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This is how we drive Monsanto's GMOs off the market

Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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March 17, 2014

Exposed Lies, Fallen Empire

Dear Organic Consumer,

How do we know we're winning the war against Monsanto and Big Food?

Dozens of supermarket chains and natural health stores have declared that they won’t sell GMO salmon in their stores, even if the FDA approves it.

Grocery stores, including major retail chains, are starting to voluntarily label GMO-foods, and in some cases, get rid of them altogether. Meanwhile sales of non-GMO and organic products  are steadily increasing.

The Grocery Manufacturers Association, desperate to prevent state GMO labeling laws, is peddling a bill in Congress that would preempt state laws—but no member of Congress has been willing to sponsor it.

We’re winning, one battle at a time. But until we bring down Monsanto’s evil empire once and for all, we still have work to do. If you help us raise $200,000 by midnight, March 31, two donors— and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps—will pitch in to match our $200,000 by donating $100,000 each. We’ll use that $400,000 to fight for state GMO labeling laws, and county bans on GMO crops. Can you make a donation today?

Since January 1, 2014, our Organic Consumers’ network has donated $165,000 to the Vermont state GMO labeling campaign, and $15,000 to the Maryland state GMO labeling campaign.

We’ve also donated a total of $80,000 to campaigns to ban the growing of GMO crops in several Oregon counties.

Next week, we’ll send the first $100,000 of our $500,000 pledge to support the November 4 state ballot initiative in Oregon, an initiative that will require mandatory labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients.

Many of you helped us raise millions of dollars for state ballot initiatives in California and Washington State, only to be disappointed when Monsanto and Big Food squeaked by with narrow wins. I was disappointed, too.

But you can’t put a price on exposing Monsanto's lies and driving genetically engineered foods off the market. What you helped us accomplish in California and Washington State has cracked the foundation of Monsanto’s evil empire.

Now we need to finish the job. 

Like you, I look forward to the day when we no longer have to raise money to fight for the basic right to know what’s in our food—and the right to ban the growing of crops, and the manufacture of foods, that are poisoning our soil, air and water, and ruining our health.

Until then, we’re all in this together.

Every donation made by midnight, March 31, no matter how large or small, will bring us closer to our goal of $200,000—and that much closer to matching funds from and Dr. Bronner’s.

Thank you!

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund

P.S. Funds donated directly to campaigns must be raised through the Organic Consumers Fund, our allied 501(c)4 lobbying arm. If you need to make a tax-deductible donation, please donate to our 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation will indirectly support our GMO bans and labeling laws by funding our ongoing education and media work.