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Canaries in the Coal Mine


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g by candlelight, and having trouble getting to work, if their place of work is still in operation.

We are just beginning to see the early demand destruction that will surely accelerate as fossil fuels start to become supply constrained.

(To read the following articles click on "Visit Author's Website")

Asia and Middle East

Nepal Gasoline and diesel

Pakistan Natural gas and electricity

Iraq Gasoline

Iran Gasoline

Bangladesh Electricity

Sri Lanka Gasoline

Philipines Electricity

China Electricity

India Electricity

Viet Nam Electricity


Uganda Electricity

Zimbabwe Gasoline and diesel

Ghana Electricity

Nigeria Gasoline

Senegal Electricity

Liberia Electricity

Kenya Gasoline and diesel

Gambia Gasoline and diesel


Argentina Natural gas and electricity Diesel

Nicaragua Electricity

Chile Natural gas and electricity

Costa Rica Electricity

Dominican Republic Electricity