"The New Technology" - Better World Alternatives
In 1996, Dennis Lee did a private show for the u.S. government. He invited 1,400 federal government employees. His letter to them stated that he needed to discuss with the Congress the fact that he had technologies that were so advanced that if he brought them out it could collapse the economy.
The entire Congress signed up to see the show on March 5, 1996.
In a discussion with Senator Wellstone, then head of the Energy Committee for the Congress, Mr. Lee asked the Congress to deregulate the electric utilities, and gave them until July of that year to do it. There was no threat intended, just a friendly warning. The utilities were deregulated on the 19th of July in that same year of 1996... coincidence?
Later that year, Mr. Lee ended a national tour and did public demonstrations of unique technologies in a stadium for ten thousand people. Mr. Lee saw the deregulation, enacted by Congress, as a gesture of good will, and cancelled his plans to just bring his technologies out in full force, which he believes could do major damage to the infrastructure of this country, and, possibly make it vulnerable.
One technology Dennis could have legally sold to homeowners would send the power sent to them by the electric company back to the electric company after using it to power the home. The electric company would have to pay homeowners for the power they had actually generated when the meter ran backwards. How long could the supplier stay in business selling no power and buying half of the power they produced back? Dennis had no interest in using that technology to hurt America, and was delighted when the Congress did the right thing. In an attempt to work with the current electric distribution system to supply them green energy, he began work on his second prototype generator(s)
Dennis Lee had first attempted to revolutionize power production in America in 1988, when he built his first free electricity prototype. But, no good deed will go unpunished. After a fierce battle and a year spent in jail on a million dollar bail awaiting a trial, he ended up proving to a judge that his expert witnesses had been threatened by law enforcement not to testify and that he could, indeed, make free electricity. All criminal charges were dismissed by that judge and he was set free with no bail.
But it wasn't over, because Mr. Lee refused to stop his quest to end the fossil fuels nightmare. He was then falsely imprisoned without a trial, or a conviction. In fact, the US Supreme Court was involved in a history making letter they wrote ordering California State to object to a petition long after they even had the right to. This has only been done once in US history (to Mr. Lee.) The US Supreme Court endorsed his false imprisonment.
Because of these betrayals by the judicial system, Mr. Lee didn't trust the government in 1996, after having been virtually kidnapped by California and put in prison for two years with no due process of Law. No media source was willing to tell any part of the story. It was as if Mr. Lee didn't exist and the event never happened.
Rising from those ashes Mr. Lee had rebuilt for a second run at it. A less serious man would have quit the first time. Mr. Lee resolved, that in the spirit of patriotism, he would try to work with the deregulation. He knew he was still in for a battle with the self interest groups in the energy field. He prepared to build a portable power wagon that could put out millions of watts of electricity on wheels. He was preparing to save the day in 1999 with the possible Y2K fiasco. The plan at that time was to put big Power Wagons on the substations where they were needed and assist the electric companies in delivering power, to eventually supply most, if not all, of the electricity to electric companies in America. A certain amount of abuse from arrogant electric companies was going to go with the territory.
Upon attempting to set up the possible answer to helping electric companies avoid power failures during the Y2K, Mr. Lee went on tour and was greeted by Attorney General actions to stop his activities. In fact, he withdrew from that plan without a fight.
Mr. Lee knows that harassment would not have happened without the consent of the powers that be, and most likely was happening at the behest of those powers. The actions of the AGs made Mr. Lee’s mind up that there would be no working with the electric companies, and his only hope was to capture the imagination of the people. To protect himself from the abuse that he had already experienced the first time he announced a working model, he determined to put massive numbers of witnesses into football stadiums in every state, and province in Canada, prior to advancing another working model with the new improved technology.
The plan became to put a working model on each of 16 million homes of sufficient size and GIVE the homeowner his electricity while providing all the electricity needs of every power plant from the excess electricity generated at those homes. In this way, private homeowners could be recruited to come forward and witness the demonstration of a completed model in 100 packed football stadiums in exchange for being selected as one of the generation sites and get their power supplied free (assuming success) just for coming. The proposed unit was designed to put out 15 times as much power as an average home would need - for all their needs. The number and size of the units was based upon the size of the transformers on the poles at houses.
The Plan
Since the residential market is only one third of the total market for electricity, having about 15% of that market cease paying for power would only reduce the overall market for electricity by about 5%. That leaves 95% of the market for the power companies.
As Mr. Lee had related to the Congress, it's vital to the security and economic well being of this country to keep the electric companies and their grid alive. So much of the financial institution's own stocks and bonds in utilities, that to collapse the electric companies is to collapse the economy itself.
Mr. Lee proved he could send live electricity through the air without wires and proposed a permanent magnet motor powered generator to produce electricity without pollution. He posited that we not only do not need the fossil fuels powered electric plants, but we also do not need the grid system either... technically. But, as a nation who’s economy is intricately linked to electric utility stocks, we need to keep the electric companies in business.
