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The Great Plan – and the Darkside’s Last Attempts Part 9 -11

Peter Farley with Sue Ann Mikrut

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--Pastor Martin Niemoeller (German Protestant Theologian)

It has always seemed like too big a conspiracy, too intricate a Great Plan, to be real—but it is. Like I have tried to tell people for the past dozen years, there is only one conspiracy—the New World Order. How deep does the rabbit hole go? As can be seen in my 9 volume series on the history of the New World Order, it goes into the control of every aspect of our lives, from control of our physical bodies even to the environment and the water we drink; even into the areas of life we thought might have some kind of immunity from control such as organized crime.

The other key factor to implementing the Great Plan of the New World Order has been the darkside's control of Time and their ability to control the future. Why have so many people throughout history slaved so hard to set up an agenda that would only reap rewards for a time and date so far down the road that they, in one lifetime, could not even contemplate? The answer lies in the manipulation and control of both Time and the reincarnational cycle, which, in effect, are one and the same thing.

Because of its importance to a fuller understanding of how we and our history have been manipulated for the purposes of this Great Plan, we need to take a quick look at how this has been done through `false science' and the possession by certain groups of ancient mystical knowledge of exactly how Creation works. Remember as you read this section that it was the scientists and technologists who took over control of Atlantis in its later stages and caused its eventual decline. It is these same scientists and technologists, along with others, back in human form, who now control Mankind's destiny through the manipulation of Creation and its processes.

How does one make a time machine? Kryon here helps explain the basics of how this works and some of the associated phenomena relating to spacecraft and how they travel, both through space as well as through time:

"Gravity is an absolute product of the attributes of mass and time, one of which you may change. (Time is a co-efficient in anti-gravity spaceships). Gravity is related to time. The entire issue of gravity, mass and time is nonlinear.

"Density is the key to actual measured mass. Most of the Universe is made of elements that support simple size/density ratios. It's when scientist find the objects that don't behave this certain way that they are mystified. Remember this: Your observations are restricted to your own time frame.

"Magnetics and electricity play a critical part in the determination of the real attributes of mass, and the magnetic variables that determine the mass product, are often working within very small particles to create the density of an object and also its time frame! It is the small-particle mechanics which actually determine the mass attributes of an object and therefore the gravity and time frame surrounding the object. (Thus the microcosm truly does create the macrocosm, just as the individual cells of our body make up the body as a whole, and also the time-frame in which it exists). Can you imagine an object with zero density—no matter what the size? Very little in the universe exists in this condition, but it can be artificially created, simply using the density mechanics of what determines an object's actual mass.

"While you are pondering it, also consider negative mass, negative energy, and gravity that is reversed!

"Experimenting with a magnetic field's lines of influence running at right angles to another electric field will bring you gratification in your search to alter the mass of an object. These are the mechanics to actually temporarily change small particle polarity behavior, which translates to density, the lack of it, or its reverse (negative density). Be cautious, for you will also be creating a small time displacement, which can be dangerous to you physically until you understand how objects in altered time displacements correctly interact (one of the difficulties associated with the Philadelphia Experiment).

"Do not make any assumptions about the shape of the interacting magnetic and electric fields, or what the medium should be to carry the polarity properties in such a system. Remember, however, that gas and liquid metals can also be used effectively to carry a charge. Do not be surprised if water under pressure also plays an important part in this system.

"A true massless object no longer obeys the laws of your time frame physics. Wild starts and stops, speed and turns are all well within the realm of a massless object, since it creates its own energy influence. Because of the very slight time displacement, it tends to change the number of electrons within the atoms directly in contact with it. This is a clue on how to detect a massless object, even if you can't see it. This should also now explain the magnetic anomalies around the UFO experiences that you have documented (many UFOs on film appear `blurry' or fuzzy' because of this associated time differential between the UFO and other things around it in our time)."

"Gravitational anomalies of Earth can create havoc with a system such as this, and this is why sometimes the vehicles crash (such as in Roswell after the nuclear testing had upset the Earth's magnetic grid system in that area).

"Much of the technical advancement in this field will be to apply very high and low density attributes to smaller and smaller amounts of matter, and it is the understanding of small particle polarity and behavior that is the key to all of this."

One of the best sources on the cover-up of scientific knowledge is The Suppression of Vital Data in Physics by Byron Weeks. Weeks describes how the public is continually manipulated and our evolution and progress substantially restricted by the suppression, destruction, and/or alteration of significant, important information.

