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The U.S. Govt’s Secret Colorado Oil Discovery

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the way. Test drilling has already begun…

Dear Reader,

Five months ago, the U.S. Energy Department announced the results of a land survey…

It was conducted to determine the official amount of oil a thousand feet deep in the Rocky Mountains…

They reported this stunning news:

We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.

Here are the official estimates:

8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia

18-times as much oil as Iraq

21-times as much oil as Kuwait

22-times as much oil as Iran

500-times as much oil as Yemen

…And it’s all right here in the Western United States.

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says, “We’ve got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East.”

More than 2 TRILLION barrels. Untapped.

“That’s more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today,” reports The Denver Post.

When asked about America’s least-publicized oil supply, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch said:

“The amounts of oil are staggering. Who would have guessed that in just Colorado and Utah, there is more recoverable oil than in the Middle East?”

Here’s the kicker…

The U.S. government already owns the land. It’s been right there under our noses the whole time.

In fact, the government’s appointed a small group of companies to begin the drilling.

Test drilling has already begun.

And the profit forecasts are ridiculous. According to the RAND Corporation (a public-policy think tank for the government), this small region can produce:

Three million barrels of oil per day… That translates into more than $20 BILLION a year.

These are the conservative estimates. The U.S. Energy Dept. estimates an eventual output of 10 million barrels of oil per day. At that rate, the money flow would be even greater.

I’ve written this letter to tell you everything I’ve learned about this rarely publicized oil reserve… who’s drilling it… and how to get a piece of the world’s biggest, untapped oil supply — before it’s too late.

Here’s the full story…

The Next American Oil Boom

There’s a new source of oil in the American West.

Today, it sits idle — untapped — inside more than 16,000 square miles of rock and sand.

Geologists call what lies in this region, oil shale.

What is oil shale?

At first glance, oil shale looks like an ordinary black rock.

It feels grainy to the touch and… greasy. You see, what’s inside oil shale has huge governments, Big Oil, venture capitalists, and even everyday investors scrambling to stake a claim.

Oil shale — when heated — oozes bubbling crude.

This precious resource is rare — found only in a few select countries. Places like China, Brazil, Estonia, Morocco, and Australia.

But the real story is how much untapped oil shale lies beneath U.S. soil. As the chart to the right indicates, there’s 4-times more oil shale in the U.S. than in all other countries combined.

Over the past 125 years, oil shale has been the secret oil source for a handful of nations. Specifically, those fortunate enough to have it…

China’s been using oil shale since 1929. Today, China is the largest producer of oil from oil shale. It plans to double the daily rate of production soon.

Estonia is an oil shale dependent economy. Over 90% of the country’s electricity is fueled by shale oil. In fact, electricity run on oil shale is a chief export.

In 1991, Brazil built the world’s largest oil shale facility. They’ve already produced more than 1.5 MILLION tons of oil to make high quality transportation fuels.

Jordan, Morocco, and Australia have recently announced plans to utilize their oil shale resources. All 3 governments are currently working to build oil shale facilities.

But all these countries’ oil shale resources pale in comparison to the U.S. supply. As you can see from the table to the right, the United States dominates the oil shale market — with over 72% of the world’s oil shale resources.

Our gargantuan supply of oil lies beneath an area called the Green River Formation — a barren stretch of land covering portions of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

World-renowned geologist Walter Youngquist calls the oil beneath the Green River Formation, “a national treasure.”

Congress calls this area simply, “the next Saudi Arabia.”

It’s easy to see why…

This region holds the largest known oil reserve on the planet…

Colorado’s Oil Lands — Restricted for 76 Years, Now Open for Drilling

There are over 16,000 square miles of oil shale in the Green River formation...

Each acre holds 2 million barrels of oil — it’s the most concentrated energy source on earth, according to the Energy Department.

The federal government owns 80% of this oil-rich land.

In fact, the government placed protective legislation on this land in 1930, forbidding anyone to touch it.

