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Finley Eversole, Ph.D.

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Sept. 4, 2014

Infinite Energy or Bust

by Finley Eversole, Ph.D. • Birmingham, AL


Focused, determined, enlightened public opinion is the most potent force in the world. It has no equal but has been little used.

~ Djwhal Khul

Over the past hundred years, according to Thomas E. Bearden—a leading thinker in the free-energy and antigravity fields—there have been at least seventy successfully working free-energy technologies that could have replaced our use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy, met the world’s energy needs, and given us a pollution-free environment.

Yet every one of these technologies has been suppressed by the energy cartels, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Patent Office, the World Trade Organization, and businesses with vested economic interests in maintaining the status quo.

Simply and succinctly stated, we know how to solve the world’s energy problems and could probably do so within ten to twenty years. But nothing is likely to be accomplished until the public is educated and demands the application of new energy solutions—many of which already exist but are hidden away in “black” military and governmental programs. We’re told that the energy technology hidden in some of these programs is at least one hundred years in advance of anything to which the public has access. Yet it is our money that has paid for these revolutionary energy technologies. They are rightfully ours!

A civilization based on limited resources cannot endure. It is time we focused on technologies that will give us access to the infinite energy hidden in nature and available to us everywhere on the planet. Wind and solar energy technologies have their part to play, but just over the horizon are other, far less expensive technologies that do not depend on seasons and locations, do not scar the environment, and can meet all of humanity’s energy needs for as long as the Earth exists. The public needs to know of these technologies and demand that they be implemented.

We are now moving into the Aquarian Age—a 2,100-year period during which a shared group consciousness and growing sense of our One Humanity will steadily replace the old “leader-and-followers” mentality of the Piscean Age we are rapidly leaving behind. The demand for democracy and freedom from dictators that gave birth to the Arab Spring and the growing demands for economic justice on the part of the Occupy Wall Street movement are examples of this emerging group consciousness. Increasingly, millions of human beings will together demand enlightened change, leading to the freedom, justice, and welfare of all our fellow citizens on Earth. In addition to the Occupy Wall Street movement, with its demands for economic justice, we are already seeing the Occupy movement spread to other areas of concern, such as the Occupy Our Food movement, demanding farmers’ rights and opposing the spread of dangerous genetically modified foods; the Occupy Education movement, and the Occupy Our Environment movement.

We’re calling for an Occupy Our Energy Solutions movement to demand the research and application of new energy technologies that can radically transform our global economy by providing everyone on Earth with unlimited energy, drastically reduce global poverty and allow the rise of poor nations, protect our environment with pollution-free sources of energy, end political and military conflicts over limited resources, and bring about a world of peace, stability, and economic justice. All this is possible but will only come about when enough people demand it.

The emerging group consciousness we’ve seen in the Arab Spring and Occupy movements provides us with a first clear glimpse into the workings of a universal law that will be increasingly employed by humanity during the coming age—an age I like to think of as the creative age as it will be an age of creative discoveries and creative outpourings unlike anything heretofore seen on Earth. No important field of human endeavor will be unaffected.

Known to many as the law of invocation and evocation, what this law teaches us is that both Nature and Spirit respond to humanity only when we make demands on them. When we seek to carry out our hopes and dreams and demand the best in ourselves—and this applies equally to us as individuals and to humanity as a whole—a response will always be forthcoming, one that corresponds in nature and potency to our demands. Where no demands are made, no responses are forthcoming. Because humanity is naturally invocative, when large numbers of people are united in making the same demands, the potency of their united invocative appeal is greatly magnified, and so are the results. This law is an example of the working of the law of attraction. One law always holds true: like attracts like.

This law of invocation and evocation is predicated on an equally fundamental truth: energy follows thought. I like to quote Oscar Wilde, who said, “To think a thing is to cause it to begin to be.” The end of the cold war in 1991 provides a good example of this process. President Ronald Reagan took credit for ending the cold war, attributing it to his massive U.S. military buildup, which the Soviet Union could not match. However, for three consecutive years prior to the end of the cold war, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people all across the United States and in Europe met in groups on New Year’s Eve and prayed and meditated simultaneously, calling for an end to the cold war. I took part in one gathering in Atlanta and two in Milwaukee. All creative processes involve three stages or the interactions of three energies. Shortly after the third gathering, in which the mass consciousness of hundreds of thousands of members of the human family invoked an end to the war, it was suddenly over. Since like only gives birth to like, I’ve always believed it was this outpouring of a demand for peace by so many people on two continents, and not Reagan’s military buildup, that brought an end to the cold war.

As the law of invocation and evocation is better understood, it will be systematically employed by humanity to effect positive global change along predetermined lines. Social media and the Internet will allow us to synchronize our efforts. The result will be a rapid acceleration of global change in line with the hopes and aspirations of all peoples. The more understanding we have of what’s possible, the more rapidly change will come—as with the solving of our energy problems. Our first requirement is knowledge, followed by the demand for these new energy technologies. Once these criteria are employed, we can hope for rapid, positive global change beneficial to everyone. The 99 percent can truly change the world! We only need to agree on what that vision of the world should be.

Excerpted from Infinite Energy Technology by Finley Eversole © 2013 Healing Arts Press. Reprinted with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International.


Finley Eversole, Ph.D., has lectured widely on the arts, philosophy, metaphysics, and creativity. He served as executive director of the Society for the Arts, Religion and Contemporary Culture from 1966 to 1969, collaborating with Joseph Campbell, Alan Watts, W. H. Auden, and Alfred H. Barr Jr., founder of the Museum of Modern Art. He is the author of Christian Faith and the Contemporary Arts.