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ClearDome Solar Thermal Ingenious solar thermal products for everyday living, emergencies & survival

Ingenious solar thermal products for everyday living, emergencies & survival

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ClearDome Solar Thermal

Ingenious solar thermal products for everyday living, emergencies & survival

Solar air heaters · Heating drapes/Thermal barrier fabric · SolaReflex parabolic and new pyramid solar cookers/heat generators · Hot tub/spa water heating pads

SolarReflex 97% foil & panels (formerly SolarFlex) ·( NOTE: For these five different solar products listed, go to the URL listed for this site to get this further information. Pictures to be added to this article soon). Blackflex & NEW Ultra Blackflex solar heat absorbers/collectors (below) ·

Solar thermal products provide the least expensive and most efficient use of solar energy known today.


Thermal barrier fabric and radiant heating products keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer

ClearDome Solar Thermal Barrier Fabric · Solar heating drapes and radiant window heating panels

The high cost to keep your home more comfortable without spending all your hard-earned money is now possible with four new passive low-cost radiant thermal products available exclusively and created by ClearDome Solar Thermal. Installation is simple and the price per square foot of usable thermal energy is less than our high quality solar forced air heaters shown below. Click here for prices and latest details.

Shown in the photo on the left is our tough, reflective Thermal barrier fabric that can be used in both summer and winter to restrict the natural flow of heat into or out of a building. On hot summer days as window screens or above windows or patio covers as a sun shade, it will reflect most of the solar generated heat away from the building before it enters through windows or roofs. 45% diffused light still enters, but 70% of the heat is blocked. The best winter use is hanging it on the inside of windows, patio doors or skylights, where about 50% of your room's warmth is lost to the cold outdoors. As an indoor winter curtain it reflects and radiates most heat energy back into a room by preventing it from escaping out the windows, reducing heating bills.


Please note: If you happen to find a bad Amazon order link you can place your order by clicking on our main Amazon order page link above to see all our product listings. We have also added PayPal secure order links and are accepting money orders through the mail if you decide not to use a credit card online. Our address is shown below.


For a quick view of all ClearDome Solar products and to place your order


Each closed room can stay 5-10 degrees warmer with this fabric. The photo shows it covering an open beam patio cover, which in summer reduces downward heat transmission. It can be also as a temporary thermal shade cloth above a roof or greenhouse to reduce solar heat gain by 35 or more degrees. It can be attached to existing window coverings or hung from included suction cup hooks. Use it on camping trips or outings as a lightweight sunshade. As an added benefit, 15 mph winds will slow to only 2-3 mph behind either fabric outdoors on your next outing, which nearly eliminates the wind chill effect on cool days.

Sunlit windows can now be turned into giant solar radiators with our new interior black Radiant solar heating drapes (photo on right). Instead of being highly reflective like the thermal barrier fabric, it is a deep black, heat and UV resistant HDPE (high density polyethylene) plastic cloth specially designed to absorb solar energy and efficiently convert it to heat. It's not a total black out curtain because the outside can be seen on a sunny day.

Positioned near a glass surface, temperatures over 125 F degrees can be generated and radiated back into the room on cold, sunny winter days. In numerous tests in Missouri and New York, on sunny days with 0-20 temperatures outdoors, heating fabric temps rose up to 115-121 degrees F behind double paned glass. By heating the fabric and glass above the ambient room temperature, heat can't escape and the windows become thermal barriers to reduce further heat loss. That's because hot always travels to cold, and not the opposite.

Another type of behind-the-glass solar heating product is now available to purchase. It also hangs from sunlit windows using suction cup hooks. It's called our interior window Radiant solar heating panel, and it follows the ClearDome style of heating, where the clear window glass passes sunlight and helps trap the heat to raise the temperature as it's radiated into the room. It measures 2' x 4', weighs only one pound, and can be trimmed with scissors to fit smaller windows. Because of it's excellent solar absorption (94%), thermal mass, and close proximity to the glass, it generates much more heat than any other object in the room touched by the sun.

