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Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe! "What Electricity Is." A Revelation of Forgotten Knowledge. (Compiled by Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore, circa 1893.) IN TWO PARTS. PART I.

"What Electricity Is."

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(Compiled by Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore, circa 1893.) IN TWO PARTS. PART I.

The laws of nature have their

sole seat, origin and function in the human mind. Not one single discovery has

ever been made which has been con- nected with the laws of the mind that made

it. Until this connection is ascertained our knowledge has no sure basis. -

The Influence of Women on the Progress of Knowledge. Buckle.

The mécanique céleste of

mind is still waiting its Newton to disclose it. Macvicar, in 1868.

Now that modern science has proclaimed,

from her seat of learning (at the recent annual meeting of the British Association),

that it knows nothing of "the great central mystery, the origin of life" - that

"the stupendous problems, associated with the operation of the laws of nature,"

which the highest scientific intellects have been wrestling with for several

generations, are still unsolved - that the questions, "Whence come we?" "Why

are we here?" "Whither go we?" remain unanswered; and that if we strain our

eyes to pierce the cloud of mystery which envelopes these phenomena of nature,

it is only to feel the conviction that it is impenetrable; that no certain knowledge

can be obtained now that science thus admits her abject ignorance on all these

subjects, could there be a more fitting time to make known to the world the

fact that Keely's system of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics solves these problems,

answers these questions, and demonstrates in mechanics what its canons assert


Oersted, in his book, "The Soul in

Nature," writes: "As infidelity is usually created by the progress of science,

its suppression is more easily accomplished by still further scientific progress.

Skepticism carries with it the germ of its own downfall; and, in so far as it

gains the upper hand at any particular time, it thereby approaches its own destruction.

Morality is undermined, and, as a consequence, is little valued. All the secret

ties which unite families and states are loosened; everything sacred is scorned,

and the spirit of persecution becomes associated with it, as it formerly was

with superstition. It ends in great revolutions and regenerations of the social

system; unless the mental powers are made able to overthrow it (by some new

revelation of truth in the still further progress of science). Such revolutions

are always accompanied, as is well known, by throes so terrible that they must

be considered as the tremendous punishment of degeneracy."

"When the punishment grows out of

the crime," says Victor Rydberg, "forth from the punishment shoots the expiation"

Never has there been a time, in the history of the human race, when the terrible

consequences of a lapse from the requirements of virtue, of duty, of justice,

of faith, seemed to be so imminent as now.

"Appreciation of the magnitude of

the peril and concerted action are the supreme needs of the hour," writes Mr.

Flower, in "Civilization's Inferno." Never were truer words spoken; and, as

"each age answers its own need," the Divine Providence, who sees fit ever to

work in and by instrumentalities, has so directed events that the antidote for

the skepticism and infidelity which modem science has made itself responsible

for, now, in our age, lies within reach of all, in Keely's discoveries; opening

up as they do a new field of research in which physicists and psychologists

can join forces, and prove the immortality of the soul to the utter destruction

of materialism. The law of Sympathetic Association - "whereby all creation is

balanced and subserved in its multiplied ranges of action" - is a trinity of

sympathetic union; and only by understanding the operations of this "governing

law of the universe," can science hope to check the advance of the evil which

she has created. She must join hands with religion, if she would face the peril

and avert the threatened cataclysm.

"All waits, or goes by default, till

a strong being appears; a strong being is the proof of the race, and of the

ability of the universe; when he or she appears, materials are overawed," writes

Walter Whitman.

In this founder of a new system of

physics, we have the needed "strong being" to lead the way, but the men of science

who walk with him must leave their laboratories, turning aside at once and for

ever from "the path of great danger" pointed out by the Marquis of Salisbury,

in his recent address at Oxford. That path leads to no solution of "the mysteries

of gravitation, of chemical atoms, of the luminiferous ether, of the electrostatic

forces, nor of the greatest mystery of all - the mystery of the human will."

There seems to be nothing left for

"science" to attempt, since she has acknowledged that she has reached "an impassible

barrier," other than to retrace her steps to her starting point. The path is

open for all, and, as it is the path of knowledge (not the path of learning),

those who traverse it will soon be able to answer the question, "Why is it that

against this instantaneous, untranslatable gravitation, this adamantine, impalpable

ether, science has so long banged its devoted head in vain?"

They will find their answer in the

simple truth that, when science rejected creative design, when she turned her

back upon the God in whom we live, and move, and have our sole existence, she

entered a wilderness of quagmires and quicksands, every step over which led

her further and further away from the truth on "the path of great danger" which

she is still pursuing.

"The Ancients" were on the right

road, as is now demonstrated in Sympathetic Vibratory machinery. They knew more

of the causal world, of the unvarying laws of nature, than all the men of science

of our time know, or ever will know until they pursue their researches on the

path opened to them in Sympathetic Physics.

