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Widgets: Worldwide Energly Comsumption, Production, Alternative Energy, Crude Oil Clocks, Oil & Gas News

James Stafford

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(There is no charge for using them and at present there is nothing else like them out there.)


The widgets cover almost all energy and metal sectors Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Solar Energy, gold, copper, silver, etc. And government and consumer debt tables and charts.


All widgets are interactive and are constantly moving – which makes them more interesting to visitors. They are superbly designed and the data provided would normally be very difficult to obtain and especially difficult to package into meaningful charts and graphs.


To see what we have please take a look at:


The widgets focus on:


Worldwide energy consumption (by country – figures updated every second)

Worldwide energy production (Crude oil, coal, natural gas, coal, solar, wind, updated every second.)

Alternative energy production (by method: Solar, wind, hydro, etc..)

Crude oil clocks

Oil & Gas news

