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Midnight Tonight: #EndMonsantoLies

Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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Dec. 31, 2014


Dear Organic Consumer,

Contrary to what the Monsanto propaganda machine says, Monsanto isn’t feeding the world.

But the Gene Giant, and its minions in Congress and in the junk food industry, sure are feeding you a steady diet of lies.

As our midnight deadline approaches, we still need to raise about $40,000 in order to receive a matching grant of $200,000 from natural health leader Please help us #EndMonsantoLies in 2015. Details here on how to donate online, by phone or by mail.

It’s one of Monsanto’s most ubiquitous lies—that without GMOs, the world will starve.

It’s simply not true. Yet Monsanto uses this claim to defeat GMO labeling laws, to poison your soil and drinking water with glyphosate and 2,4-D. And worse yet, to poison your food.

The vast majority of GMO crops are corn and soy. Some of those crops go into the processed foods on your grocery shelves. In fact, about 80 percent of all processed foods contain pesticide-laden GMO corn, soy, sugar beets, cottonseed oil or canola.

But the majority of those GMO corn and soy crops go to feed livestock in factory farms, or to make biofuels.

The experts—scientists and economists who haven’t drunk Monsanto’s Kool-Aid—agree. We don’t have a food shortage problem. We have a poverty and distribution problem.

As one expert (Emelie Peine, professor of international politics and economy at the University of Puget Sound) told CNBC last year:

"We don't need more corn and soybeans, which have become part of the ethanol focus to be energy efficient, and for feeding livestock. What we do need is to produce food to eat rather than industrial commodities."

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, that food needs to be produced locally, using organic, regenerative farming practices, if we are to have any hope of feeding the world.

You’ve heard Monsanto’s story. That farmers get higher yields with GMOs. That GMO crops reduce pesticide use. That industrial agriculture plays no role in global warming.

Lies. All lies.

But you’ve heard those lies. You've also heard the lies about how GMO foods, and the poisons used to grow them, are perfectly safe. And how anyone--including you--who disagrees with Monsanto is an "anti-science alarmist."

You've heard all of the lies. And so have millions of others. Because Monsanto is doing a magnificent job of coercing mainstream media and twisting the arms of politicians in order to spread its lies.

In 2015, OCA, along with a growing national and international coalition, will work diligently, and strategically, to #EndMonsantoLies.

But we’ll need your support.

Our deadline is drawing near.  Please help us raise $200,000 to #EndMonsantoLies in 2015. If we reach our goal by midnight December 31, natural health leader will match your donation. Details here on how to donate online, by phone or by mail.

Thank you!

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund

 P.S.  Monsanto does not care about feeding the world, or supporting farmers. Monsanto is a chemical manufacturer that has turned food into a pesticide-delivery system, for livestock and humans. Please make a generous donation today to help #EndMonsantoLies. Thank you!