In this system, force and energy

are classified as opposites, working in antagonism to each other: Force as "a

positive power which initiates aggregative motion, and resists separative motion,

in three postules, of ponderable matter in the etheric medium;" Energy as "a

negative power, which initiates separative motion, or disintegration, and resists

aggregative motion, in three postules of ponderable matter, also of the etheric


The path of research, to attain the

knowledge sought by savants, is laid in the conditions connected with association

and dissociation, electric under the latter, magnetic under the former. On the

line intimated, every researcher will find it in his power to answer Pilate's

question, "What is Truth?" for we possess over "The Ancients," to whom these

truths were revealed, a tremendous advantage in being able to verify them by

all the means which inventive genius places at command in our day. When once

men of science are convinced that nature's sympathetic laws, as taught in Keely's

system of physics, are the laws which control and govern all her operations,

they will bend themselves with unflagging energy to this only true line of research,

instead of seeking for "manifestations" of unknown powers in the human organism,

through "mediums " abnormally affected. These manifestations are of such a character

as to prove, if they prove anything, that cases of "obsession" did not cease

with the days of the Apostles, on whom the power was conferred of "casting out

devils," or evil spirits. "As a man is so his ghost is." Spiritualism has done

a great work in counteracting some of the effects of the reign of skepticism

inaugurated by materialistic science. Spiritism is quite another thing. Like

counterfeit coin, which represents sterling gold, it counterfeits spiritualism.

Sympathetic Physics teaches that,

until we know the laws of nature which govern the operations of mesmerism, hypnotism,

and spiritualism, the making use of these unknown powers is like placing an

obstruction on a railway. The train may dash along over it unhamed, or, it may

wreck the train.

To those who have witnessed, in Keely's

work-shop (which was converted from a stable into a primitive laboratory), the

operation of a current of will-force, in the revolutions of a globe of metal,

insulated on all sides, it is painful to see the unexplained "manifestations"

of "mediums;" especially after having (in some spiritualist seances) detected

the humbug or deceit of the medium, when no precautions had been taken to prevent

discovery. The globe of metal, moved by will-force, must first be so "graduated"

as to be, in its molecular vibration, in harmony with the brain of the operator,

who remains within sight at a distance of about thirty feet; always in broad


Sympathetic Physics demonstrates,

in vibratory machinery, that "there is nothing new that is not forgotten knowledge,"

and that the views banded down from the times of "The Ancients," regarding the

operations of the forces of nature, are correct. In later times, Pythagoras

taught his pupils, as this system teaches, that the same principle underlies

the harmonies of music and the motion of the heavenly bodies; and in this conception

harmony is revealed as "the mainstay and supporter of the material universe."

The theories of the great mathematician, the late Professor Peirce, are said

to lead to the same conclusion. Numa Pompilius comprehended some of the operations

of the forces which we call electricity and magnetism. Epicurus asserted that

gravity is inherent in all matter. Leucippus believed that atoms possess within

themselves a principle of energy. Anaxagoras, Heraclitus, and Empedocles taught

that matter is infinitely divisible; and the theory of Democritus regarding

the soul's construction approaches one of the hypotheses of Vibratory Physics,

viz., that heat is an order of spiritual vibration, and is latent in all substances.

The lights of "The Mystic School"

taught that matter is latent force, and force free matter. Dogmatic science,

having rejected all these teachings as false, is, naturally, not prepared to

accept them from one whose ignorance of physics, as taught in the schools, has

been his safeguard from error.

The requirement of all branches of

science is that every demonstration shall give proof of what is asserted. When

Keely was ready to give this proof to physicists, a messenger was sent, as in

the Scripture parable (Luke. xiv.), to those who bad been bidden to this feast

of knowledge: "Come, for all things are now ready," with the same result; "they

all with one consent began to make excuse."

"The man who would bring about great

changes," writes Amiel, "must have an enormous belief in himself, an unbounded

confidence in his cause, and a large faith in the future."

All these requisites, coupled with

a godlike patience, are possessed by this founder of a new school of science;

who, for more than twenty years, has borne calumnies, unmerited obloquy, scorn

and contempt, without answering his accusers or reproaching his slanderers;

while, Prometheus-like, be has been toiling to bring down fire and light from

celestial regions for his fellow-men.

Some noble exceptions there have

been among men of science, who, invited to witness Keely's demonstration of

"negative attraction," and the production of the unknown force by the disintegration

of water, accused him of fraud and used their powerful influence to prevent

others from examining for themselves. Among these few exceptions were the late

Professor Joseph Leidy, Dr. Willcox, and Professor Daniel G. Brinton, three

of Philadelphia's most learned men, all of whom in 1889, or later, announced

it as their opinion that Keely was on the road to the overcoming of all the

difficulties attendant upon safe navigation of the air. Keely's system of aerial

navigation is now completed; he has succeeded in attaching his machinery "to

the very wheel-works of nature." The no longer "unknown" force of "sympathetic

negative attraction," though not yet connected with the mechanically complete

propeller of his air-ship, can be made available, without transmission, at any

point of the universe.

