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Free Energy Technology

Monte Dilliner, Sr

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es and ships.

The president of the company, Monte Dilliner, Sr. has thirty-eight production companies already waiting to be granted a license to start production of the Electromagnetic Motor. The most popular size of motor is expected to range from 20-400 hp.

The corporations of John Deere and Mitsubishi of Japan are the first companies being considered to start production of Dilliner's Electromagnetic Motor. They expect to be in full production six months after start-up. This energy-free technology will help to provide "free" transportation for the general public, free energy for industry and aid in bringing and end to the use of fossil fuels.

Miracles of New Technolgoy

P.O. Box 7

208 Brown Street

Lineville, Iowa 50147

Fax 641-876-2756


President: Monte Dilliner, Sr.

