Prosperity Programs, Humanitarian & Environmental Funds
ET technology has long been used by the New World Order - but against the people rather than for them, but ET Technology will now only be given directly to the people, and this is the first instance of this – ET engineers have offered to come to Earth to teach design and propulsion systems for spacecraft - small shuttles that will carry both passengers and cargo with immense benefits, replacing today’s jet aircraft ..... and their offer has been accepted.
Corporate organisation allows both donations and shareholdings to finance this project: donations to an existing non-profit organisation will allow future profits to be redirected from them for further expansion or other humanitarian and environmental projects, while those who just wish to invest can become shareholders in a new company. The number of shareholders is limited and priority is given to Lightworkers.
Once the implications are fully realised this project will snowball and expand to all corners of the earth through subsidiary companies.
Whether or not you are interested in participating, the article itself is said to be well worth reading on account of the compact collection of information on a host of subjects.
Enjoy the reading and let others know if you think it appropriate!
Many other projects can be seen on the NESARA INTERNATIONAL Projects pages.
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Our planet is dying because of extreme pollution in the air, earth and sea. It requires urgent reassessment of traditional methods of transportation. Present aircraft will quickly become as extinct as the dodo, and many existing airports are transportation hubs which are about to be destroyed by coastal disturbances. They will be replaced by space-ports without runways and craft using cosmic energy rather than fossil fuels; operating silently, in stark contrast to the noise from jet aircraft; and cutting flying time to a fraction of current schedules. This new generation of aircraft/space-craft will be designed by the most experienced ET engineers, who have offered their services and will also lecture on all aspects of development.
Ourmission is to develop, manufacture, utilize and distribute earthbound shuttles (space-craft) which will eliminate the use of fossil fuels and their resultant pollution in the airborne transportation of passengers and cargo; replace existing airports with space-saving space-ports; enhance the experience of traveling by air; and in the process, revitalize the aeronautics and air travel industries - at the same time making a major contribution to improving the overall environment on planet Earth.
Business Consultant:
Dr Milson Macleod had over two decades experience in materials management in a major municipal government. He introduced guidelines and procedures in the purchasing field, especially electronic purchasing, where he was a pioneer in the integration of electronic financial systems, and was highly regarded as both a researcher and problem solver. A paradigm pioneer. In the '70s he studied aeronautics privately and designed two aircraft. These designs were duplicated subsequently by leaders in the aircraft design field.
Psychologist/Director of Personnel:
Mila Macleod graduated with First Class Honours in Pedagogica and Psychology in 1976 from the university at Slavyansk, Ukraine. Certified to teach psychology at university or college level. Well known for solving people problems.
Chief Financial Officer: Dima Krushynyn holds a Masters Degree in Finance
Chief Engineer: name to be announced (see Business Plan - Staffing) several leading personalities in the industry have been approached to ascertain their interest.
Consultant Propulsion Engineer:
Consultant Design Engineer:
Crew Members (2) of the starship Capricorn, who have millions of years of propulsion and design engineering technology at their fingertips. They have volunteered to lecture to our staff once facilities have been readied for this purpose and guide us in this, to us unique, construction process. Two telepaths are employed for translation when necessary.
Initially existing ET pilots have been offered to us and will be used until we have traditional airline pilots re-educated in this (to us) new technology
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A Canadian corporation, will construct shuttles (space-craft) under the direction of extra-terrestrial engineering experts from the spaceship Capricorn and pass the finished product initially to a nominated airline, who will start the first international shuttle travel service. Technical assistance will also be provided by the Canadian federally incorporated non-profit corporation, 21st CENTURY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION (founded in 1989).
Financing will be sought privately to acquire land and construct aircraft hangars; warehousing; airport terminal buildings, including a Control Tower, and twelve landing pads for shuttles as well as ancillary facilities. At destination points, land where a terminal building and two landing pads can be constructed will be required. Startup costs are estimated at $39 million (first three months of operation).
As the first operation of its kind, there is NO competition. Other such plans are just at the idea stage or are technically archaic and inefficient, despite past use by the U.S. military. The project will attract interest quickly as its full impact is realized. Construction of further space-ports will continue apace until demand is satisfied.
The initial location (Surrey BC) was chosen because of its height above sea-level, as the rest of Vancouver could be subject to coastal disturbances. Vancouver International Airport is located on the coastline at sea-level and has therefore a limited life. The manufacturing facility should also be adjacent to a space-port, so both operations will be combined on the same general property. Landing pads will also be created at each destination. These locations may be temporary and reconsidered as the service is accepted and expanded.
Without effective competition the market is currently infinite. Even with future competition the lead established will be unassailable as this is the only project backed by ET engineers. This revolutionary transportation technology will be highly sought after and subsidiary companies will be created worldwide to meet local demand. It is most probable that investors will want to participate in funding these operations, especially those holding shares in present (obsolete) technology. With help and dedication from those sources who have previously provided technology to NASA, the project cannot fail.
With current costs of $45-$156 million per Boeing Series 700 jet aircraft, our estimated selling price of less than $10 million for a shuttle carrying the same load over the same timeframe would be a runaway success.
A prototype facility will be established initially in the Greater Vancouver area then expanded to locations in other countries to fill the needs of the worldwide aircraft industry now and in the future.