He refers in particular to an alteration of Maxwell's equations which resulted from Maxwell's extensive research into electro-magnetism. These alterations drastically affected the entire course of "mainstream" science and physics forever afterward, notably in the information made available to scientists and physicists of the time such as Einstein, as well as the subsequent conceptual framework which Einstein arrived at. To cut to the chase, the missing link which would provide the key to the unified field theory was deliberately cut out of Maxwell's equations by a rather sinister group of scientists before Maxwell's work was presented to the scientific community and the world. Of course his original work and all the implications thereof were and are now known to the covert world government, as are the resultant advanced sciences and applications of this knowledge to very high technology.

This technology is all being implemented in the furtherance of unquestionably Dark agendas and goals related to the Great Plan itself; with consequences which are most certainly destructive to nearly every significant aspect of human life here on the planet and even beyond. In Val Valerian's view, this is, in part, due to ". . .a general state of mind which has no understanding of, respect for, and connection with nature and the earth with its multitude of life forms; a state of mind which is the product of our current dehumanized, mechanistic and massively mind controlled (through every available means) existence at the hands of the worldwide covert government and its super hi-tech arsenal of mind-manipulating technologies."

Part 10

The work of Wilhelm Reich simply hints at the wealth of unshared information about the free energy available to all of us, especially with regard to what he called "orgone" energy - some characteristics of which are "electromagnetic" in nature but outside of the commonly understood "EM" frame of reference. Both Weeks' work and Valerian's observations confirm what Kryon has suggested and make it obvious that anti-gravity machines and time machines are very probable if not definitely possible. From Weeks' book:

"For thousands of years, many discoveries have been suppressed from the populations of the planet in order to keep them in bondage. The burning of the libraries of Alexandria is one example of how information can be suppressed. Another example would be the common technique of suppression of scientific information by alteration of the information itself.

"Perhaps the most blatant and far reaching alteration of data was the alteration of Maxwell's equations. James Clerk Maxwell was a mathematical genius who lived in the late l9th century. His original work, which is available to covert scientific departments in the government, had the potential to radically alter the entire course of our civilization.

"It is certainly clear to most of you by now that the human population can be easily manipulated by electronic means using various methods developed through the military-industrial complex. What may not be clear to you is that many of the EM effects can be initiated from outside of what is normally seen as the electromagnetic spectrum. Just as a magnetic field in a wire is at right angles to the current flow, other fields and waveforms exist that are an integral part of the electromagnetic spectrum, yet exist at a certain number of right- angle rotations (orthogonal rotations) away from the electromagnetic field components we are normally accustomed to. If these hyper-spatial components, which are not subject to the usual electromagnetic constraints of time and space, are generated and manipulated, they can in turn generate EM effects that have the capability to influence human biology and consciousness. "

Weeks goes on to take a brief look at how and by whom the equations of Maxwell were changed "in order to make subsequent open scientific development that would have influenced civilization in a positive way impossible."

The following section by Valdamar Valerian, from his book Matrix III, Volume One, contains further information about the massive deception and manipulation of scientific concepts which so extensively impacts our view of "reality" in this present day materialistic culture:

"In late 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his epic material on electromagnetic waves. His material dealt not only with electrical and magnetic waves, but also the relativistic/ethereal psychoactive component of these waves (representing electromagnetics of the second order and above). The equations also included transformations that enabled the change from inertial frames of reference to non-inertial frames of reference. Maxwell's original equations were written in Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at that time before Vector Analysis was introduced by Oliver Heaviside. Today's generalized equivalent of Quaternions is Tensors.

"In short, Maxwell's original work gave the necessary information for gravitational propulsion and psychoactive devices. Someone somewhere recognized this, for shortly after his death, the mathematician Oliver Heaviside, the chemist Willard Gibbs, and physicist Heinrich Hertz decided to "edit" or "interpret" Maxwell's famous equations which were, in the original form, the foundations of electromagnetics and Unified Field Theory (UFT). This "unholy trio", especially Heaviside, disregarded the Quaternions or Scalar components of Maxwell's original equations, because they represented potentials and not fields. He thought potentials were akin to "mysticism", because "everybody knows" that fields contain mass, and mass cannot be created from apparently nothing, which is what potentials are, both literally and mathematically; they are an accumulation or reservoir of energy. Furthermore, not only did they throw away the gravitational component with the Quaternion/Scalar, but also postulated that gravitation and electromagnetisms were mutually exclusive, not interdependent. That was the death blow to subsequent efforts by scientists to realize a functioning unified field theory. Because of this one act, electromagnetism was reduced from its original five dimensions to only four: X, Y, Z, and time. The element of G was removed.

