ballistic missile in flight. While some critics have rightly compared this defensive network to a bullet hitting another bullet in the air, the difficulty of successfully shooting down incoming ballistic missiles gets a whole lot more difficult when you realize that modern ballistic missiles can swerve in their flight pattern so as to evade the defensive missile.

While the Patriot and the Arrow missile batteries can probably stop a few incoming missiles, they would be totally ineffective in stopping the vast majority of missiles which an enemy like Iran could launch. So, what kind of defensive scheme could General Milo have in mind when he states that the IAF could defend against 'all' the ballistic missile threats in the entire Middle East.

The answer is simple: Israel fields the most effective Scalar Electromagnetic Systems in the world, equal to that of Russia's system. Israel can use her Tesla Dome, created by Scalar Waves, to erect a 100% effective shield against all incoming objects: Missiles, planes, and even birds!

At this point, let us show you what a Tesla Dome is, how it works, and why it is so important to have one on today's modern battlefield. You will discover that no fleet should sail if its scientists cannot deploy an effective Tesla Dome; no army should march and no air force should deploy without this Dome.

As you can see from the information below the diagram, this is a depiction of a test the Russians ran in 1986, over Atlanta, Georgia, for a time period not specified. Let us pick up the detailed explanation from Colonel Beardon:

"On 12 November 1986, the Soviets even placed a giant 'dummy shield' (practice) over Atlanta, Georgia. If the shield had been real and not just practice, any aircraft and missiles flying into it would have been instantly exploded and destroyed. That mode -- 'bottling up' a strategic weapons area -- is useful to nullify an entire strategic ICBM launch complex or a large bomber base, etc. It can also 'bottle up' a large carrier task force at sea, including the aircraft and the Tomahawk missiles, the shells from the naval guns, etc. With a real shield, aircraft or missiles flying into it (from inside or from outside) explode and are destroyed." ["Oblivion: America At The Brink", p. 175]

This Tesla Dome is absolutely the most powerful weaponry of which I have ever heard! It can stop every flying thing from entering the Dome. If Israel erects a Tesla Dome over her territory, no missile and no plane can enter the protected area.

I have always believed that this Tesla Dome is the reason why Israel has allowed Hizbullah to build up an offensive missile threat of over 40,000! If Israel deploys a Tesla Shield over her tiny country, it does not matter how many missiles Hizbullah, or Hamas, or Iran possesses.

"All" their missiles will be neutralized. We thank Israeli General Milo for making this fact quite plain!