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 Science, Technology & Alternative Energy

Site Name: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

Site Description: The science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is the science and philosophy of Love. Etheric Force responds to Love, it is Light and Love or Mind Force, engineered to move our machinery as it moves us. SVP combines the work and research of Keely, Russell, Reich, Tesla and many others into a comprehensive working paradigm.

Category: Freedom, Science, Philosophy

Site Name:  Welcome to

Site Description:  Discover the Latest in Technology and Health Products, along with ground breaking freedom education for you and your family.  Products available and Information and services offered.  Among articles for education is the Missing 13th Amendment.

Category:  Alternative Technology Products and Freedom Education

Site Name:  Tom Beardon's site

Site Description:  As an advanced scientist, Mr. Beardon has written many stimulating articles on a wide range of topics that can be found in the back issue of Explore! magazine.  See for more information. The time mystery of 1965.  The Truth Campaign, World's most revolutionary radionics device, plus other topics.

Category:  Science and Technology

Site Name:  Star*Net Internet: Star*School Technological University of New Mexico, USA

Site Description:  An on-line Resources Directory and WebSite for the establishment of a Physical Campus.They have a Hi-Tech, extensive data base of many high technologies "ready to implement" when the timing is right;  The first class of PhD's graduated in 2000 AD.  Headed by General Paul LeBreton.  He is a Five Star Ashtar Commander and moderator of Ashtar Space Command Communications List.  Star Net is a new global science, education and engineering network with an on-line resources directory.  General LeBreton's prime directive is to assist Earth's residents in their Ascension.

Category:  Science and Technological

Site Name:  Psitronics Group Systems International

Site Description:   Dr. Paul LeBreton, scientist, engineer and entrepreneur working closely with government and industry to develop & market his Self-Sustaining "Free-Energy" Permanent Magnet Motor. This motor can power automobiles without any need for fuel or electric battery, and an alternator to furnish "free" electricity wherever electrical power is needed.

Category:  Free Energy

Site Name:  Life at the Cell and Below Cell Level

Site Description:  This book is the hidden history of a fundamental revolution in biology. Discover missing big ideas in biology.  The 9th through 12th grade biology textbooks in our educational system fail to convey "big ideas.  It means that entire generations of Americans might not be adequately educated in fundamental biology.  Buy this book online.

Category:  Science & Technology

Site Name:  British Broadcasting News//Science and Industry

Site Description:  Science and nature news from the BBC.  Has top science/nature stories.

Category:  Science/Nature News

Site Name:  Alternative Technology Library

Site Description:  A library of alternative technology, "alternative" meaning providing an alternative to the existing methods and use of today's technology.  Areas covered are:  energy, health,wealth, social and I. T. Systems.

Category:  Science and Technology

Site Name:  Magnetic Energy

Site Description:   This website provides free education and information about magnetic devices and principles.  This technology is the product of many years of research and revelations and they firmly believe this information is true.  These units are examples of what can be developed when people co-create with the Creator Force within them. ---Magnetic water Purifier, Magnetic Water Pump, Magnogen Engine, and much more. Also, this website shows and discusses the Mini-Romag Unit (free energy device) invented by Jean-Louis Naudin.  Go to to view this free energy generator and get further information.

Category:  Science and Technology

Site Name:  Worldview Technical Partners

Site Description:  Worldview Technical Partners is a venture capital firm focused on building leading U.S. technology companies and helping them expand into lucrative global markets.  Some services they encompass are  telecom equipment, services, internet, semi-conductors and software.

Category:  Science & Technology

Site Name:  Space Energy Access Systems,Inc.

Site Description:  Steven M. Greer, M.D. is the President and CEO of this company.  They are dedicated to revealing the significant breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion that have occurred over the past 75 years, but have been suppressed or seized by The US Department of Defense, CIA, NSA, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Energy and others.

Category:  Free energy

Site Name:  The MEG Scalar Energy Device Patented-Production Starts Next Year

Site Description:  One of the menus on  The Motionless Magnetic Generator, free energy device by J. Naudin.  Patented 3/02, available in one year.  For picture and information on this device, go to

Category:  Free energy.