"Because of this deliberate act, twenty-two other errors exist today in electromagnetic theory. The very concepts of force, mass and charge are ill-defined, and the so-called "static" electrical charge has been discovered by Quantum mechanics not to be static at all, but to move rotationally by virtue of the quantum mechanical spin. Finally, adding insult to injury, the so-called "imaginary components" of Maxwell's original equations as well as the mutilated version of the equations have also been discarded or ignored. With this last error, the door to hyper-spatial domains was forever closed, for the present mathematics and physics of electromagnetic theory do not allow for hyper-spatial domains (domains outside of three dimensions), superluminal signals (signals that exceed the speed of light or are infinite in speed), and a unified field theory.

"The edited version of Maxwell's work, which every physicist and engineer has had to contend with, discards electro-gravitation, and avoids the unification of gravitation and electromagnetics. It also prevents the direct engineering of gravitation, space-time, time flow rates, free energy devices, and quantum changes, which is viewed by the altered equations that are vector-based as only a statistical change. The quaternion approach captures the ability to utilize electromagnetics and produce local curvature of space-time. Heaviside wrote a subset of Maxwell's equations where this capability is excluded.

"Dr. Henry Monteith has independently discovered that Maxwell's original quaternion theory was a unified field theory. Einstein assumed, because he only had access to the altered equations, that curving space-time could only be achieved by the weak gravitational force due to mass, that the local frame would always be a Lorentz frame, which would mean that all operations would be constrained to "conservation laws of physics".

"In the 1960's the Hertz (Hz) replaced Cycles Per Second. Since, then everyone thinks that all electromagnetic waves are hertzian. Only the upper portion of the spectrum before Infrared contains Hertzian waves. ELF and ULF are not; waves in biosystems and natural phenomena are not Hertzian in nature."

Part 11

Why do we continue to tolerate this manipulation and control over every aspect of our lives? Why do the media and the school system supposed to educate and inform us, people who are supposed to debate these ideas, surrender to their suppression? It is because we have lost our true history, and because of the grooves and patterns that have been dug in our minds and those of our forebears for untold millennia. Its simple, as Christof says in The Truman Show when asked when asked why Truman doesn't `wake up' to his situation of his controlled matrix, he replies, "We accept the reality of the world as presented."

Those of us who have chosen to live at this time are the forerunners of almost a new species. It is human, yet we are or will be at the same time actually manifesting heaven on Earth. We are receiving extra help from masters and extraterrestrials, angelic beings, and learning to go more inward for our answers because we are so used to the lies and propaganda when seeking outside ourselves. The more we are able to go in and listen to that still quiet voice within us, the more we will be in tune with the changes that are occurring around us, and free of this Great Plan of ultimate control. As one writer puts it, "These INUTTERABLE CRIMES have been committed in the ludicrous notion that MAN HAS DOMINION OVER ANYTHING. . . So I ran the gamut of feelings from sad to mad to sobs of pure pain."

In Volume 4 of my multi-volume work, Where Were You before The tree of Life?, the Spiritual Hierarchy calls Freemasonry one of the two darkest forces on the planet –being the political arm behind the New World Order's Great Plan. The other darkest force they name as the Mormon Church—that which has now usurped the place of the old Catholic Church in order to make itself the religious arm carrying the power of the old Luciferian New World Order.

Researcher and former Army counterintelligence officer Paul A. Fisher, in his meticulously documented work, Behind the Lodge Door: Church State and Freemasonry in America, says one Masonic journal claimed in 1948 that between ten and twenty percent of the U.S. "adult thinking population come directly within the circle of Masonic influence. Imagine what that figure could be now.

"Masonry, like other secret societies, advocates a "religion," which is sometimes termed Illuminism. This is merely a polite name for Luciferianism. Again, this is not to be confused with the Illuminati of the eighteenth century. Those who follow Illuminism are known as Illuminists or Luciferians. Illuminism differs substantially from Satanism. General Albert S. Pike said in his "Instructions" to the twenty-three Supreme Councils of World Masonry in 1889, "The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine."

"In 1889 Pike simultaneously occupied the positions of Grand Master of the central Directory of Washington, D.C. (the head of D. C. Masonry), Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston (head of American Masonry), and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry (head of world Masonry).