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Excerpt from "The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East"

By Baird T. Spaulding

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cal appliances. It is what we call a universal force. If you were to contact and use this force, you would call it perpetual motion. We call it Universal Power, God Power, supplied by the Father to work for all His children. It will turn and move every mechanical device, furnish transportation without the consumption of fuel in any way, and will also furnish light and heat. It is everywhere present without money or price and can be contacted and used by all."

One of our party asked if the food had been prepared by this force. We were told that the food came prepared as we had eaten it, direct from the Universal, just the same as the bread and the other provisions had been supplied heretofore.

We were then invited by Emil to accompany the group to their home, about two hundred miles distant, where we would meet Emil's mother. He went on to say, "My mother is one who has so perfected her body that she was able to take it with her and go on and receive the highest teachings. Therefore she is living in the invisible at all times. She is doing this from choice as she wishes to receive the highest; and by receiving the highest teaching she is able to greatly assist us. In order to make this clear to you, I might say that she has gone on until she has reached the Celestial Realm, as you would call it, the place where Jesus is. This place is sometimes called the Seventh Heaven. To you I suppose this suggests the mystery of mysteries. Let me say that there is no mystery about it. It is a place in consciousness where every mystery is revealed. Those who have reached that state of consciousness are outside the mortal vision but they can return and converse and teach those who are receptive. They can come in their own bodies, for they have so perfected their bodies that they can go where they will with them. They are able to return to earth without reincarnation. Those who have passed through death are obliged to be reincarnated in order to return to earth with a body. This body was given to us as a spiritual, perfect body and we must so see and keep the body in order to retain it. Those who have left the body and have gone on in spirit now realize that they must again take up a body and go on and perfect it."

It was arranged, before leaving the table that evening, that the party should divide into five groups, each group in charge of one of the five that had appeared in the room and taken dinner with us. This would enable us to cover a larger field and would greatly facilitate our work; and at the same time it would enable us to verify such things as traveling in the invisible and thought transference. This plan would give us at least two of our men in each party and one of the five as leader. We would be quite widely separated, yet we were to keep in touch through those who were so greatly befriending us and giving us every opportunity to prove their work.