Site Name: Earth Rising - The Revolution

Site Description: Mr. Nick Begich's website. Author of the book about HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) Angels Don't Play This HAARP. He presents the dangers of HAARP, along with how new technologies impact on society and our environment, and their impact on freedom human dignity, sovereign individuality and self-determination. Quote: "These new technologies attack the very essence of who we are - they attack the very foundation of our being by wounding the human spirit.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Site Description: HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes. Operates in the HF frequency range. To observe the physical processes that occur in an "excited" limited area of the ionosphere. They use satellite beacons, telescopic observation of the aurora and study the ozone layer.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Secret of Nature-- Unification Theory& Perpetual Universe

Site Description: Site of John Paily. This site presents a new foundation to science that can answer all the developments in science at the same time brings up the Unification Theory and Explains the reality of Nature. The Theory unifies life and matter and thus brings about the Grand Unification of Scientific and Religious Knowledge. In the interest of humankind and the whole, This site is a humble but open challenge to all the temples of science Specially that of U.S.A. and U. K.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Scalar Wars

Site Description: Bill Morgan has put together a primer of Col. Tom Bearden's ideas, as a "beginner's guide" to his website, Cheniere. One will see the revision of their ideas about physical reality, the world we live in, and the future of humanity.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Anchor Stone--Wyatt Archaeological Discoveries

Site Description: In 1977 Ron Wyatt went to Turkey to pursue an interest in ancient history. He discovered some of the most sought after Biblical archaeological treasures of all time. Before his death in 1999, he discovered such as the real Mt. Sinai (Saudi Arabia) the Crucifixion site, etc. This website contains all the material and newsletters he released during his lifetime.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Environmental Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Site Description: The EM Radiation Task force, is comprised of professional and lay people, knowledgeable and concerned about the unregulated , exponential proliferation of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation -EMR- which we see as a threat to every species and to the global environment. We hope that by consolidating some of the vast body of evidence showing numerous adverse bioeffects caused by unnatural EMR, that the Foundation could see its way clear to collaborate with the Task force to help bring about the changes in

this regard that will be required for planetary survival.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Flash! A Study Of Electromagnetic Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation Weapons!

Site Description: Website of Lt. Col. Tom Bearden. Flash radar is the largest radar anomaly archive website on the net. Over 1500 pages. A very important read for those who have questions about what electromagnetic/radio frequency/microwave weapons can do and is being done. Information about Soviet weather engineering over North America.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Electromagnetic Radiation Weapons: As Powerful AS The Atomic Bomb

Site Description: Fifty years of an East/West scientific controversy reveals a still classified cold war secret; non-thermal EMR weapon effects are the basis for massive East/West mind control projects. The 1989 Breakup of the Soviet Union leads to US admission of classified mind control technology and exposes massive Russian mind control arsenal US government takes extreme measures to keep this powerful weapon under wraps; refuse to acknowledge alleged weapon testing on US citizens, while Russian government admits to mind control weapons and experiment victims take their case to the Russian government, the Duma and Soviet press. After fifty years, the truth is now out: Control of your mind is a military capability. What follows are the supporting facts from several independent and reputable mainstream publications and experts. As a result, the horrific human rights abuses of illegal and classified experiments in the US and Russia continuing to this day are becoming public knowledge.

Category: Science & Technology.

Site Name: DNA And Cellular Changes; "DNA Upgrades"

Site Description: Dr. Berrenda Fox provides evidence of DNA and cellular changes in this article by Patricia Resch. Dr. Fox is the holistic practitioner of the Avalon Wellness Center in Mt. Shasta, California. THe Avalon Clinic represents the re-emergence of the ideal of healing as practiced on the original Isle of Avalon. Dr. Fox has proven through blood tests that some people have actually developed new strands of DNA

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Holographic Brain

Site Description: This is about a theory of how the brain works, derived from physiology and the known laws of physics and chemistry. Amongst other things, it deals with the possible relationship between the mind and quantum theory and electromagnetic fields. It also gives a summary of the philosophical side of the theory of relativity in order to determine its relevance to the problem. There is also a section which speculates on further ideas for either testing the theories presented or for carrying them further.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: The latest HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) Information

