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Keep Our Energy Bill CLEAN!

Margaret O'Brien

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Dear Family and Friends,

I just got an email from about the new Energy Bill before congress. Most of it is good, lots of incentives to car manufacturers to build us more hybrids and $$$ for solar and wind power. However, the Nuclear Energy boys got togethter and at the last minute put in a line that calls for the funding of $50 billion, right BILLION, to build more nuclear reactors. Our water and land and people are already endangered by the nuclear reactors already in place. We can't find places safe enough to dump the nuclear wastes we already create. It is pure insanity to build more nukes. Call your congresspeople and senators and tell them to delete this provision from the Energy Bill before it comes up for a vote. Let's keep both our energy and our consciousness CLEAN. God Bless US. Win

To watch and listen to a video made by Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Graham Nash and friends go to : NUKEFREE.ORG.