The delay occasioned this summer

and autumn by the operation for cataract, and a serious illness which followed,

has prevented the adjusting by Mr. Keely of the final "requisites," but it matters

not to science, if only an authoritative announcement is now made of the work

that he has already accomplished, whether this century or the next sees its

completion for commerce.

"It is almost enough to take one's

breath away," writes the editor of The Herald (Boston), when Tesla declares

that he expects to live to be able to set a machine in the middle of his room,

and move it by no other agency than the energy of the medium in motion around

us. Such a declaration comes perilously near the bounds of the old fallacy of

perpetual motion; the pursuit of which has subjected so many a hair-brained

philosopher to the ridicule of his fellows. "And even to the much-vaunted and

much-scorned claims of Keely it lends an air of plausibility."

"Prove all things; hold fast to the

truth," is as wise a course to pursue in science as in religion. This is what

Keely has been doing with the teachings of "The Ancients," in regard to the

forces of nature, viz., proving their truth by "dynamic apparatus."

"The old Kabbala," writes Dr. Seth

Pancoast, in The True Science of Light, "with its curious and comprehensive

symbol-language, is at once an elaborate system of natural philosophy, and a

profound system of theology; an illuminated exposition of the mysterious truths

of nature" (i. e., the hidden things of God) "and of that higher science which

the book of nature unfolds to the enlightened eye of the soul; the science of

religion. Our readers would be slow to realize, many even unwilling to recognize,

the fact that the grand old Kabbalistic theosophy was the native root, the central

trunk, whence all the religions 'the world has ever known sprang as shoots and

branches from a parent tree. Yet this is absolutely true. Our Bible is a translation

into words of the symbols of the Kabbala. The reader would be astonished if

he could read the Bible in the light of the Kabbala; first, to discover this

close accordance; second, to find internal evidence, so clear as to be irrefragable,

that the book of nature, true science, and the written Word, are one in source

and significance; and third, to learn that the Bible is not the book of enigmas

that ordinary commentators would make us believe, but is the written revelation

of God's work, will, and ultimate purpose in creation; and of His essential

attributes as well;" -but only to those who understand its hidden symbolic and

esoteric meaning.


This is written of the Hebrew Kabbala,

the Hebrew theosophy. The Hindu theosophy is not a religion; it is a system

of philosophy derived from the wonderful Kabbala; the teachings of which, concerning

nature's sympathetic streams (flowing from the central sun of the universe),

led Keely into the path of research which has enabled him not only to "hook

his machinery on to the machinery of nature," but to disclose the moving power,

the vital principle.



If galvanism be only a hidden

form of electricity, then magnetism can be only electricity in a more hidden

form.- Views of Chemical Laws of Nature. OERSTED, 1813.

The real origin of magnetism

is yet to be revealed. TYNDALL.

To the question, "What is

Electricity?" there is but one answer. We do not know. "POPULAR SCIENCE."

The magnetic needle is ruled

by an all-pervading principle, emanating from the center of the universe, which

sustains and regulates the motions of material worlds. How many ages will it

be before the world will comprehend and believe in the electric aura, or subtle

ether, which pervades creation as the atmosphere surrounds our earth. All created

things move in this etherial aura; by means of which harmonious unison is established

between every link in the chain of animated nature. Every faculty of the mind

has its power, which extends through all space, and this vital power may be

exerted at will by its possessor, according to its native energy or strength.


Hans Christian Oersted who, in the

year 1820, discovered "electro-magnetism," or the law of reciprocity between

electrified bodies and the magnet, had, as early as the year 1813, in his "Views

of Chemical Laws of Nature," expressed his anticipation of the existence of

a near connection between electric, galvanic, and magnetic currents.

For two centuries the opinion had

been alternately accepted and rejected, that electricity and magnetism have

a common origin; yet all endeavors to prove this accordance had been in vain.

By Oersted's experiments, electro-magnetism was thus introduced as a universal

force of nature. In a later work, "The Soul in Nature," Oersted writes: "Natural

science is in perfect harmony with religion, in teaching that everything has

been brought forth and is sustained and governed by the Divine Will. Mankind,

in its infancy, learns - like the individual man - by instinctive intuition"

(the inner light). "Facts are ascertained, demonstrated, taught and forgotten,

while theories, vague and uncertain, even in the minds of their weavers, have

been accepted for science."

As an example of this assertion may

be mentioned the emission theory advocated by LaPlace, but opposed by Huyghens,

Young and Fresnel, who adopted the undulatory theory.

One alone of Keely's experiments

disproves this theory, now so universally accepted.2

"Light as it comes from the great solar reservoir, writes Dr. Pancoast, is a

unit - not seven rays, but one sunbeam. Though it contains the dual attributes

(the active and passive, the positive and negative, the polar force and the

chemical function) they are so exactly equilibrated, so perfectly in harmony,

that they form absolutely a unit; their unity being slightly affected by contact

with our terrestrial atmosphere, which extracts from them in transitu a small

amount of chemical blue, and a portion of calorific energy, but being substantially

maintained until in actual contact with the earth and earthly objects, when

the beam is interrupted, and its rays distributed, in order to permit each principle

of virtue to perform its part in nature's vast laboratory. The prism has not

changed the light, nor its united and separate nature and attributes. It has

only shown us that the great unit has seven members, so to speak, working in

perfect harmony, obediently to the laws of "The Supreme." This one fact of the

unity of light utterly suppresses the waves, or undulations, of modern scientists.

A sunbeam cannot come in seven parts upon seven sets of waves. The impulse and

tension theory of the old philosophy justifies itself, if the justification

of a theory consists in its competence to account for actual phenomena; but

the secrets and mysteries of nature regarding the essence of light, and its

great work in creation and, providence, must be studied elsewhere." (See "Blue

and Red Light," by Dr. Pancoast.)

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics teaches

that the laws governing the disturbance of sympathetic equilibriums are quite

remote from, and antagonistic to, the present teaching; and that the views of

light, as enunciated by the late Dr. Seth Pancoast, and as held by "The Ancients,"

are correct, although Mr. Keely cannot accept this learned man's teachings on

other subjects.

Sound waves, writes Keely, are only

propagated by multiple interference, and may be expressed as echoes of the introductory

impulse of sound itself, made audible to the tympanum by such interferences.

The explosion of dynamite or electricity in a vacuum would not be audible to

our imperfect sense of hearing, nor can our eyes appreciate the hidden world

until the microscope reveals to us what, but for it, we could not know exists.

Yet the conditions that reign in the inaudible and invisible realms are of ten

thousandfold more importance and power than any that our senses are cognizant

of. In our environment we are limited in our instruments of research, as well

as otherwise, to boundaries which we cannot cross; but Sympathetic Physics,

in revealing the laws governing nature's operations in the invisible and inaudible

world, places us in a position to appreciate the foundation on which knowledge

will hereafter stand. When that position is taken, "the new science" - religious

science - (which is "the sum of all that human information has given as to what

relates to the destiny of man and to the true welfare of each man and of all

men") will be able to hold its own against the disorder that now threatens to

retard progress in the encroaching steps of the vanguard of anarchy. "In the

Annals of Christianity," writes Professor Draper, "the most ill-omened day is

that in which she separated herself from science."

But Christianity has not separated

herself from science. She could not if she would; for Christianity, as taught

and upheld by Jesus of Nazareth, is true science5.

Pseudoscience has made war on Christianity, and is now about to suffer the penalty

in the crumbling away of its foundation stones. "Wise men believe nothing but

what is certain, and what has been verified by time." Until now true science

has not been able to verify the wisdom of "The Ancients" by any dynamic apparatus

showing how cosmical law works, and as yet it is not fully realized that, "in

order to protect science, men of learning carried empiricism to its extreme

skeptical consequences, and thereby cut the ground from under the feet of science;"

sowing seeds of disorder broadcast for two generations, which, wafted from one

land to another, have produced year after year a fruitful and ever-increasing

crop of skepticism, materialism, and infidelity blossoming into anarchy.

The nations of the earth are now

united in demanding justice for all men as never before; and science finds herself

powerless to avert the danger in any other way than by supplying the implements

of war, and providing new explosives; or, in encouraging fallacious schemes

for destroying cities by means of "flying machines," more dangerous to the invaders

than to those they seek to annihilate.

As science has done nothing to avert

the evils which she has fostered, Christianity comes to the rescue with a system

of spiritual physics susceptible of proof to the senses. The day has gone by

in which, as Professor Schuster said, "a knowledge of scientific theories kills

all knowledge of scientific facts;" for this resuscitated system makes it clear

to all who have powers of mind sufficient to comprehend it, that we are related

to the whole universe, and that "the fundamental doctrine of universal attraction"

is part of the much sneered at (by the ignorant) cosmical law of "sympathetic


In the time of Pythagoras, it was

especially forbidden to divulge this "law of attraction and repulsion," which

constitutes nature's greatest secret, except under the most binding obligations

of secrecy.

It is this secret which has enabled

Keely to make applications of the unknown energy that had its birth in mechanics

in 1872, in the "

href=" of JKMotor">hydro-pneumatic-pulsating-vacuo

engine" that he was inventing at that time, with the expectation that it

would supersede the steam engine. It was only partially developed under the

conditions of this quadruple force. In the year 1888 the teachings of "The Ancients"

regarding what we call electricity and magnetism were brought to Keely's notice;

and taking up another line of research, he soon became convinced that the force

he had discovered fourteen years before, is the third current of the triune

stream of electricity or "negative attraction."

"The Ancients " taught that these

forces which we call electricity and magnetism are one and the same, and that

between them is "a neutral force." When a force becomes neutral it is inactive,

and is no longer a force; consequently the name given is misleading, Keely calls

this third element "the latent neutral," which is a better name for it. Dr.