You see, the government always knew this land was saturated with oil — but getting it out has always been expensive.

Buying oil from foreign countries was always the cheaper bet. It has been for the past 80 years.

Wisely, the government kept the land around for a “rainy day”, protecting it with 1930s legislation.

I’m sure you’re aware of today’s situation at the gas pump. Buying oil from foreign countries has gotten out of hand. The price of oil is sky-high. It’s way too expensive to keep buying foreign oil. In other words, the “rainy day” has finally arrived.

The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Oil shale technologies have begun to advance – drastically.

Companies are coming up with ways to extract oil from the Green River Formation very cheaply.

For example, one Utah-based company says it can extract the oil for as little as $10 a barrel. In fact dozens of companies have stepped forward with similar claims. With oil prices approaching $70 a barrel – these are pretty significant breakthroughs.

That’s all the government needed to hear.

On August 8, 2005, President Bush signed into law, a mandate lifting the protective legislation on the Green River Formation.

This mandate is called The Energy Policy Act of 2005. It calls for the opening phases of oil extraction in the Green River Formation – the world’s most concentrated energy source.

We’re finally ready to tap the largest oil reserve on the planet…

“The United States Could become ‘The New Middle East’”

~ U.S. Energy Department Survey

If you want to get in on the American oil shale boom, here’s what you need to know…

The New Middle East

It can be difficult to imagine such massive amounts of oil. Below, I’ve included a page of the Energy Department’s classified report. It puts into perspective how much recoverable oil we have — and the kind of money that will be made…

There’s so much oil in this region the Energy Dept. thinks we could become the world’s leading oil producer.

This reserve is so big it’s projected to last for 500 years, according to some estimates.

You could even add together all the oil in the Middle East—and our reserves would still come out on top — 3-TIMES LARGER.

That’s a lot of oil.

Of the 2 trillion barrels of proven oil in the Green River Formation — between 800 billion and 1.2 trillion barrels are recoverable. That’s the amount of oil we can actually get out and use.

Extracting this much domestic oil is very attractive to the government, especially in today’s politically unstable environment.

It’s estimated that tapping U.S. oil shale would decrease domestic oil prices by as much as five percent a year. That may not sound like much, but consider that a 5% drop in oil prices would save Americans $15 - $20 BILLION a year at the gas pumps.

That’s why on August 8, 2005, President Bush signed into law the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

This historic legislation officially opens up the Green River Formation to a handful of drilling companies.

In January, the government gave six companies 160 acres of the government's oil-rich land apiece – to test their oil shale drilling methods for commercial production.

Already 3 have been cut… Now only 3 are left.

From the remaining three, I think only one company’s drilling technology will meet the government’s strict shale development standards – and go on to develop oil shale on a commercial level.

This company would be responsible for launching America’s first commercial oil shale operation and production “…Leading the way to more than two trillion barrels of oil shale deposits in the Green River Formation,” writes the U.S. Federal News Service.

I’ll not only tell you who I think this company will be…

I’ve found several more ways you can make money from this situation.

How much can you expect to make?

You might be stunned when you see the numbers…

U.S. Oil Shale Could Make You $551,900 in the Next Few Years

You may be aware of a similar situation going on, right now in the oil business, in an area called the Alberta Oil Sands.

This region in Northern Canada holds billions of barrels of oil – which also happen to be locked inside large amounts of sand and rock.

Why am I telling you this?

Because in their recent analysis of the Green River Formation, the Energy Department wrote that the opportunity to make money in U.S. oil shale is “Comparable to Alberta, Canada Oil Sands.”

If you know anything about Canadian oil sands, you know for the past 5 years they’ve been moneymaking machines.

Here are a few examples:

In late 2003, Jay Reardon bought shares in a company called Western Oil Sands. If he cashed out today, he’d profit $364,070.32. Needless to say, he’s holding out for more. Western Oil Sands has gone up 1,564% in the last 5 years.

Investor J.R. Stanton got in on a company called Suncor Energy in April 2003. Today, he’s built a lasting family fortune worth more than $824,900. Since the late 90’s this stock has taken off 2,390%.

