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Oil is a Renewable Resource?

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ample, look at the Department of Energy's (which of course produces no energy, but that's another column) estimate of world wide oil reserves. In 1980, this outfit decided that there were worldwide proven reserves of 645 billion barrels. In 1985, they decided that there were proven reserves of 670 billion. In 1990, one trillion barrels. In 2005, these gurus estimated that there are 1.28 trillion barrels of proven reserves. As each year passes, it seems as though there is more and more oil. The 1956 Hubbert's Peak scenario said that peak oil production would be in 1970. Most of it is in Muslim nations, which America seems intent on alienating. (I'm sort of skimming, and it barely touches the surface of the book!)

Josef Stalin decided back in 1950, that Russia needed oil, and it produced virtually none. One of his top scientists said that oil had nothing to do with fossils, and that it lies buried miles deep in the earth. So it was, and so it is. The Ruskies are among the top of the world's producers of oil, which all comes from those wells drilled down several miles. The postulation is that oil is there, possibly still being produced, and we ought to drill down several miles and find out, certainly here in America.

The fossil fuel nonsense was begun way back in 1757, when a Russian scientist named Lomonosov decided that oil was a "fossil fuel," and no one has ever questioned it since! There don't seem to be any dinosaur bones in the mid-east, where all the oil is coming from, and there are tons of them in Montana, where there is no oil. I won't go into the details of the book, but it makes much sense to me. America produces most of its own natural gas, and new wells are being driven daily. Natural gas (methane) can be produced in land fills, and a host of other places. Atomic power needs to be started again, and new refineries need to be built. The book is superb, and I haven't even finished it yet! The cover says it is $27.95, but I'm sure it can be had at Amazon for less. Is there a better thing to do with one's spare time than to enlarge one's sphere of knowledge? Can there possibly be a better thing to do than to READ? Get the book. You'll love it!