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Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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Oct. 31, 2014

Dead Heat

Dear Organic Consumer,

The GMO labeling movement needs a win next week. We simply can’t afford to lose again.

Our best hope is a win on Measure 92, to require mandatory labeling of GMOs in Oregon.

But because Monsanto and Big Food know this initiative will make or break the GMO labeling movement, they are pulling out all the stops and spending tens of millions of dollars to absolutely flood the airwaves in Oregon this weekend with their anti-labeling lies.

We can’t outspend them on TV and radio. But we can run the biggest, most ambitious on-the-ground get-out-the-vote campaign in Oregon’s history this weekend.

If you help.

The campaign is in place. But it will be weak unless we have enough money to fund it.

OCA, through our 501(c) lobbying arm, the Organic Consumers Fund, wants to wire another $20,000 to Oregon today – on top of the $750,000 we’ve already sent. But we’re running low on funds. Can you make a generous donation today for what could be the biggest win yet for GMO labeling?  Click here to donate online or by phone now.

The campaign’s get-out-the-vote push starts tomorrow, Saturday. And this is our last chance to fund it.

Polls show that despite the massive spending and the endless spewing of lies by Monsanto and friends, we are neck-and-neck as we head into the final weekend before the election.

Whether we win or lose in Oregon comes down to how many voters we reach this weekend. Your contribution, no matter how large or small, could be the one that gets that critical voter to the polls, to cast the winning vote. Please donate whatever you can today. Details for donating online or by phone are here.

This could be the GMO labeling movement's biggest moment ever. Let's win on Tuesday in Oregon! Thank you! 

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund

P.S. Funds donated directly to campaigns must be raised through the Organic Consumers Fund, our allied 501(c)4 lobbying arm. If you need to make a tax-deductible donation, please donate to our 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation will indirectly support our GMO bans and labeling law campaigns by funding our ongoing education and media work.