Since she began investing last year, Nichole Brubaker has made over $28,300 with Canadian Oil Sands Trust. This cash cow has returned a solid 1,605% since 1998.

A $10,000 investment in each of these leading oil sands companies in the late 1990s would now be worth more than $551,900.

Incredibly, even more money stands to be made with U.S. oil shale — at least 3-times more, by my calculations.

How do I know?

Just look at the numbers:

Fact #1 – U.S. oil shale is 2-times as dense as Canadian oil sands: It takes 2 tons of Canadian oil sand to produce one barrel of oil. It takes only half as much oil shale to generate a barrel of oil. There’s simply more oil in oil shale.

Fact #2 – The U.S. has larger oil resources: There’s 11-times more oil in the U.S. than there is in Alberta, Canada. See for yourself in the chart below.

Remember, U.S. oil shale is still untapped. A bigger supply of oil means longer lasting resources – and potentially, longer lasting opportunities to make money.

It’s important to know that the easy money has already been made in Canadian oil sands.

Oil shale is still a ground floor opportunity.

The RAND corporation (a government research think tank) says the oil shale industry could be a $20 billion a year industry in the U.S.

All you have to know is where all that money is going.

Because I've been involved in the oil business for the past decade, I can tell you exactly what's happening, and how to take advantage of it.

How to Stake Your Claim in

2 Trillion Barrels of Oil

I’ve spent every day of the past three months researching every possible way to make money with the massive U.S. oil shale supply.

I’ve found a total of FIVE ways.

The first way is with my favorite oil shale company. I think their new drilling process is so innovative, the government will likely choose them to drill the mother lode in the Green River Formation.

How do I know they'll get the green light?

For the past 5 years this company has been tucked away deep in the Green River Formation – pumping out shale oil. However, it began laboratory testing back in 1981 – so they have more than 25 years of research under their belt.

Their process can extract oil for as little as $25 a barrel. With oil prices hovering around $70 a barrel, this company stands to make a fortune.

They’ve even submitted the largest patent application in history for their drilling process, so it will be protected for the next 20 years.

This revolutionary process heats the rock and sand while it’s still in the ground. Then they pump the oil as it oozes out from the ground.

It’s cheap... Low profile... and environmentally friendly.

Altogether this company has invested more than $1 BILLION on alternative fuel sources, like oil shale. That’s not including their $150 million investment in China’s oil shale resources.

But here's the best part...

This company states they can produce one million barrels of oil per acre in the Green River Formation. The government owns over 800,000 acres there. If the government grants them full access, and I think they will, that would be more oil than any company has ever extracted from oil shale.

When full-scale drilling begins, this company could double their daily rate of oil production… and double their share price. They’re even paying a generous dividend thanks to their other oil operations.

If you want to get in on the American oil shale boom, making money begins with this drilling company.

I’ve just finished compiling an in-depth research report detailing everything you need to know...

It’s called The U.S. Government’s Secret Oil Supply: How to Make Money in the American Oil Shale Boom.

This comprehensive report analyzes all the government nominated companies, including my favorite oil shale company – the company I think the government will choose to go after TRILLIONS of barrels of oil in the Green River Formation.

But that’s not all…

I told you I found FIVE ways to make money in the coming American oil shale boom. Here are the four others...

Four More Ways to Cash in on the American Oil Shale Boom

To fuel its massive oil shale heaters, my favorite oil shale company needs an alternative source of power – something I call the “secret energy.”

Currently, their “secret energy” bills run about $60,000 per month – which will get even larger as oil shale development grows.

For the companies that supply “the secret energy,” it will likely mean a huge payday.

A recent article in a Colorado newspaper describes the situation best:

[The secret energy] demand will also surge when oil shale development takes off in the next few years in the [Piceance] basin.

The Piceance basin has the highest oil concentration in the Green River Formation – holding more than 1.2 TRILLION barrels of oil.