The deregulation makes the electric company a grid tender and could do that no matter how the power is produced, as long as we continue to use wires. To continue with the grid distribution system is necessary, but, whether or not we keep polluting with electricity generated from fossil fuels was not negotiable. The fossil fuels and nuclear plants MUST be shut down, and that was the professed goal. In fact, many of the electric companies have been selling their power plants through bond offers since 1996.
In the evolved plan described above, hereafter referred to as Plan A, the idea is to involve a large segment of the population by filling two football stadiums in every state with witnesses, and thereby Dennis can be protected from the “dirty tricks” he experienced before.
Dennis can bring his technology out before so many witnesses, that the consumer protectionists cannot merely commandeer his equipment and take it to an expert to PRIVATELY test it. This expert can falsely report it does not work (as had happened to Dennis in 1988) either because the physics expert who tests it is afraid of (or is paid off by) the rich fossil fuels guys.
In order to prove his capability without giving authorities the opportunity to abuse him, in 1999, Dennis demonstrated the most efficient electric motor (NOT a free electricity machine) ever publicly PROVEN.
In a full page ad in USA Today (September 17th issue), and on a tour of 46 cities across America, he challenged every scientist in this country to come and test the motor on stage and disprove his claims. While thousands came and tested, none were able to disprove the motor. For every unit of electricity put into the device it produced five units of mechanical energy.
In a ridiculous attempt to discredit Dennis, experts in physics improperly stated that Dennis is claiming to have a “perpetual motion” machine, but since the energy output is greater than the applied energy because the additional energy is coming from magnets. Dennis is merely claiming to have discovered how to do that and has always made it clear that there is NOT more output of energy than input.
Two years later (September issue of Newsweek) he proved in the same manner, except this time in every state, that he had developed a 100% efficient generator for the motor to drive. This was done to the shame of every university in the USA that teaches physics.
A finished model of the two technologies in combination will be demonstrated and tested in front of a whole football field full of witnesses. Thinking men believe the finished unit will make free electricity. The plan is to fill 100 football stadiums in the nation with witnesses to this event to show the media and all the politicians who have told the public they want this for decades that it is here. If they really did want it, then why have they worked so hard to keep the witnesses from enlisting in this event?
Dennis Lee has been the subject of dozens of frivolous law suits by state Attorneys General with no admissions or convictions of wrong doing. He has been reported in all sorts of media (both national and local) over the last ten years and NONE of it has ever reported the truth. That’s a strange way for people to act who supposedly want to see the end of our fossil fuel dependence. When Dennis PROVED he had the goods in 1990 a court of law and the false criminal charges were dismissed and a million dollar bail was lifted, that fact never hit any media. The whole concept of Plan A is to involve so much public awareness and attention that the media will be forced to cover and to report this truthfully, and prevent the usual abuse of power.
Plan A is a good thing for everyone (friend and foe alike.) We will end our dependence on foreign oil without harming the infrastructure of the economy, and the people will get more freedom. We can do this without any victims and bring with it great prosperity for the country. Some people will get free energy for life while everyone will get pollution free energy. More jobs will be created than are lost by a landslide. We have even considered the fossil fuels guys. The oil, gas, and coal suppliers can put their products into the petro-chemical industry where they belong. In fact, Dennis has a plan to become the largest buyer of fossil fuels in the world for a plastics product when the free electricity program works. They will not lose their empires.
The ability to run internal combustion engines on far less fuel with NO pollution has also been demonstrated by Dennis nationwide to hundreds of thousands of witnesses already.
Of course the EPA and the DOE have chosen to ignore this fact and have even refused to witness the technology for themselves.
Plan A involves getting a massive number of people involved in a grass roots effort. They are offered, in exchange for being a witness, the benefit of a free electricity machine to be manufactured and placed in a manner to give them all their power for free for the rest of their lives or possibly beyond, no matter whether they live in an apartment, condo, or house.
The excess power generated in excess of the generous allotment given to the witnesses, is to be sold through deregulation to the power companies to cover all the costs to build and maintain the unit and to make money for Dennis and his associates. The plan is also to begin modifying vehicles so that they produce no pollution and run on far less gasoline.
Rather than using another technology that can use corn, bird seed, or even McDonald’s French Fries to power your car and immediately eliminate, (rather than reduce) the amount of gasoline consumed, PLAN A involves converting vehicles over a period of time to give the refiners and others some time to divest themselves of their expensive operation. This is the “Meth” program to kick fossil fuels.
Dennis has also demonstrated this technology, which can run internal combustion engines on corn, birdseed, or any bio-mass fuel put directly into a bio-mass converter which economically turns it into a fuel vapor. That's the “Cold Turkey” alternative. To stop using any fuel is too much too fast. The goal of Plan A is to FORCE the change, but to do it in a manner that does not hurt the entrenched industries that are vital to the economy.