Site Description: This site is NOT from the governmental viewpoint rather, information gathered about this system and how it is affecting Earth and her inhabitants. Articles include: Background of the HAARP Project, Vandalism in the Sky; Ground Based Star Wars; Biohazards of Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF), Star Wars, Star Trek, and Killing Politely; Terrorists In the News; It's Not Only Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. Also, the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP is available.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Segway Human Transporter

Site Description: This "menu" from features the Segway Human Transporter. The world's first dynamically stabilized, self-balancing human transporter. Forward and backward maneuvering, navigates most walkable areas, emissions free, powered by rechargeable NiMH battery packs. Click below for more information:

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Solar System Simulator

Site Description: Solar System Simulator. Put in data of: target; date and time; field of view; option (planet orbits, constellation lines, etc.) View the picture.

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: Future Horizons

Site Description: Advanced Technology, Hoverboards, Lightsabers, Jetpacks, Science Projects, Electronics Kits, Lasers, Tesla Coils, High Voltage Engineering, Plans, Books Parts, Kits., Alternative Fuels. Free monthly newsletter.

Category: Science and Technology.

Site Name: Space Power Generator

Site Description: Paramahamsa Tewarihas made a breakthrough in a method of electrical power generation. He has been granted an Indian Patent (Application number 397/Bom/94) for an increased efficiency homopolar generator. This device is described by the theoretical papers in this web site as a Space Power Generator. Experiments conducted during the last 10 years have indicated that his Space Power Generator (SPG) is operating at over-unity efficiency. Many researchers have performed experiments with these devices, also called homopolar generators or unipolar dynamos. The devices usually consist of a rotating magnetic disk called a Faraday homopolar generator in which electrical current is passed from the center of the disk to its edge.

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: The Science Of The Metrics Of The Aether

Site Description: The central focus of this website is to present, in electronic format, the experimental and theoretical foundations of the new science of Aetherometry, or the Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS). The core of this presentation is a series of monographs by Paulo and Alexandra Correa, which unfold the aetherometric work of the Aurora Biophysics Research Institute (ABRI). We also present some of the earlier monographs of the Correas pertaining to their work at the Labofex Experimental and Applied Plasma Physics Laboratory centered around the phenomenon of the autogenously pulsed abnormal glow discharge (PAGD), as well as other related documents.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Alpha Foundation Institute For Advanced Study

Site Description: Site of Myron Evans, former prof. at the U. of NC. Was dismissed as he spoke the Truth about the history of science, as for all history. He has Lectures on the B (eO) field, author of The Enigmatic Photon, Modern Nonlinear Optics, Wiley Newsletter. and many other articles on the truth of the history of science. He has suffered greatly because of his stance on bringing the true history of science (physics).

Category: Science and Technology.

Site Name: The Millennium Group

Site Descrioption: The Millennium Group is organized to create an unbiased outlet for scientific research and critical thinking. Their goal is Truth, however they do acknowledge the difficulties in attaining such a lofty destination. They respect tradition only as much as it assists them in their quest and does not hinder the journey toward their chosen goal. They believe that the right to curiosity and the knowledge it produces cannot be compromised by personal agendas or secret combinations. They stand for team work, honesty, integrity, critical review, and pure democratic convention. They place value in the information itself, not in the acclamations given to the source of such information. Finally, they believe in the power of open honest communication. Very Interesting photographs of UFO's in our skies, the "Armada of Tarnish".

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: The Mass-Implantation of Neuraradios 1985- 1997

Site Description: How thousands of people have had their brain implanted with a neuroradio. The Neuroradio is an illegal "non'-lethal mind-control weapon implanted in one's brain therough either endoscopic pituitary surgery (for minimally invasive brain surgery see University of Pittsburgh)or by 2. by injection needle through soft tissue to close approximity of hypothalamus. Educate yourself about what has happened to many people. Read how to protect yourself and to act against such control. The Finish Governemtn peopjle speak out about their own mind control radio implants inside their brain cavity.