Pancoast, in his book on the Kabbala, gives the Kabbalistic teachings in his

own words, regarding nature's most powerful agent, the triune polar flow. He

writes: "Electricity is a peripheral, polar force moving out of equilibrium,

i. e., independently. Magnetism is a polar force moving in equilibrium. They

are one and the same in essence and power; and their source is light:" the light

from the great central sun of the universe, around which all solar systems revolve.

There is but one difference between

them. In electricity two forces are never found in one substance. In the true

magnet they are both present in an active state, but in exact equilibrium. In

a magnetic body both are present, neutral and inactive.

Terrestrial magnetism is the earth's

electricity. The atmospheric vapors of the earth absorb the greater part of

the calorific rays, and the actinic rays pass almost entirely into the earth;

the former become charged with the positive, and the latter with the negative

force; and thus the negative becomes characteristic of the earth, and the positive

of the air. Then the rain falls and the hail and the snow, bearing the positive

with them; which, upon entering the earth, is compelled to come into a state

of harmony with the earth's negative; the two poles acting in equilibrium constitute

magnetism. Hence the earth itself becomes a powerful magnet; and everything

earthly partakes of its nature, in some degree.

What Faraday called diamagnetic bodies

are bodies containing one electric force only, and consequently are not magnets

in any sense of the word.

In both electricity and magnetism

there are the two opposite forces, the positive and the negative. In both, the

two forces attract each other, and each repels its kind. In electricity the

two are never present in the same body. In both there is between the two forces

a "NEUTRAL FORCE," which places itself, in electricity, as a resistant wall

between two opposing clouds, or a positive cloud and the magnetic earth. In

a magnet, where the two forces are always present actively in the one substance,

the neutral appears midway in the substance; separating the two, and thus preventing

their blending with and neutralizing each other. In the natural magnet the equator

shows neither attraction nor repulsion, because the attractive power of each

ingredient of the natural is rendered inoperative by the presence of the other.

(See "The True Science of Light," by Seth Pancoast, M.D.)

This latent neutral force Keely has

diverted, and brought about "coordination between the two mediums, celestial

radiation and terrestrial sympathetic outreach."

But light is not only the source

of these forces, it is also the great electro-magnetic polarizer. In the formation

of the atom it receives the polar energy that gives it its individuality; its

polarity constantly changes in dropping old and putting on new affinities; but

the tendency is to equilibrium, or harmony. In inorganic matter the atoms are

more angular than in the organic; the spheroidal form being proportioned to

the stages of development. Each atom of matter contains one of the electric

forces and is surrounded by an etherial atmosphere of the opposite electricity,

thus each atom is a miniature of the earth.3

The atomic similarity to the aggregation of atoms - the earth -is most remarkable

in the fact that the electric or magnetic force of each atom has a current,

like the earth's current, pouring in at the poles and out at the equator; thus

atoms contain within themselves the elements of their own existence. When the

positive and negative forces of electricity harmonize, they move in equilibrium,

as in terrestrial magnetism; when they are separated they become antagonistic,

and positive electricity becomes "a blind force," as the Ancients termed it

- they symbolizing electricity in equilibrium by a serpent swallowing its tail.

Positive electricity is the active polar force, and the negative is the passive

depolarizing force. Positive electricity is the ether tensely polarized, and

when pushed to its utmost tension fire is produced. (See "Red and Blue Light,"

by the late Dr. Seth Pancoast.)

"With our present knowledge," writes

Mr. Keely, "no definition can be given of this latent force; which, possessing

all the conditions of attraction and repulsion associated with it, is free of

magnetism. If it is a condition of electricity, robbed of all electrical pbenomena,

or a magnetic force, rebellant to the phenomena associated with magnetic development,

the only philosophical conclusion I can arrive at is that this indefinable

element is the soul of matter.

href="">4 Were not every

form of matter, even to the cerebral convolutions of the brain, impregnated

with this latent element of force, which is sympathetically subservient to celestial

radiation, nature would be like a still-born child, or a marble statue - dead

to the sympathetic association that induces motion. Matter could not exist without

this element, this spiritual essence, this impregnation from the Deity, which

is its soul, any more than a man with an ossified brain could have motion or


Thus are we led to see that the soul

may be defined as life in latent suspension; that there are no boundaries set

to knowledge in the life of the soul; that there are no truths beyond its reach;

and, in short, that the soul is the indestructible principle of life. "The blind,

dull powers inherent in our passive earth," writes Kritz Lemberg, "could never

produce and reproduce her myriad productions with such uniform regularity without

this vital force."

"I do not believe," said Edison,

"that matter is inert; to me it seems that every atom is possessed of a certain

amount of intelligence;" and, in different words, Professor Rucker has given

expression to the same opinions. Spiritual science, religous science, teaches

that when the fiat went forth, "Let there be light!" the latent celestial radiation

that illumines the universe was liberated. When "the breath of life" was breathed

into man, he was impregnated with that latent soul element that made him "a

living and moving being."

"In whatever direction one pursues

physical science," writes Professor Dolbear, "he is at last confronted with

a physical phenomenon with a superphysical antecedent where all physical methods

of investigation are impotent."

