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Pyramid Energy (Updated May 8, 2008)

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----- Original Message -----
From: Anonymous
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 2:46 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

* pyramids produce/collect/store/whatever proton torsion. (due to the angles of the triangles, and the energy storage nature of the cone-shape.)

 * this proton torsion, is produced by all atoms. but produced the most by copper and bismuth (they store their magnetic fields in their protons).

 * proton torsion is life energy, and has been said to cure disease. proton torsion has a direct connection to the higher densities.

 * electron torsion is death energy.  it is the normal electricity, found in our walls.  electron torsion kills people. as well as other living things.

* proton torsion can be turned into electricity, by 2 wire coils, hooked together in series. one coil positioned 90 degree\'s from the other coil.

* this electricity is mostly voltage. but some of this excess voltage, and be converted into amperage, by a step down transformer.

 * If you stand in a giant pyramid, you are partially standing in 4D. (or whichever density is above the one you are in now)

 * if you stand inside a space filled with electron torsion, you are partially standing in 2D (one step closer to true hell).

 * you may also get DC electricity, from sticking a piece of copper (positive) and a piece of iron (negative) into a cup of elmers school glue. (the more metal, the more amperage. voltage stays the same).

I have been using this method to power an LED light, for several months. without the slightest flicker in its voltage level.

(UPDATED by Anonymous May 8, 2008)

"pyramids BURN greys!"

* the proton torsion produced by pyramids, burns/irritates greys and other low frequency beings. (insects and other predatory creatures do not like to be inside pyramids, and will move away from them)

* protons spin clockwise. this clockwise spin is of life. it is also of the higher densities (joy and love).

* electrons spin counter-clockwise. this counter-clockwise spin is of death. it is also of the lower densities (fear!).

* the aura is an electromagnetic field of the body, produced by nerve cells. this aura is directly involved in any kind of \"spiritial activity\". as well as activities which most people might call \"magic\". for lack of a more scientific term.

* emotions are electromagnetic. emotions \"happen\" inside a persons aura. the emotions in one persons aura may even radiate out, to enter another persons aura. such as one person feeling another persons anger.

* since emotions are electromagnetic, they can transfer over a phone. or even over the internet.

* the government is well aware of this fact. and for decades has literally transmitted nastier emotions into tghe population, through transmitter towers. such as anger, fear, lust, sadness, or sheer spitefullness. this transmission, is why you cannot go much of anywhere, without a phone line or electrical outlet around you. bombarding you with low frequency energy.

* the aura of a pleiadian/sirian/andromedan/whatever, spins clockwise. which is why they radiate positive emotions.

* the aura of a grey/reptilian, spins counter clockwise. which is why people find themselves in mortal terror, when a grey is near them.

* their counter-clockwise spinning aura, is why greys cannot stand to be around clockwise spinning proton torsion. the proton torsion is in direct conflict, with their very aura!

* a copper wire bent at a 45 degree angle, produces proton torsion. but a wire bent into a circle, also produced proton torsion. (the ends are NOT touching). because some parts of this copper circle, are at 45 degree\'s from the other.

* the above copper circle, is called a lakhovsky coil. doctor lakhovsky used this coil, and what ammounts to a tesla coil, to cure people of cancer.