Panel temperatures can reach 130-140 degrees F, nearly as warm as baseboard heaters. Like the other new products mentioned, it's safe and free to operate and at $59 it's the lowest priced and only radiant solar room heater made. Both heaters and the barrier fabric don't stink or off-gas, and require no additional power to generate up to 2,000 BTU per panel on a sunny day. Please check our radiant heating and thermal barrier web page for prices, and updates for all of these unique radiant heating products.

We're also testing prototypes of an entirely new type of solar cooling device called removable SolaReflex passive cooling panels that reflect all but about 15 degrees of solar generated heat away from roofs or exterior walls. They are also ideal for remote outdoor electrical boxes and small spaces that require passive cooling in sunlight. In our most recent summer tests on a flat, conventional roof with 143+ degree F surface temperatures, the prototype panels rejected all but 78 degrees of heat on a 74 degree day. See photos of the panels in action on our new sneak peek web page. High temperature solar generated heat absorption in buildings of all sizes can now be nearly eliminated during blazing hot summer months.


A natural, affordable alternative for winter heating . . .

ClearDome Solar Forced Air Heaters

Here's the most efficient way to stay cozy this winter and feel the warmth of pure, safe active solar heat... at home, at play, and at work. Our solar forced air heaters work at any elevation, at any temperature and even on light cloudy days. 60 - 70% of your yearly utility costs are spent on heating during winter months so you'll find this to be one of the most affordable ways to reduce expensive heating bills. You can heat a room or an entire home or office, with your choice of two different types high quality solar air heating collectors, even during power outages!

ClearDome solar forced air heaters are unique in the industry.

We are one of only a handful of renewable energy companies in the world that design and sell high quality active solar forced air heaters for both residential and commercial use. Our new fifth generation "Low Profile" solar forced air heating panels, left, are designed to be connected in a series vertically or horizontally with up to five panels to increase incoming fresh air cold air temps by an average of 22 degrees F for each additional panel. They can be used indoors behind sunlit windows or mounted on walls or roofs with vents passing directly into the room. Each panel weighs only 7.5 pounds, so they are also ideal for RV's, boats and campers. Our Low Profile solar forced air heaters are now available to order from it's web page.

We're excited to announce that by mid April we'll be upgrading the existing Low Profile heating panel with an even hotter, more efficient and more durable Low Profile UltraBlack solar forced air heater. Our protoype testing this winter has shown a 30-40% increase in heat energy output from the same size panel! The upgraded internal solar heat absorber will be upgraded with a superior quality "selective surface" sheet of our new Ultra Blackflex that provides 94% solar absorption and .05 emissivity.

And the new 1/8" crystal clear polycarbonate panel exterior is so strong that we'll also be replacing the more expensive metal framed Exterior Forced air heating panel seen above. Combine higher efficiency with a price lower than our most expensive panel, and we're confident it will become the top rated solar forced air panel made. Click for a sneak peak and more information.

And, we're pleased to announce that after years winter testing, Mammoth Mountain Ski area in the California High Sierras has mounted seven of our tough exterior forced air heating panels on their remote ski lift shacks. Each small building is subject to extreme temperatures (-25 degrees F), high wind (110 mph+) and heavy hail and snow conditions unlike most other places on earth. After the tests, we're confident they are fit for any weather challenges. You can choose from either of our two metal framed exterior mounted panels: the 2x4 and new 2x8 forced air panel heater shown above near beautiful June Lake, California.

Our solar heat collectors are so affordable, you won't need a government tax incentive or rebate program to afford one of the most efficient (estimated 75%), least costly types of solar renewable energy products available.

Generate off-the-gird, free hot air for your home with any of our active solar heaters combined with a solar electric panel. . . even in extremely cold temperatures high in the mountains. Take a look at photos and results from our winter tests at the Mammoth Mountain Ski resort in the California High Sierras . Click here for more forced air heater photos and information.


Lightweight, unbreakable ClearDome SolaReflex

Parabolic Cooking Reflectors Are the Hottest!