This is the region the government-selected companies will use to test their shale drilling methods.

I’ve found the largest “secret energy” company that supplies power to the Piceance basin.

How fast does the government want to get full-scale oil shale production started?

Exxon's oil shale proposal was rejected almost immediately because they didn't have a ten-year oil shale program in place. This reveals just how serious the government is about getting U.S.oil shale production up and running within the next 10 years.

As long as the government is pushing the oil shale development in the Piceance basin, this company will have to supply the power.

And I don’t see the government leaving anytime soon.

I expect this company's share price to soar as oil shale development takes off in the coming years. In fact, they too pay a consistent dividend – paid out steadily since 1989.

I explain the full details in my report, The U.S. Government’s Secret Oil Supply: How to Make Money in the American Oil Shale Boom.

And there's more…

I’ve discovered three more companies you need to know about…

Take a look at this recent government quote…

The oil shale [testing] will take place in the same areas where drilling for natural gas has been rapidly expanding. If all the leases produce, the area would be transformed into a highly industrialized zone with a network of roads, pipelines, rail lines, and power plants to service the gas fields, oil shale heating sites and oil shale mines.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management

In other words, if you’re a company going after oil shale, you need more than just the "secret energy" source, you need natural gas – and lots of it.

Oil shale companies use natural gas to heat the oil shale, run electricity, and for the day-to-day operations…

Natural gas is the cheapest way to get energy to the remote areas of western Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

I found three small gas companies that stand to benefit as oil shale development increases. All sit on considerable amounts of land in the Green River Formation (some as much as 30,000 acres).

In The U.S. Government’s Secret Oil Supply: How to Make Money in the American Oil Shale Boom I’ll tell you about all the government-nominated companies, including my favorite oil shale company, the “secret energy” source company, and 3 natural gas companies that stand to benefit from the situation.

That’s a total of FIVE ways to potentially make a fortune in the American oil shale boom.

Best of all, I’d like to send you this report FREE of charge.

Let me show you how to get your copy…

How to Make a Fortune in Oil

My name is Matt Badiali. I’ve been studying the oil industry for the past 15 years. I’ve been involved in almost every aspect of geological exploration and drilling.

From my PhD in geology, at the University of North Carolina… to my teaching positions at Duke and Florida Atlantic University… to my stints on a drill rig in Delray Beach, and as a field geologist for a variety of firms.

What it all boils down to is, understanding the industry… the new technologies being used… where new oil supplies are coming from… and how those supplies will reach us — the end users…

…I’ve seen it all.

Now, I spend every day researching and analyzing these crucial details… and reporting my best investment ideas for a financial research service called The Oil Report.

What I’m most excited about now is oil shale…

I’ve spent almost every day of the past 3 months compiling data for my report on how to own your share of the 2 TRILLION barrels of oil locked inside the Green River Formation.

My report, The U.S. Government’s Secret Oil Supply: How to Make Money in the American Oil Shale Boom details FIVE potential ways to cash in on the coming American oil shale frenzy.

I devoted so much time this oil shale project because I don’t see an easier way to make a fortune over the next few years.

But don’t just take my word for it…

The Bush administration has already designated the Green River Formation, “The Next Big Energy Boom.”

As you can see, the U.S. government has already set the wheels in motion for oil shale. All you have to do is follow the path of money…

My report will show you how…

As I mentioned, I’d like to send you my Special Report, The U.S. Government’s Secret Oil Supply: How to Make Money in the American Oil Shale Boom absolutely FREE of charge. The only thing I ask in return is that you take a no-risk trial subscription to my monthly oil advisory, The Oil Report.

Before you decide, however, there’s something else I’d like to send you FREE of charge.

Oil shale is not the only place oil companies are looking for oil…

I’ve found another oil-rich hot spot that could be just as profitable…

Deepwater Oil: The New Frontier

The Minerals Management Service estimates that there are 71 billion barrels of oil waiting to be discovered in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

There are another 85 billion barrels off the coast of West Africa…

And the waters that surround the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea could hold as many as 300 billion barrels.

