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Current Update from Karl W. B. Schwarz

Karl W. B. Schwarz

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I apologize for my long absence from the fight, but I have been involved in a colossal fight in the EU that will literally affect the future of mankind on this planet. 
Someday I will tell the entire story of how the US and their thugs and minions do unspeakably sleazy things to get their way. 
Hungary was going to get it all and made a major commitment in July, August and September 2005.  Between October 2005 to February 2006, they rolled over to US pressures to block me and our nanotechnology project.  I was even invited back to Hungary to finalize, spend a lot of money to jump through their hoops, with no intentions whatsoever of doing what they committed to do. 
Their current government will be reading about their actions on the front pages of two Hungarian newspapers very soon.  There are more riots in the streets expected here when that news breaks. 
That was while George Herbert Walker III was ambassador to Hungary and is a Bush cousin.  After he was run out of Hungary on a rail due to a sleazy deal he promoted in Hungary, Bush put his ex-girlfriend April Hoxie Foley here to continue to make sure Hungary complied with US demands to block me and my project.  That is the same Foley family that has been part of the Bush sleaze in Iraq with her at the World Bank #2 position and her brother in law the privatization czar of Iraq assets, Tom Foley of Connecticut .  Cushy financing for insiders and that $53 billion figure you are hearing about in the US is a drop in the bucket compared to the World Bank and OPEC deals they have done off the books. 
They lost Iraq , Afghanistan and even here in their efforts to block us. 
We have seven nations aligned with us and have cut off all ties regarding putting any of this in Hungary , the US or Canada .  Even Canada rolled over to US demands and US desires to be the dominant nanotechnology kings of the world.   
They lost that battle before they ever started it too, just like Afghanistan , Iraq and their GWOT. 
The link goes to a major article that has just broken in Russia about me, our nanotechnology company and the direction we are headed.  Many nations want to join in but I only have so many hours in a day to address them at this time.  Seven nations are already on our team and that list will grow in coming months. 
The article is available at this link in both Russian and English. (Interview and Russian supplemental are attached to this e-mail in PDF File Format) *Current Russian site for more information:
Nanotechnology can either be the end of mankind or our next logical step up the ladder as a species.  I choose the latter but there are some in the US who intend to use this science to dominate the world in many ways, including militarily.  They see it as the next great game of American hegemony to keep the rest of the world on its knees kissing unworthy US asses in our government and corporate circles. 
We all have a choice to make.  Are we going to remain a failed species or will be very soon be known as ET to other worlds? 
Are we worthy of taking the next step or will be sit idly by and let the greed and war merchants screw up yet another opportunity for mankind? 
Those are not small questions. 
Hope you enjoy the article.  If you wish to get a copy of the magazine in Russian, those instructions are available at the link on Jeff Renseʼs website. 
Best regards, and back to my foxhole to finish this battle. 

Karl Schwarz

On Nanotechnology


Reprinted with permission of Sverkhnovaya Realnost (SuperNew Reality) magazine, Moscow, Russia.


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