NATIONAL TV PREMIER: If you weren't able to watch ClearDome Solar's demonstration of the SolaReflex 900 parabolic cooker on the Bobby Flay BBQ cooking show seen on the Cable Food Channel, we have DVD video copies of the five minute segment available for educators and solar professionals. Our 900 matched the charcoal BBQ cooking time, but out-tasted the conventional grill! For more details, send Deris your request, using our email link below. The original SolaReflex BBQ cooking recipies and future air dates for the segment can be found on the Bobby Flay cooking web site.


The SolaReflex 900 is so hot, it even cooks in the snow (click photo for more details).

Here's a glimpse of our hot and easy to use durable solar cooking reflectors. The photo on the right shows the $10, four ounce foldable(click for details) Mylar Backpack Cooking Reflector heating a large mug of soup covered with microwave food wrap. One quart meals take about 2-3 hours to cook when the pot is placed inside a clear plastic bag. It's perfect for first-time solar chefs, kids, campers, backpackers and survivalists.


Watch for the introduction of an entirely new type of low cost ($49-$149), high quality solar cooker called the ClearDome SolaReflex Pyramid Cooker/Pasteurizer, seen on the left. It's actually an enclosed panel cooker--the first of it's type--because it combines the best qualities of panel and box cookers for faster cooking times and heat comparable to or better than most box cookers. It's unique design allows most meals to be cooked without having to adjust it to the moving sun for unattended solar cooking. And no clear plastic bags are needed for trapping heat since the pot is completely enclosed inside the pyramid shaped cooking container.

Besides being very lightweight, it's completely windproof, unbreakable, easy to use, and the two sizes can be ordered fully assembled as seen in the photo, or in a collapsible configuration only 1" thick for more portability and lower shipping costs. In coming weeks, we'll be offering a limited number of beta test small fully assembled Pyramid Solar Cookers, in exchange for your comments and a photo, so if you're interested, send product inventor Deris Jeannette an email at:


And have a look at the world's hottest, fastest cooking 24" parabolic cooker made - the SolaReflex 900 shown above. This 8.5 pound portable all-weather marvel will cook family meals and Pasteurize water in only 35-60 minutes and generates over 900 degree peak heat in the hot spot when in direct alignment with the sun. The 900X Parabolic is our scientific parabolic heat generator and reaches over 1300 degrees! Sorry, it's too hot for solar cooking and not available to everyone. And we're now testing a newer, even hotter 24", special order 2500S Spun Aluminum center focus parabolic for extreme process heat and scientific applications

Many experienced solar cookers use plastic bags to trap heat around pots, but our new unbreakable polycarbonate ClearDome box oven and ClearDome Pot cover won't leak and can be used for many years to bake bread and to cook on cold and windy days with our 900 parabolic cooker.

All products can be ordered from our order pages. If you're new to solar cooking, click here to read "Hooked on Solar Cooking" for a quick introduction to the tasty joys of solar cooking.


Take a peek at our new rechargable Sun Pad that stores solar heat energy and provides personal warmth when where you want it.


Hot Tub/Spa Water Heating Pads help keep

your spa hot and lower heating bills

Successful beta testing is now complete for our second generation ClearDome Solar hot tub/spa water heating pads.

They are now available to purchase from our Amazon order pages. To see if your exterior, sun exposed hot tub can use only the free power of the sun to stay hot in spring, summer and early fall, click here for more information. They are a completely new type of lightweight, passive inexpensive solar water heating panels designed for sun exposed home spas and small pools smaller than eight feet across. The clear unbreakable polycarbonate pads float on top of the water and allow solar energy to pass through and warm the water 10-15 degrees or more every sunny day while trapping the heat and preventing evaporation. It turns the water into a giant solar heat absorber and reduces heating costs by up to 95% in summer months.

They are custom fit and cut for all shapes of spas. Numerous beta testers from around the US including Hawaii, Mexico, Florida and California have confirmed hot tub water heating temps often rising to over 105 degrees F nearly every sunny day in late spring and summer without using their expensive electric heater. One happy user in Mexico uses them during winter months at their retreat with suprisingly good results. Some owners had to add shade or cool water to reduce the water temperature before soaking.(Inside tip: To see if your spa will work with these new easy-to-use solar water heating pads please click on the photo below for more details.