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: ERI: Center for Earthquake Research and Information

Site Description: Helicorder Images for Mid-America. These images are not true sesmograms and shouldnot be used as such. Click on CERI and check the images.[]

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: USGS Live Internet Seismic Server

Site Descriptoin: These data update automatically every 30 minutes. Charts from all over the world. Check this out! The charts are off the maps.

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: SOHO - Exploring the Sun

Site Description: The SOHO (Solar & Heliospheric Observatory) project is being carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a cooperative effort between the two agencies in the framework of the Solar Terrestrial Science Program (STSP) comprising SOHO and CLUSTER, and the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP), with Geotail (ISAS-Japan), Wind, and Polar. SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995. The SOHO spacecraft was built in Europe by an industry team led by Matra, and instruments were provided by European and American scientists. There are nine European Principal Investigators (PI's) and three American ones.

Category: Science, Technology & Alternative Energy

Site Name: Astronomy Picture of the Day

Site Description: Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

Category: Science, Technology & Alternative Energy

Site Name: Time Star Earth - A Time Traveler's View

Site Description: Nataive America's first calendar encoded by ancient astronauts and interpreted with modern crop circles. Realizing that war aginst Nature could not be won, a band of scientists in the ancient civilzation of Atlantis dedicated themselves to developing Nature's power for peaceful evolution. These scientists rose above the ward of Atlantis as Time Travelers to return with a message of peace with the Earth. Check out

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: The Best of Hubble Cenaurus A Gau

Site Description: Pictures taken in space from Hubble, Monocerotis Star, Swirling Clouds of Hydrogen;, Cluster of Supernovas, Spiral Galaxy NB, Eta Carinae, Glowing Gas clouds, Whirlpool Galaxy M51,and others.

Category: Science, Technology

Site Name: Space News

Site Description: This is a branded multimedia company focused on capturing the value of people's fascination with space, science and technological innovation across consumer, professional, and education markets. Many articles on space. Recent articles: China's First Man in Space Going 'Public; Tech Today: Widescreen Wonder; Congress Wants NASA To Explain Decision-Making Process; SOHO's Greatest Hits: Vote for Your Favorite Sun Image' New Station Crew Was Launched Despite Safety Warnings' Can Aliens Find Us?; Strong Solar Storm Could Buffet Earth Friday;Special Report: Fixing NASA; More News Headlines;

See for the latest "dark spot" seen on Jupiter.

Category: Science, Technology

Site Name: Current World Seismicity

Site Description: Current world seismicity, updated frequently. Map of world with quakes in color code and as to most recent, magnitude and depth. Also ShakeMaps, Seismogram displays, Past and historical earthquakes, activity in the last 8-30 days, large/significant earthquakes this year, posters, fast moment tensor solutions, current earthquake maps and more. Very informative.

Category: Science, Technology

Site Name: X49 'Electra'Scramjet Specifications (Electra Antigravity-ship)

Site Description: Quote: "Whoa! We finally have the very first draft (and, again, very) preliminary ElectroAerodynamic design specifications of the X49 ScramJet StratoLiner -- henceforward named the X49 Electra? X49 Exxelerator? ElectroSlider? ElectroJet? [Send us your name ideas!!] And also regarding the Earth's 1st 'Electroshell', 'Ionoshell' -- Electrogravitic Aeroshell design, name and illustrations!

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: The University OF Science And Philosophy

Site Description: Works of Walter Russell and his wife, Lao Russell. An open university for integral learning and transformational study in universal law, natural science, and living philosophy. Walter Russell was a musician, painter, sculptor, architectural designer, philosopher, and natural scientist. In 1926, Walter Russell published The Universal One, his first book of Russell Cosmogony, sending out copies to over five hundred leading world scientists. The many diagrams in that book included these Russell Charts of the Elements, in which he predicted the position of elements that were missing in the Mendeleef Chart, including the radioactive elements. His diagrams are some of the many that the drew depicting the two-way, radiative-generative nature of our "thought-wave" universe. Russell's cosmogony included Creative Cause as the Source of the motion creating the visible universe, thus providing, in 1921, the holistic interweaving of "science and consciousness" which is sought by pioneer scientists and philosophers today. This menu is on Light:

Category: Science, Technology and Alternative Energy

Site Name: Natural Plus Plus Co. How to go Organic and Beyond!