But Sympathetic Physics shows us

that the ways of Deity are not past finding out; and He who was endowed with

wisdom from on high "proved His divine authority by revealing these ways to

His disciples, and by conforming to them in all things Himself ."

"How blind we have all been!" writes

the revered Dr. Furness, D. D., of Philadelphia, "what a palpable error it is

to regard the extraordinary works that Christ wrought as suspensions of the

laws of nature. They are directly the reverse; they are illustrations of the

power of mind over matter, of the spirit over the flesh. For this representation

of the so-called miracles, we have the express authority of Jesus Himself. Although

He ascribed his extraordinary work directly to God, in the same breath He declared

witb equal explicitness that they were wrought, not by any pre-ternatural power

which He alone possessed, but by faith; thus basing his authority, as a messenger

of God, not upon any departure from the laws of nature, but upon the power of

the very highest law of nature."

Is it not strange, indeed, that it

should ever have been thought that in all this vast and varied universe, in

which the most lavish provision is made for this mortal life of ours, no provision

exists for the safety of the immortal soul; that to save the soul from utter

perdition it was necessary to break through the established order of things,

and suspend the action of laws whereby this order is maintained?

The unhappy consequences of this

widely accepted error concerning the remarkable things done by Christ, is that

it has put in opposition to each other - to the serious injury of mankind -

two things which are to be forever most intimately united: science on the one

hand, and religion on the other.

Science acknowledges a general providence,

developing races, not caring for individuals, but the revelation through Jesus

that "God is Love" (and of the divine possibilities of human nature) shows us

that the Immortal Spirit possesses the power of making all things, failures

as well as successes, sorrows as well as joys, all work together to strengthen

and elevate the soul, even as Jesus made His suffering tributary to His perfection.

Bewildered, lost, as men of science

are - amid the mysteries of being - unable to account for the phenomena of physical

nature, the science of religion still points to the

href="">illuminating Cross of Christ,

which must spread its unearthly glory over all nations before the human race

can follow "The Higher Example," and enter into the promised "larger coming

time: "

No more Jew nor Greek, then

- taunting

Nor taunted - no more nation

nor tribe;

But one confederate brotherhood,


One flag only to mark the


Upward and onward, of all


Before this approaching age of harmony

can arrive, the knowledge of God must cover the earth as the waters cover the

beds of the seas. Suffering humanity must be taught that "the existence of '

href="">The First Cause' is a necessity

of "human thought," and that the only cure for sorrow lies in the helpfulness

and the hopefulness of the Gospel of the Son of God. Other religions tell of

men stretching out their hands to God for help. The Christian religion tells

of God reaching out His hands to man.

The key-note of Christ's Gospel is

in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man; and this is the key-note

which the revelation of

href="">Sympathetic or Spiritual Physics

is about to sound. It will awaken a sleeping world to that "knowledge of God"

which is (as defined by Pythagoras) "Truth clothed with light, or absolute verity."

"The secret things belong unto the

Lord our God; but things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children

for ever." --Deuteronomy, 29: 29.


1 The late

Mrs. F. J. Hughes, a grandniece of Erasmus Darwin, gained from her study of

the Bible the material for her book on "

href="">The Evolution of Tones and

Colours," which work, Keely says, saved him years of research in the realm

of inaudible sounds possessed by man, without which his various organs would

be utterly useless.

A discovery has been made which is

connected with the laws of the mind that made it; and "the mécanique céleste"

no longer waits its Newton to disclose it. Truth stands in the temple of science

unveiled, in all her majesty, pointing the path to a region that science has

never yet entered; for, it is no merely material prospect that opens to her


"The invisible things of Him, from

the creation of the world, are understood by the things that are made." ROMANS

1: 20.

2 When that

rhythmical action, named a polarized current, shall have come to be understood,

a great revolution in the conception of merely mechanical undulation may be

expected. DR. MACVICAR, 1868.

3 "Every monad

is a mirror of the universe." LEIBNITZ.

4 Pond's note:

I believe this neutral force or state of matter is responsible for some of the

characteristics of David Hudson's discoveries with ORMES materials.

5 See "A Course

in Miracles".

* * * * *

Part II


pdf SVP Catalog



SVP = Sympathetic

Vibratory Physics is

the general field exploring the fundamental physics and phenomena of

href=" & Sympathetic Vibration">sound

and vibration as these work in and through all known material and energetic

matrices which includes Mind, Matter, Spirituality and their intimate linkages.

SVP explores the harnessing of Mind Force in machinery.

vril = Vibration

Research Institute and Laboratories the

application of principles of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics in new processes

and products to bring these as services and benefits to Humankind.


Vril energy is a high-level

form of energy yet unknown to science.

Keely said mankind will

not be ready for vril energy for several hundred years.

(Neither this organization

nor any of its organizers, associates or people have any

association or connection

to the much fabled Vril Society.)


