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By way of explanation of the most common observable and proven effects of the Nanotech LIGHTOWERit is necessary to gain some understanding of the basic principles of ionic balance.

This plays a vitally important role as the driving force in numerous applications of the Nanotech LIGHTOWER™ …and its widely recognized and documented success in improving many areas and environments on Earth. This is especially noticeable in areas most affected by manmade pollution and the accompanying degradation of eco and bio systems, which are heavily dependent on the availability of oxygen.




Nanotech LIGHTOWERtechnology is squarely based upon fundamental rules of nature and ground breaking experiments, harmonic mathematics and the body of knowledge accumulated by Noel Orchard since the 1960s. This culminated in actual products being formulated, manufactured and tested by Noel and his research team on an ongoing basis from 1989 to the present time, to combat oxygen depletion and bio-stress. These factors are always present in degraded environments and are both readily measurable and effectively resolved by installing Nanotech LIGHTOWERproducts of appropriate capacity in proportion to the type of pollution and area involved.

It has been proven repeatedly that ION balance is necessary for the efficient oxygen uptake i.e. oxygen saturation in blood, sap and water for all living things.


Nanotech products have been exhaustively tested, perfected and evolved with the aid of vastly improved measuring technologies actively sourced by Noel and his supporters globally resulting in three models of the Nanotech LIGHTOWER. Each one is ‘application specific’ with the same basic properties, and a capacity and range of influence on various environments according to its specialized frequency range.




AUSTRALIA has been the main testing ground for experiments with ionic balance AND oxygenation…generated by the selective treatment of chosen areas for experimental purposes using the Nanotech LIGHTOWER-X10. This is the largest Model, used for treating extremely large bodies of water and atmospheric pollution by manmade frequencies i.e. radio and microwave signals, radar, tv, military and the entire spectrum of communication frequencies, including x-rays and magnetic waves.

When properly installed the Nanotech LIGHTOWER-X10acts as a photon transceiver, restructuring photons and thereby allowing them to couple with all derivatives of manmade electrical and communication frequencies described above. This has an immediate effect of creating perfect ION BALANCE in these frequencies and causes significant bio-stress reduction in all living things within the field of the installation. These profound changes are observable, and totally measurable with quality medical and/or technical instrumentation.

Nature responds favourably and consistently with strong survival instinct to any environmental improvement or change, within a very short period of time and some of the most remarkable and widely recognized benefits of the Nanotech LIGHTOWER – X10and Nanotech LIGHTOWERare demonstrated by the following events.






1). Eels spawning in the Coomera River on the Gold Coast within 14 months of it being declared as ‘dead’ based on all biological markers, by Greenpeace, Gecko Environmental Group, Landcare, the Queensland Govt. Lands Department, Gold Coast City Council and various university student groups monitoring local environments. This, eel spawn was so prolific that a bridge was closed for five days as millions of baby ‘glass eels’ made their way upstream. On this journey, they provided food for hundreds of catfish, tortoises, yabbies (native freshwater crayfish) and a myriad of aquatic creatures.

Stephen Demeter (a world renowned river expert and US based colleague of David Suzuki) and Noel Orchard walked the local river precinct together with experts, and all agreed that the Nanotech LIGHTOWER – X10was responsible for the effect since nothing else could explain the resurgence of life…given the well documented lack of living things and invertebrates over an extended period of time. Demeter declared the river the healthiest he had ever seen in his career, in any area inhabited by humans.

The product installation and predicted effects were witnessed and documented by sceptical representatives from the organisations mentioned, who declared that restoration of the eco system would normally take a minimum of ten years, many millions of dollars and a sustained effort by all concerned with no guarantee of success. Significantly, NO such eel spawn had ever been recorded in the history of the river, which spans over 120 years of settlement, on the scale witnessed in 1999.

2) Killer Whales in Eden Harbour on the South coast of New South Wales deserted their haven after a large radio transmitter was installed in 1930 and did not return until 2004, after the area was treated with a Nanotech LIGHTOWER .

3) Indian Ocean Whales did not return to the Indian Ocean after their traditional migration. They preferred to stay in the Nanotech LIGHTOWER field in the Pacific Ocean. Researchers recorded previously unheard ‘whale songs’ which were eventually confirmed as ‘joyful songs’. These songs were only recorded in the field created in the Pacific Ocean.

4) Record sizes and numbers of marine and freshwater species have been reported and recorded against all predictions by experts, especially on the Gold Coast and North Queensland. Record breaking yellow fin tuna have been caught off the Australian east coast and the largest ever black marlin was recently landed off Townsville in North Queensland. The Brisbane River and Moreton Bay have been declared as A1 aquatic habitats, despite having been targeted as polluted and degraded four years ago, with little hope of recovery with a decade of hard work by volunteers, law changes and a huge budget.

5) Eagles and other raptors are now nesting and breeding prolifically in local powerlines and phone towers, raising thriving chicks. Trees are growing at five times the normal rate and the entire eco system is responding to the ongoing benefits of increased oxygenation and ionic balance delivered by the Nanotech LIGHTOWER .

6) Bluefin tuna have never been bigger in the Southern Ocean. Prior to the last two years, the largest bluefin tuna caught was around 37 kgs. During the past 2 years, there have been bluefins landed weighing in at 121 kgs, 125 kgs and more.

7) Humpback and Right whales are visiting Australian ports and sites in unprecedented numbers and ‘out of normal visiting’ season, as featured in the Sydney Daily Telegraph (Nov. 13, 2007 – P. 11) and Sydney Harbour had its first whale visit for 99 years in 1999, one year after thirteen Nanotech LIGHTOWER installations were completed.

Almost all common types of air and water pollution can be mitigated and counteracted by the introduction of these products, contributing immeasurably to enviro-care and sustainability. Less effective strategies are often uneconomical cost wise, and offer slow, cumbersome and unsatisfactory ‘pollution swapping’ modalities which are often favoured by vested interest groups. Nanotech products have no downside…just simple, measurable and satisfying treatments which are totally sustainable and non polluting. Start using the Nanotech LIGHTOWER . now!