Site Description: Site founded and run by Winston W. J. Kao. He has become a pioneer in the agriculture field. In the application of his knowledge, he has been able to increase healthy soil microbial activity; create good soil structure; developed a workable technology to rehabilitate soil structure and produce highly nutritional food, far in excess of current organic nutritional standards.Some of the interesting topics Winston writes about here on this site include: alkaline water, acid water, acid condition, water conditioning, Carefree water conditioners, ORP (oxidation reduction potential), degenerative diseases, diabetes, organic farming, nutrition, health, G.E. (genetic engineering), GMO (genetically modified organisms), soil microorganisms, soil based microorganisms, Brix and refractometers. Check out his article on medical grade water alkalizers.

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: The Best of Hubble

Site Description: Hubble's mission will end in 2010. Four years later it will re-enter the atmosphere and burn up. Although it will be replaced with the James Webb Space Telescope in 2011, many astronomers are calling for Hubble to be refurbished and its mission extended to 2020. Here this link presents some of its best pictures.

Category: Science and Technology

Site Name: Creative Science and Research

Site Description: Free Energy Motors and Generators & Free Energy Technology! The Fuel less Engine; The Fuel less Heater; Run Your Car On Water; The Air Engine; Free Energy Catalog; Learn how to build your own fuel cells, and free energy motors, generators. This company offers plans.

Category: Science > Technology > Energy > Hydrogen > Fuel Cell


Site Description: Information on HAARP, GWen, Alleged torpedoes into the Sun, EM Technology, Free Energy, Space WEaponry / Star Wars. Informative site.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: The Visible Earth

Site Description: NASA's Visible Earth site is to provide a consistently updated, central point of access to the superset of NASA's Earth science-related images, animations, and data visualizations. These images are considered to be public domain and, as such, are freely available to the interested public-at-large, the media, scientists, and educators for re-use and/or re-publication. Credit and caption information is already provided in the metadata for all the materials within the Visible Earth. At the very minimum, credit must be given to NASA for use of these materials.

Category: Science & Technology

Site Name: Volcano Live

Site Description: Volcano eruption news, the most up to date volcano news on the web. Latest news is at . Eruptions are listed, mapped, dated. Site run by John Seach. John Seach is one of the world's leading volcanologists and adventure speakers. Over the past 15 years John has travelled to some of the world's most exciting volcanoes, and witnessed eruptions during trips to more than 60 volcanoes. John's work has been featured on two Discovery Channel documentaries (Danger Zone and Eruption). John can bring to your event a thrilling, motivating, and unique collection of experiences. John is located on the east coast of Australia and is available worldwide for speaking engagements.

Category: Science, Technology and Alternative Energy.

Site Name: The Millennium Group

Site Description: The search for truth in science, in the service of humanity. Articles on Boanerges; Shechinah-The Feathered Serpents (about Comets);Cosmology now and before; Nephilum Anakim, Zamzummims; Ra-Sol; Mars; Secret Science-Enslaving The Masses; and Seasons of the Earth.

Category: Science, Technology and Alternative Energy.

Site Names: Space Weather - Science News and Information about the Sun-Earth Environment.

Site Description: Information on space waether and current conditons: solar wind, xray solar flares, daily sun, the far side of the sun, sunspots, solar blasts, aurora watch, near earth asteroids, and much more. They have essential web-linds they work with. Editor's Note: "This side is sponsored by Science@NASA. Space weather and other forecasts that appear here are formulated by Dr. Tony Phillips. THey are not guarantees of space weather or other celestial activity.

Category: Science, Technology, and Alternative Energy

Site Names: Worldwide Earthquake Activity In The Last Seven Days

Site Description: Location and information, maps on current earthquakes worldwide. Detailed information on each quake; shake Maps, seismogram displays, past and historical earthquakes, and much more.