Altogether, these three regions alone represent enough reserves to replace HALF of all oil we’ve ever burned on earth.

Getting to this deepwater oil requires special equipment, new technologies, and lots of investment.

More money is starting to flow to the companies that specialize in deepwater drilling. These are the companies with the right technology to search under the ocean floor… the special deepwater rigs required to drill there… and the infrastructure to get that oil back to the mainland.

I’ve found a company with just this specialty. It’s only a matter of time before this stock really takes off.

Take a look at this recent newspaper quote…

Owners of offshore drilling platforms… are also among the first to profit from an oil-industry upturn. The most sophisticated deep-water drilling rigs cost up to $500,000 a day to hire, compared with $150,000 two years ago. With the world fleet of such rigs numbering less than 100, demand far outstrips supply.

~The London Times, February 2006

Seventy-five percent of all known deepwater oil reserves still need to be drilled. That’s great news for this company — who owns nearly half of all the deepwater drilling ships in the world. No other company comes close.

As demand heats up for their service, it’s almost guaranteed they’ll bring in a fortune. They charge $200,000 to $300,000 PER DAY to rent out their ships.

One of the ships is referred to as the Cadillac of deepwater drilling — the largest and most sophisticated of its kind.

It can reach far below sea level, then bore through another 20,000 feet of sand and rock.

As it drills, a sophisticated GPS system and six thrusters (that can pivot 360 degrees) keep the ship centered above the well, even in winds up to 95 miles per hour.

Without these rigs, it’s impossible to drill for oil in deepwater.

But that’s not the only thing you need…

How do you repair, inspect, and install deepwater drilling equipment?

How do you transport supplies, personnel, and equipment to the big offshore drill rigs?

Most importantly, how do you survey a region to find more oil?

You hire a service company…

3 Deepwater Service Companies You Simply Must Own in 2006

According to the Sunday Times of London:

The support-services sector — from contactors who carry out seismic surveys to consultants and rig providers — is making hay as the oil giants’ profits trickle down the industry. Many firms are reporting that turnover has doubled in a year.

I’ve found 3 very attractive service companies that will benefit from the surge in offshore well drilling.

The first of these companies is a seismic data survey company. According to the oil-services firm Petrofac, “Seismic-survey contractors are the first to benefit when the industry starts to boom.”

It’s no wonder why… Seismic surveys cost about $2 million per survey.

The company I found is one of the world’s largest seismic survey contractors.

Their seismic data surveys allow exploration companies to “see” oil below deep underwater structures — capturing high-quality two and three-dimensional images of huge oil pockets.

They can even produce 4-dimensional surveys, which record fluid movement in the deep oil reservoirs.

This company has built an enormous library of underwater oil well data, which includes surveys in the Gulf of Mexico, the North Atlantic, Southeast Asia, West Africa, North Africa, Canada, and Brazil.

With rich oil companies scouring for oil beneath the deep ocean floors, you can count on them to pay top-dollar for this small company’s research.

The second company I found is a marine construction and pipe-laying company. They’re the people you call when you need something on your rig fixed, cleaned, or repaired.

They operate all over the globe — in Asia, India, West Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Gulf of Mexico — and work with almost all the major, and many independent oil companies.

Midway through 2005, there was over $400 million in backorders for their services.

In fact, they leveraged their marine construction skills in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. They are in position to benefit from the massive clean-up and repair needs of rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

The third company provides service boats and support services to offshore oil companies around the world. BP and Royal Dutch Shell already signed on as customers.

This small service company transports supplies, personnel, and equipment — in ALL aspects of offshore exploration, development, and production.

They also do pipe laying, construction, and 3-D seismic acquisition.

In the third quarter 2005 revenue rose 25%, while net income tripled. Most recently, they announced operating costs are down significantly from last year.

And I don’t see any signs of a slowdown.

All four companies are positioned to take advantage of the surging demand for deepwater drilling infrastructure