DSR = Delta

Spectrum Research the

organization behind the above endeavors. The company was founded on May 1,

1985. It's public debut came on October 1, 1985 with the publication of The

Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics and our first mail order


SVPvril Forum

href="">discussion forum on SVP

A Special Note: If the definition

of insanity is believing in illusion and living it then living in the past

(memory) is insanity because the past does not exist except in our filtered

and recorded experience of that past.

If the same can be said of the future

(which does not yet exist) then living in expectations is likewise insanity.

This leaves us with the present,

NOW. It is the only "time" we exist and therefore contains the only reality

that exists. Therefore living in the present is the only sane place to be.

In stripping away preconceived notions and memories we are left with seeming

nothing to stand on. This is the "terror of the threshold" so many recoil

from. No one likes to feel insecure and bereft of a knowledge base from which

to operate on a minute by minute basis. Yet that is what is required to be

in the Moment of Now. Here is where faith and trust come in and these are

supported by the All-Knowing held in the Now by virtue of our natural contact

with our Neutral Center or God-Head or whatever term you wish to label your

Greater Consciousness connection.

SVP is NOT a religion. SVP contains

no dogma or doctrine anyone is required to adhere to or believe in. SVP is

an attempt to encourage our selves to learn to be in the present only. Religions

on the other hand are hand-me-down belief systems based on someone else's

recorded ideas about this and that. One is usually required to accept those

beliefs by rote and usually without question. One is not encouraged to be

one's self fully responsible for one's life, living in the here and now. I

sometimes use terms like "God", "Jesus", "messiah" and "Christ". These are

familiar terms to everyone - though everyone has a different definition of

them. We seemingly must have a starting place from which we can synchronize

our definitons and term use. I use these terms exclusively and only in that

sense. They give us a place to begin a conversation. SVP does not promote

any particular belief system (religion) but examines them all equally.

Some have complained about the lack

of empirical scientific research in SVP. SVP is science seemingly based on

anedoctal or intuitive premises. This is not true either. Many years ago when

faced with the dilemma of not having funding to conduct pure research I figured

I do not have to do it all by myself. Someone else has already done the research.

All I had to do was locate it and find ways to incorporate that research into

my growing paradigm. SVP is a huge jig-saw puzzle. Hence the development of

HyperVibes - or

my collected notes from whatever valid source I could find. Noted and respected

scientists and researchers such as Bjerknes, Einstein, Tompson, Hertz, Tyndall,

Helmholtz, Tesla, Edison and countless others have been reviewed for supporting

research. The basic scientific tenets of SVP have been researched and found

valid. Intuitive sources such as Cayce and Russell seem to support the conclusions

being reached. My work has been to compile these findings into

href="">a cohesive and reasonable

framework. In a sense there is nothing new in SVP - except the manner

of organizing and presenting those old fragments into a new package. In which

package the non-essentials or unsupported opinions have been stripped away.

href="">SVP is a science and

philosophy of the here and NOW.

If we use SVP as a tool of perception

and analysis we can look at some of the old belief systems (religions) and

see the shining truth in each of them - while at the same time sort out the

unsupported opinions, rote, dogma and doctrine. What is left is knowing who

we are - here and now - and not what some one else said or opinioned we are,

according to what yet another "expert" said years earlier. Each must weigh

these findings according to their own beliefs and build their own new structure

(jig-saw puzzle) in the Now with which to operate.

Sometimes, on the

href=""> SVPvril Forum, I submit a quote

from Keely or Cayce or whoever as though these were answering a question presented.

That is not a true view either. I present what they said about the issue under

discussion. Are they correct? Is their answer true? Who knows? I present what

they said about such and such. It is for each one of us to determine what

is true in our own hearts. There is only one Source of truth and Source of

knowledge. We each

are connected directly to that Source. When we give credence to the past

or some other "expert", preacher or rabbi, we are denying the One Source recognition

and validity. Our belief in the past is then supreme to us and takes the place

of being in the Now. And this is what is meant by having false gods before

God. (Should we choose to call the ever-present present or Now, God.)

Memories, concepts, ideas and opinions

are our beliefs - they are not of the Now which is wholly free of all those

beliefs. The Now is fresh, new and unlimited. That is where we need to be

- at One, at Peace - sane. Dale Pond (1/25/02)

Delta Spectrum Research

921 Santa Fé Avenue

La Junta, Colorado 81050


size=+1>Atlin - What is it?

Dynaspheres, sometimes called Musical

Dynaspheres, Globe Motors or Sphere Motors, were originally built in the 1880s

by John W. Keely in Philadelphia. (

href=" & Dynasphere">See original

Globe Motor.) They were made as a power source to drive industry. In those

days there was only wind, water, steam and animal power. Eventually Tesla's

system of AC power won out with powerful backing by Westinghouse, Edison and

Morgan. When Keely died in 1898 all of his research and writings and nearly

all of his machines disappeared. It is theorized Morgan and especially Carnegie

did whatever was necessary to wipe Keely out of history. There are precious

few traces left indicating he even existed. With these dynaspheres Keely was

able to power different work loads and demonstrated a larger unit four feet

in diameter built to power a locomotive. The dynasphere you see pictured throughout

this web site is one I made (with a hand-chosen research team) in the winter

of 1995-1996 as my effort to rediscover Keely's lost technology. These unique

devices are not so-called perpetual motion machines, which are impossible.