Category: Science, Technology, and Alternative Energy

Site Name: Genesis World Energy

Site Description: "Our Mission--The Genesis Project was created to quickly develop a viable, abundant, low cost and totally environmentally-friendly source of energy, capable of immediately eliminating the world's dependence on oil, gasoline, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy at minimal cost, minimal conversion effort and without requiring people, businesses or industries to change the way they use energy. The Genesis Project resulted in a landmark technological breakthrough that allows hydrogen and oxygen gas to be inexpensively created from ordinary water. The amount of water consumed to generate hydrogen and oxygen gases from this process are negligible, there are no harmful emissions or waste created, and the only byproduct is ultra clean moisture."

Category: Science, Technology, and Alternative Energy.

Site Name: Super Volcano In Yellowstone National Park

Site Description: Information on the super volcano located in Yellowstone Park. The term "supervolcano" has no specifically defined scientific meaning. It is used to refer to volcanoes that have generated EArth's largest volcanic eruptions. The next eruption of this volcano is long overdue and could be 2,500 times the size of the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption. This site has diagrams, maps and pictures. Good information.

Category: Science, Technology and Alternative Energy

Site Name: Free Energy

Site Description: "This website is owned by Clear Tech, Inc. We are a small, privately held company on the cutting edge of free energy research. Our commitment to you is that all of the information on this site is scientifically proven and accurate. In spite of the fact that these technologies are unconventional and currently not available on the commercial market, they represent one of the most powerful influences for change the world has ever seen. We believe a number of these free energy technologies are approaching viability and a future you may never have imagined is about to appear on the world scene! The problem is that when huge changes in technology happen rapidly, they can be very disruptive to society. We hope to help smooth this transition."

Category: Science, Technology & Alternative Energy

Site Name: Centre For Implosion Research

Site Description: Welcome to the homepage of the Centre for Implosion Research. Since 1997 we have been involved in subtle energy and water research, following largely the ideas of Viktor Schauberger. This has resulted in the development of a unique range of products, which are manufactured by us in-house and despatched all over the world. According to customer testimonials and independent scientific reports, our products… Improve the taste and quality of water, food and beverages; Increase the vitality in water, food and beverages; Increase the freshness and shelf life of food; Increase the user’s vitality; Speed up the healing process; Relieve pain; Protect from electromagnetic pollution, incl. mobile phone and computer radiation; Enhance the subtle energetic environment in buildings; and Increase soil fertility.

Cateogry: Science, Technology & Alternative Energy

Site Name: "Veeder and LD" (Names of two primates)

Site Description: Information on Anthropology, which includes general resources, pysical, cultural, linguistics, journals and online news, museums and archaeology on this subject; Non-human primates, Zoo links, ,Tadpole's Tip, Pachyderm Links. One menu on this site is This has information on World Views, Search and Reference, Online Journals, Ecletic Information, Legends and Celebrities, The Others, and Martial Arts. A wealth of information on this site for the interested reader.

Category: Science

Site Name: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

Site Description: Last 8 to 30 dyas of Earthquake Activity from the QED, world-wide. Lists of earthquakes, date, time, latitude, longitude, depth, magnitude and region. Excellent information.

Category: Science, Technology

Site Name: An Atlas of The Universe

Site Description: This web page is designed to give everyone an idea of what our universe actually looks like. There are nine main maps on this web page, each one approximately ten times the scale of the previous one. The first map shows the nearest stars and then the other maps slowly expand out until we have reached the scale of the entire visible universe.

Category: Science, Technology & Alternative Energy

Site Name: Global Consciousness Project

Site Description: The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) is an international effort involving researchers from several institutions and countries, designed to explore whether the construct of interconnected consciousness can be scientifically validated through objective measurement. The project builds on excellent experiments conducted over the past 35 years at a number of laboratories, demonstrating that human consciousness interacts with random event generators (REGs), apparently "causing" them to produce non-random patterns. (In other words the Mass Consciousness of many people together can cause an event to happen).

Category: Science, Technology & Alternative Energy

Site Name: Yellowsonte Supervolcano Getting ready To Blow Its Cork

Site Description: The latest news on the supervolcano at Yellowstone with diagrams, maps, and extensive information. "Its worse than we are being told". This site is up-dated on a daily basis. One needs to check this site out.

Category: Science, Technology and Alternative Energy