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Act Now: Congress to Vote on Energy Agenda!

Lauren A.

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ation that if passed, will increase investment in renewable energy and begin the path to energy independence. And we all know what reducing our dependence on foreign oil could do to bolster our national security.

Some reminders on why passing this bill is so important:

Our dependence on foreign oil has reached a record 65 percent.

In 2006, the big five oil companies made $97 billion – nearly five times their profits in 2002. Meanwhile, gas prices topped $3 per gallon.

At a time of record profits, Big Oil has received new and additional subsidies over the last six years.

The President's 2007 budget funds renewable energy and energy efficiency below the 2001 level and provides nearly 50 percent less for research on renewable energy than was promised in the new energy law.

Don't you agree that it's time to improve energy independence by repealing costly subsidies for oil companies and encouraging investment in clean, renewable energy sources?

Then tell your own lawmaker that you support these reforms for energy independence and Congress should, too!

Thanks for making a difference today!

Lauren A.

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