We may call them continuous motion machines much like a water wheel made to

move continuously by an ever passing stream of water. A water wheel will rotate

continuously as long as the water flows and it holds itself together. The

dynasphere is designed to operate within the stream of vibratory energies

passing to and from the earth and in conjunction to those vibrations of the

"celestial" domain. See

href="">SVP Cosmology for

details. A dynasphere is a fractal both of the earth and of atoms each of

which rotate continuously without end. They use neither chemical or other

expensive fuels and are completely nonpolluting. Is an atom or a rotating

planet a perpetual motion machine? Of course not.


Keely harnessed Mind Force in his

devices and machines:


"Will force is a latent, spiritual

element, neither gaseous nor otherwise. Its evolution is brought into action

under certain spiritual conditions not now understood by science. Its protoplastic

element is actually luminous, in respect to its latent flow from the cerebral

domain; but all the flow that has ever been registered from the time of the

birth of every volume of thought &emdash; all that ever existed, or will

ever exist in the future &emdash; would not produce a substance of matter

the size of a molecule." Keely


Mind or Mind Force is evident in

all our thought processes. Whereas conventional power sources pollute and

are detrimental to human health and general well-being these dynaspheres appear

to promote health and healing which has been an unexpected, surprising and

serendipidous discovery. After many years of experience around many hundreds

if not thousands of people it can not be doubted there is a powerful and coherent

energy field around this device. Just exactly what this field is and what

are its specific characteristics is being studied. It is theorized these healing

(harmonizing) effects may be the result of the harmonic or coherent acoustic

field initiated within the device's Neutral Center and extended in a coherent

field around the device. This field extends for some distance and appears

to vary according to the "quality" of people (their thought and attitude)

in its immediate environment. Meditation and playfulness seem to enhance the

field. If the field is pure chi, bioenergy, life-force and/or love energy

this makes sense. Most people can easily feel this field while some can see

it. The theory seems to imply people in this field begin to entrain their

mental and body energetic systems to the harmonic vibrations of this field.

Our mental and body energy systems are usually "out-of-whack" due to stress,

disease, etc. As our mental and body systems entrain they begin to function

as a whole and in a more natural and optimum manner. Naturally occuring energy

patterns re-emerge and a sense of well-being is experienced.


"Discord is disease, Harmony

is Health." (Keely)


Many report the heart chakra is

stirred into greater sensitivity. This is the theory anyway. Many report healing

while in the dynasphere's field. We've seen many of these healings take place

on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Please take note:

we are not making any claims here - simply reporting what we think we've seen

and are investigating. There is definitely something positive going on and

it warrants more investigation. Much more research is needed.

href=" of test">Testimonials abound.

Dale Pond

size=+1>To learn more about the spiritual, feeling, Love and mental aspects

of this project click here.





7/30/97 (KEELY via Dale Pond)

"Imagine if you will a beacon of great light around which are attracted the

minds and hearts of men and women everywhere. Atlin (the

href=" pg UP">dynasphere) is this

beacon. She radiates Love, warmth, Light of Mind, harmony, peace, free will

and freedom. These are and have ever been that which fires the imaginations

and hearts of men and women throughout history. Atlin, as she travels from

place to place, floating through energy pattern after energy pattern, will

be sensitized to local environs in a sympathetic vibration way - and they

to her. These will be modulated by her powerful energy chords. This would

be like sounding a bell whose waves spread out in all directions finding sympathetic

coincidence at sundry nodes (minds and hearts) of those within receptivity

matrix/distances. They will come to partake of Atlin's energy and wisdom as

moths to flame. Those who can see clearly will see the energy patterns around

Atlin. Those who can hear will hear her messages and convey them to others.

In this way Love will be spread around the world thus demonstrating its power

and omnipresent affirmities in the lives of each person. Thereby showing the

Great Message you learned recently Dale: Love is immediate and PERSONAL and

a real thing originating from real sources of inexhaustible support and supply.

There were those who said I should

have relinquished my work with machinery and inventions and proceed to spiritualize

the world with these things I relate to you now. We could not as the focus

from without was on the mechanical side and from those who wished we would

not succeed. It became an effort then to secure what had been done for posterity's

benefit. We could not bring the mechanical out to society in a successful

way without we ourselves being destroyed along with it. Therefore we could

not legitimately bring out the spiritual side which is sadly to say predicated

on the machinery in the mind's of men and women. They need the proof such

and such is so and the machinery was the proof. In Man's cynical mind seeing

is believing and believing is predicated on seeing proofs. We could not show

the proofs any more than we did which left our greatest joy and tasks yet

to be revealed in their full configurations as you are just now beginning

to see.