In the Alternative
It is so unimaginable that those who are in power in this country have failed to grasp the essence of the gesture. The reason for Plan A was to avoid advancing a Plan B. There are those who can argue for just bringing it out without considering any of this. Let the chips fall... We have been reluctant to weaken the country in these difficult times. When the Congress did deregulate the utilities and gave us a vehicle for the peaceful advancement of free energy we felt they agreed that it was better to get adjusted to drastic change. It was a conservative “first step”. Of course, we could just go away.
It is obvious that those in society who have employed every means of stopping Plan A, and have tried all in their power to make life hell for Dennis and his associates, believe that a man as determined and motivated as one who has taken all they can throw at him for a decade as Dennis has, will just quit rather than employing the alternative, though far less universally beneficial, Plan B. That's a mistake.
Dennis prays that the media, the politicians, the universities, and the judges who are currently being used by rich (and ineffectively fat and non competitive) businesses to subvert our attempt to get the witnesses for Plan A will wise up before it's too late.
These self-interests with their government and media protectors and critics on the internet have collectively been successful at delaying and even stopping our ability to get the necessary witnesses for Plan A. Don't bother denying it. They've nearly destroyed our companies in an attempt to stop us.
That's very unfortunate, because it's in the best interests of ALL who want to see America survive and prosper. With our witnessing program, we want to be allowed to bring the innovations we have forth in a friendly and non confrontational manner.
We've only shown the tip of the iceberg. You ain't seen nothin' yet!
We've collected so many innovations that we would be even more effective in advancing them without witnesses in a sort of Plan B attack on business in America. The main problem with plan B is it involves too much light coming forth too fast. It could alter aspects of this society so quickly that we could fall apart in the process. We're not going to outline Plan B for obvious reasons, but it's not difficult for anyone to imagine what the effect would be when hundreds of ideas that are so revolutionary, no competition is possible, were to strike businesses with no concern for preserving those businesses or the economy they support.
Anyway, the purpose here is to put whoever needs this message on notice that Dennis Lee is holding those who are able to stop the unfair and deceptively dirty blocking of the necessary witnesses for Plan A, responsible for doing so.
Our goal is to either have Plan A or Plan B during this administration. If we are allowed to recruit the necessary witnesses for Plan A before that deadline, then we will go for Plan A.
If not, then we will not be having any football field demonstrations, nor will we care whether the media and friends do all they can to discredit us, because the entire society shall witness Plan B.
If the intended reader of this message is able to do anything to assist us in being treated fairly in our efforts to gain the necessary witnesses for Plan A NO LATER THAN MAY 1, 2007, then we will be grateful and thankful to you for all you have done to protect the interests of all Americans.
We are confident that ALL Americans will learn of what we are capable. It is our hopes that it will be revealed over a decade or more of planned releases that benefit ALL Americans.
We do not consider those who have built our great country with their hard work and advancements to be any less heroes now than they have been in the past.
But, those who've worked together in stealth to suppress our future for their own self interests have brought upon us what could be a tidal wave of all-at-once innovation that could sink us.
It's time to consider the impact of the dam of suppressed technologies breaking, verses the wisdom of a smooth release of the potential of the our collective future.
On behalf of all those unsung heroes (the inventors who are associated with this project) let’s all celebrate the advancement that is being offered by allowing the protection that is needed to discover the truth of this potential windfall for America.
A Serious Warning
If this letter is a joke to those who have labored to block this project, then perhaps all Americans may laugh until they cry. It's of no consequence if someone wishes to use it to make us look ridiculous.
It does not matter what opinion anyone reading this draws about us, as long as they understand that they have been put on notice. America has nothing to lose by giving us a shot.
If we get the necessary witnesses then either we'll be able to prove our point at football stadiums across the nation and create jobs and great prosperity for every American in every state, or, if we were unable to deliver, then we would suffer the consequences and be shut up once for all time.
If we do not get that opportunity, then those who think us to be fools will have the opportunity to be proven wrong. The scientist who has used the “perpetual motion machine” card totally improperly will be like those who scoffed at the Wright Brothers or Alexander Graham Bell in the end. The media who flippantly casts aspersions in our direction and ignore and alter the facts with the backing of such improperly informed advisors can laugh all they want now. They'll need the memory later.
Politicians can ignore our warning and inspire the judges to step up their crusades against us. Justice is not dealt out by mere men. We can wait for our judgment.
The world will witness the truth in the end whichever way this plays out. We do not fear anyone, or tremble before any agency but Almighty God.
A further note: In states where we are able to get all the witnesses we need by the deadline of May 1, 2007 for that state, we will absolutely work with the state government to time release our advancements and create jobs within the state to produce and apply all the advancements for the citizens of those states rather than just recklessly releasing the technologies in whatever manner Plan B entails. When we are treated with genuine respect, we respond favorably.
Please share this with message with everyone - particularly all of your government servants and the media.