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Executive Summary
Part 1 Part 2
Business Plan
The Secret NASA Connection to ET Technology Finance
The Aviation Community Products
Profitability Identifying the Risks
Competitive Analysis: Product Comparison Space-Port Construction
Corporate Organisation and Staffing Effect upon the Travel Industry
Implementation Plan Technology Transfer - Training
Notes & References: (Excerpts from Industry Reports)
Business Plan
The Secret NASA Connection to ET Technology Finance
The Aviation Community Products
Profitability Identifying the Risks
Competitive Analysis: Product Comparison Space-Port Construction
Corporate Organisation and Staffing Effect upon the Travel Industry
Implementation Plan Technology Transfer - Training
Notes & References: (Excerpts from Industry Reports)
Appendix B - Space Port Design PRIVATE
Cover Page Port A: Outline Plan: with manufacturing facilities
Shuttle Seating Plan Port B: Outline Plan: minimal facilities
Port C: Outline Plan: full facilities, no manufacturing
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Project: "Revolution In The Air"
Extracts from the Business Plan: The Secret NASA Connection To ET Technology
"The greatest changes will be in your use of natural free energies that abound in Space, and fossil fuels and the like will disappear as things of the past."
Extract from a very long article - highly recommended reading - by Michael E. Salla on the background to NASA ET Technology republished on
"A 5th March, 1947 Chilean press interview of Admiral Byrd, after the premature end of Operation High Jump, suggested that there had indeed been a military failure and there was a new threat located at the South Pole:
Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The Admiral further stated that he didn?t want to frighten anyone unduly but it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. [Quoted in an interview of Admiral Byrd by Lee van Atta, "On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas" El Mercurio, (Santiago, Chile, March 5, 1947). See "The Antarctic Enigma"] ......
The management system designed by the Allied powers to deal with ET affairs, including the legacy of the Nazi Germany-ET connection, are based circumstances that stem directly from the Second World War. The desire not to disclose the existence of significant Nazi bases in Antarctica and elsewhere was understandably based on perceptions by the leaderships of Allied states that this would lead to disclosure of the ET assistance received by Nazi Germany.
1. Non-Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Affairs
The first major policy adopted for globally managing ET affairs was that this would not be disclosed to the general public and most elected officials of the major allied states until some time in the future when the policy consequences of the ET presence and ET technology could be clearly determined. In the case of the US, President Roosevelt adopted the decision for non-disclosure and after the US confirmed the reality of the ET presence and of ET technology. This was later institutionalized by the Truman and Eisenhower administrations in a manner that would allow the non-disclosure to be continued for an indefinite period. [For analysis of US non-disclosure policy, see Michael Salla, "Political Management of the Extraterrestrial Presence: The Challenge to Democracy and Liberty in America," Research Study #5 Each of the Western democratic nations playing a prominent role in the global management system set up to deal with ET affairs, would form their own institutional structures responsible for coordinating ET policies and ensuring non-disclosure. [For discussion of the institutional structure of the US, see Salla, "Political Management of the Extraterrestrial Presence," Research Study #5. Each of the national governments would give all ET related projects and information a sufficiently high security classification to make it a federal/national crime for military and intelligence officials to come forward to reveal their participation in projects concerning the ET presence and technology. [For a detailed discussion of a global cover-up of the ET presence and technology, see Timothy Good, Above Top Secret : The Worldwide UFO Coverup (Acacia Press, 1989); and Dolan, UFOs and the National Security State.] This would be a highly effective means for restricting public debate and media investigation of ET related issues as evidenced by the continued media blackout of the ET presence. [For discussion of the media black out see Terry Hanson, The Missing Times (Xlibris Corporation, 2001)]
Technology: Despite the suppression of vital technologies and a lack of understanding of how the universe works, many scientists and researchers have sought to correct the mis-teachings of officialdom, especially at university level.
There have been many useful contributions over the years, not the least of which was the physics taught by Walter Russell. Although his work has been secreted away, it was republished in the Phoenix Journals ..... In August 1991 St Germain revealed the nature of anti-gravity waves.
NASA however have continued to rely principally on rocket propulsion rather than anti-gravity, at least wherever activity is subject to public scrutiny (such as space shuttles, visible on TV). Even the use of photon energy (light) for propulsion is not publicly acknowledged, despite reports in Popular Science (the 'Aurora') and other periodicals.
Business Philosophy: In this new era, or age, the principles of business are changing radically. The past standard goal of maximum profit is giving way to the goal of serving mankind. Those who have recognized this change are often referred to as 'Lightworkers' (those who have seen the Light and work within it). They consequently also become 'stewards of the earth.'
Priority will therefore be given to Lightworkers who wish to fund these humanitarian and environmental projects, as they are not afflicted by greed and the desire to get the highest return on 'investment'. They are investing in mankind and the renewal of Mother Earth.
While consideration will be given to all who claim interest in funding this venture, there will be some whose contribution will not be entertained. These include those who have in the past been guilty of the 'rape' of Mother Earth and of squeezing every last penny from her inhabitants.
This does mean that many who have been reaping windfalls from certain investments until now will all of a sudden find their investments worthless.
Energy Sources: Once the news gets out there will most likely be a backlash against those who have hidden and even suppressed environmentally-friendly sources of energy in favour of their own interests in the oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy industries. Runaway prices in 2005 have been blamed on many man-made disasters to cover their recognition that time is fast running out on their investments and this was a last-ditch attempt at reaping the benefit of monopolistic controls.
Many pioneers have made valiant attempts at developing alternate, renewable energy sources, such as hydrogen, solar and wind-power, and industry has been forced to recognize these developments, but even these will be superseded by FREE energy sources, and a variety of such projects are currently underway. But nowhere else has anyone suggested harvesting the energy of the universe, despite the knowledge in many circles that it is currently utilised by the U.S. military.