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Convert Your Car to BURN WATER as well as Gasoline - to Double Your Mileage!

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This is a Do-It-Yourself, affordable and SIMPLE technology.
Water is supplemental to gasoline - I have doubled fuel economy in my Toyota Corolla 99 shown below (61.13 MPG). Now half the energy comes from water!


SIMPLE to install/remove: the solution you've been looking for!

Boost performance while preventing smog.

We even have for you a dozen blueprints for 100% water cars.

You'll discover how to generate free energy in your car.

Here you will find testimonials of happy customers.

You will find out how it works and get your questions answered:


<<< Showing my  WATER HYBRID  in Los Angeles!

 * Time: every SATURDAY 12:00--13:00 PM.

 * Corner of Alcove/Bloomfield, Los Angeles, CA.

 * Map and Driving Directions CLICK HERE


Discover IRS refunds owed to you by law for using green technology in your vehicle!

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 More affordable than any other technology that uses water to run a car - and in the next 10 minutes you will discover exactly HOW this is possible.

Is It Possible to Run My Car on Water?

Again, water is supplemental to gasoline. However it is possible and VERY EASY to extract energy from water to run your car on water too.

I have a water-to-energy converters running in my cars since 2006. YOU CAN TOO. I'm about to tell you about a SIMPLE technology you can have right now, called Water4Gas. It's one of the most PRACTICAL free-energy devices, marked by extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness.

We have developed devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery, to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also called Brown's Gas or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and provides TONS of energy - while the end product is just WATER! Mobile Magazine says HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water.

DID YOU KNOW: Pound for pound HHO GAS IS 3 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN GASOLINE!!! HHO is a fast growing trend for boosting performance and MPG.

  • We took a 90-year-old suppressed technology,
  • You will discover how affordable yet very effective these devices are.
  • You have our permission to replicate all of our devices - for fun or profit!
  • Easy to install & maintain.
  • Good for carb/fuel injection, gas/diesel. Old/new cars, light trucks.



    You can! But how? Miracles? No, no, no. You generate free energy by ENHANCING the EFFICIENCY of your poorly designed engine!!! Your engine uses 20% of the energy stored in that expensive gasoline - and WASTES 80% for heat, pollution (unburned fuel!) and vibration. Reducing waste with our technology = "free energy" for you! Read on.

    The Time Has Come For This Technology

    Everybody's talking about the power of Hydrogen. What they don't tell you is that Hydrogen cars with their pressurized hydrogen, and hydrogen gas stations - are a BIG safety hazard.

    It gets worse: hydrogen factories pollute the environment and spoil the ecological advantage of hydrogen cars.

    The solution Water4Gas provides you with is called "Hydrogen-On-Demand" - you produce Hydrogen when you need it. No storage tanks!!! Far better for the environment; perfectly safe for you and your passengers.

    Water Is The Fuel of The Future!

    Price of US Addiction

    to Foreign Oil:


    The movie below shows a broad agreement that water is the solution to our energy problems and also that petrol dependency of the US is a national security hazard!

    Project Energy Movie

    We offer a cost effective, immediate solution to the "energy crisis" and pollution - right now. Something YOU can do NOW, using water. Water4Gas technology provides you with a great ENTRY-LEVEL solution you can install in a few minutes without engine modifications, you start driving, and the next thing you know - you start thinking: "Hey, something CAN be done about it!"

    I don't expect you to believe in 100% watercars. You see, your belief level has to rise step by step. Free energy is hard to believe until it's actually happening under your own hood. Until you see it in your energy bills. In April 2006 I was skeptic too. So start with this first easy step. 

    We open the door for you - Welcome to FREE ENERGY!

    Why You Need This Technology Today

    What Water4Gas Will Do For You:


    When I was a child, my father was always telling me how impossible it was to get energy out of nothing. He was right - it's impossible to get it out of nothing - but the scientists "forgot" to tell him that water is not "nothing"WATER IS A VERY POWERFUL FUEL. All you need is the right "match" to ignite it and BANG! 

    Wait a minute! If you're thinking now "if water - when converted to gas - is explosive, isn't it dangerous?" NO, IT IS NOT DANGEROUS, due to several factors that you will see in a minute. I've been driving with it every day for over a year and have 100's of other drivers using Water4Gas technology in very hot and very cold climates - it is totally SAFE and if it wasn't safe Water4Gas would be out of business before the end of the day. The way we release water energy is very safe and it will be ignited only by the strong spark inside your engine!

    Water4Gas HHO Device VERY LITTLE WATER is needed...

    1 quart/1 Litre of water (see photo) may last for MONTHS of driving. How come? That's because this small device forces each Gallon of water to expand into gigantic proportions: 1833 Gallons of combustible gas!!!

    Here's the best-kept secret the energy lords have been keeping from you about Hydrogen-On-Demand:


    According to extensive road tests in the USA and Canada, Australia, Europe and now in Asia, Water4Gas technology can produce the following results for your vehicle, gasoline or diesel:

    • Possibly double your mileage: Our road tests have achieved 50% increase on a heavy 350 V8 van, 56% on a Ford truck, 107% on a Toyota car. Imagine slashing your energy bills left and right!


    • Clean up emissions that damage your health and the health of your family. When burned, the "Brown's Gas" we produce turns right back into water! No harmful chemicals are emitted from this system. Since your engine would take LESS gasoline and BURN IT MORE COMPLETELY, the overall effect is dramatic reduction in harmful emissions. You'll be able to smell the difference.


    • Greatly enhance engine power and performance.


    • Remove carbon deposits and prevent future carbon build up.


    • Reduce engine temperature - protect your environment and your engine.


    • You will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine & gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine.


    • Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine, especially pistons, valves, rings and bearings.


    • Pride and satisfaction: I enjoy being a leader and advisor on gas economy. You too will feel a great deal of pride and satisfaction by sharing your newly acquired knowledge with your friends, family, neighbors, community/church members and co-workers. So many drivers and truck/fleet owners struggle, when they don't have to! Once the word comes out they will come to YOU for advice.


    • It's up to you if you want to turn your new knowledge and experience into an income source. You can! If you are a volunteer or a minister and work for the community, you can share your knowledge as part of your service. In today's crazy gasoline prices, I believe this simple technology is more valuable than free food.


    What Water4Gas Will Do For Your Environment:

    World CO2 since 1750 (cubic feet)
    • We must turn this clock backwards! Eliminate harmful exhaust emission that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming.


    • Reduce petroleum demand and our economical dependability. Water is available everywhere and we need little of it.


    • Reduce engine operating temperatures - also helps to prevent global warming.


    • Your clean-burning fuel will add only water and oxygen into the atmosphere instead of polluting it.