Click for more photos and details


Check to see how cold the weather will be in your hometown for the next ten days by adding your zip code or city name in the box below, then read on to see how to stay warm using our unique ClearDome Solar heat generating products.

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Two outstanding solar heating products you won't find anywhere else:

ClearDome SolaReflex Foil & Panels

and BlackFlex Solar Absorption Foil


Improved SolaReflex reflects an amazing 97.4% of all solar energy!

Click photo for more SolaReflex details

That means you'll now get the fastest, hottest solar heating or cooking possible with our SolaReflex diffused reflective foil (above photo), using your own reflector design made with this remarkably lightweight, nearly untearable, waterproof, flexible material. Please note: we've improved upgraded our well-known SolaReflex heavy duty reflective foil and made it stronger, lighter and slightly thinner so it's even easier to use with the same extremely high level of reflectance and .03 level of emmisivity for maximum radiant energy reflectivity. As a result, it and our super hot parabolic cookers are now called SolaReflex reflectors.

It works so well that NASA has been using this same material for years to protect the astronauts and their equipment while in outer space. It's very tough and refoldable many times.

For even brighter and more directional solar reflections take a look at our SolaReflex reflector and daylighting panels , available now. We've found an innovative way to eliminate the need to laminate SolaReflex foil to flat surfaces or parabolics, which improves the reflective surface to a near-mirror and mirror surface. And we're now using a patented process to bond this tough, 96% highly reflective metal surface directly to the surface of flat, but bendable 1/8 inch ABS plastic and polycarbonate plastic 1'x1', 1'x2' and 2'x4' sheets. We're also using this process on our new 900+ degree SolaReflex 900 and 900X (1300+ degree) parabolic reflectors. As an added benefit, it has a hard invisible protective surface to better protect the surface from scratches, foul weather, UV and salt air.

Combine it with ClearDome's BlackFlex thick aluminum foil below, to design your own very inexpensive, very lightweight, very hot solar oven or solar air heating unit. Discounted bulk sizes of both products are now available.

ClearDome Solar Blackflex Absorption foil

ClearDome Solar Blackflex is the ideal flexible, thick flat black anodized (both sides) aluminum foil for absorbing solar energy and directly converting it into heat. It absorbs 85% of sunlight and instantly converts it to heat. Use it for solar air heater and solar oven construction or for any experimental solar heating project where very fast heat generation from the sun is desired. We use it in our ClearDome Solar forced air heaters and for heating demonstrations. It can be formed and folded many times, survives direct flames to over 1,000 degrees F, and while it is non-toxic and non gassing, we suggest not cooking food directly on the surface. Standard size is 2' X 4', shipped rolled in a durable cardboard tube. Discounted prices are available for bulk orders. Price is only $18 plus S & H. Click for questions

HERE'S A VERY HOT SOLAR TIP--COMING IN LATE APRIL 2006! Ultra Blackflex solar heat collectors, a professional quality selective surface solar heat absorbing panel, available in 2x4 and 2x2 sheets, .02 mm thick. It's not a foil, it's a flat, bendable anodized sheet of sturdy aluminum specially coated with an ultra black coated front surface (not paint) for maximum heat absorption with very low .05 emissivity that nearly eliminates IR heat radiation away from the panel. We're so impressed with it's heat generation tests in our new upgraded Low Profile solar forced air heaters, it will replace Blackflex for all future solar air heating panels. We've been recording 35-50% solar heat gain over the same size of standard Blackflex!

Click here to order Blackflex foil


ClearDome quicklinks: Forced air heater |Hot tub/spa solar water heating pads | Mylar $10 Cooking Reflector |SolaReflex 97.4% reflector foil & panels |Answer your solar questions || New to solar cooking story |Send us email



ClearDome Solar Thermal

© 1999-2006, ClearDome Solar, 3368 Governor Dr, 153-F San Diego, CA 92122 U.S.A.

619/990-7977, or toll free 888/227/7547, x3427
