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GMOs, bigger appetites and the fattening of America

Carolanne Wright

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May 22, 2014

(NaturalNews) Looking around, it's no secret that Americans are putting on the pounds unlike any other time in history. Sure, we can't discount sedentary lifestyles, processed foods and outrageous sugar consumption as contributing factors. At the same time, an elephant in the room is often overlooked -- one known as genetically modified food. Researches are beginning to connect the dots, realizing that the possibility of GMOs contributing to weight gain is not as far-fetched as once thought.


GMOs, bigger appetites and the fattening of America

A long-term project in Norway investigating the health effects of genetically modified foods has come to some startling conclusions regarding the role that GMOs play in the worldwide obesity epidemic. Over a period of 90 days, test rats were fed either food containing genetically modified corn or feed which did not contain GM corn. The scientists discovered that the rats fed a GM corn diet had bigger appetites and grew fatter than those on the non-GM diet. It was also found that rats fed a diet of fish raised on GM corn had a similar result -- increased weight gain.

As noted in ScienceNordic, "If the same effect applies to humans, how would it impact on people eating this type of corn over a number of years, or even eating meat from animals feeding on this corn?" asked lead researcher, Ashild Krogdahl, PhD, a professor at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science.

Anthony Samsel agreed in his article "Obesity, Corn, GMOs":

"Translated to humans, the study suggests: if you dine on meat from an animal which was fed GE grains or consume products made from GE grains like corn, you could get the same adverse life altering effects. You could get fatter faster and retain the weight. These GE foods transfer their effects to you."

The study also observed changes in the immune system, intestinal structure and digestive and reproductive organs, as well as alterations in the liver, kidneys, pancreas and adrenal glands of animals who were fed a GM diet. The implications are monumental. That the animals were less able to digest protein and had changes in the gut lining not only influences obesity but can also give rise to a slew of health issues such as colitis, diabetes, digestive disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune disorders, sexual dysfunction, sterility, asthma and autism, among many others.

According to the Organic Consumers Association, it's estimated that 75 percent of processed foods contain GMOs -- and 80 percent of all food consumed in the U.S. is processed. It's no surprise that the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) weight gain data shows that obesity has spiked dramatically since the early 1990s -- which just happens to be soon after genetically modified crops were introduced into the food supply.

Considering that 68 percent of Americans are overweight and 34 percent are obese -- with Reuters reporting an annual price tag of $190 billion in related medical costs -- isn't it about time our representatives take a serious look at how GMOs are contributing to this modern day public health crisis?

Learn more about GMOs and how to take action:

Organic Consumers Association

Institute for Responsible Technology

Non-GMO Project

Sources for this article include:

About the author:

Carolanne believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, she has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of green living for over 13 years. Through her website, she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people who share a similar vision.

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Carolanne believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, she has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of green living for over 13 years. Through her website, she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people who share a similar vision. Follow on Facebook: For Pinterest fans: Find at Google+: and Twitter: Read her other articles on Natural News here: