Happy New Year to All
Dark Days
The Winter Solstice, considered one of the most powerful times of year by many cultures around the world, has just passed. We are moving out of the deep, dark days of winter. The Light is re-emerging, expanding slightly each day, and All Life feels the expanding impulse. A new annual cycle has begun, and we are free to create afresh. This is the time to plan and set our vision for a better world!
Light Days
As the Hopi prophecy affirms, “We are the Ones we have been waiting for”, and with the recent elections, we have ushered in a hopeful future. Although the news we hear is often bad, and it seems that our planet is immersed in growing pollution, plans for war, and clouds of financial despair, the Light is once again advancing. As we usher in the New Year, it is time to turn our attention from the completion of the past year to the deeply held hopes and plans we have for better and brighter days ahead.
This week, as 2008 slips into history, please join us in celebrating TOP’s first year of work to bring forth free energy. Thanks to all of you, TOP received over $400,000 in donations, is in final negotiations to acquire Stan Myers technology, and has identified two promising technologies that could supply a working device in the coming year. None of this could have happened without your ability to see a brighter future, and to stand for it with your generous support. We are profoundly grateful for your unwavering help, and we remain committed to bringing free energy to the world in the very near future.
We are the creators of our reality, and 2009 is going to be whatever we co-create. Please share TOP’s vision and accomplishments with your friends and family in 2009, so they too can see the hope we have for a brighter future soon. And if you can, please help us again by making a donation today.
The Orion Board and Volunteers