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Anlautron-4 the First Commercial Quantum Free Energy Generator / Kiril Chukanov Ball-Lightning ZPE Interview (video)

Kiril Chukanov

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Attached are photos of ANLAUTRON-4 – the first commercial Quantum Free Energy generator in the world. Soon I will take orders...

I'm so happy tonight, we celebrated (my family, investors, my workers) with champagne my huge success with Quantum Free Energy from Ball Lightning!

Today, Feb 06, 2008, is a great day for our civilization. Anlautron-4 produced huge free energy power!!! I'll send to you pictures. The energy needs of our civilization are solved!!! I love you, I love all people on this planet...

I'm working for the welfare of people in the whole world, not for scientific TV star and Nobel Prize.

Quantum Free Energy is fantastic, it is so powerful, and it is discovered and harnessed by me. That's make difference for me. If someday some national chauvinists will try to ascribe this great discovery to some representative of their nation, don't believe them. Stay behind me, please. The media presentation of great scientific and technological discoveries is very often field of dirty nationalistic activities. I could invite some of you here for demonstrations.

I'll send to you some pictures of ANLAUTRON-4. The Era of Quantum Free Energy started! The Era of Fossil Fuel/ Nuclear Energy is coming to its end.


Kiril Chukanov,

Inventor of Quantum Free Energy from Ball Lightning.


Kiril Chukanov Ball-Lightning ZPE Interview

For over a year now, Dr. Kiril Chukanov has been working in a secret laboratory to perfect the dream of Zero-Point Energy from contained Ball-Lightning energy. He joins us to discuss his work, and the remarkable progress he's made, at the TeslaTech 2006 Conference in this remarkable half-hour interview.

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