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California GMO Labeling Bill SB1381

Mary Thomas - Label GMOs Siskiyou Leader

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From: Mary Thomas <>

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 19:59:15 -0800

To: Mary Thomas <>

Subject: CA GMO Labeling Bill SB1381

Greetings Everyone!

Exciting news here!!! As you may have heard, a Labeling Bill has been introduced by State Senator Noreen Evans!  This bill is much "cleaner" and simpler than Prop 37:

Label <> , in particular Pamm Larry, has been the leader in the state and beyond since before Prop 37 was on the ballot.  The California Grassroots webpage:

Now, there is a new coalition that is lobbying for the bill, including <> , and the California State Grange.  Some coalition members carefully made contact with legislative reps and started off with a labeling bill for baby formula. When Senator Evans' aide went to one of Howard Vleiger's presentations, she convinced the Senator to go for a broader labeling bill!

The brand new coalition website:

The bill will be coming out of the Health Committee.  Since our Senator, Jim Nielsen, sits on the Health Committee, it is very critical that we contact him, and tell him in a personal way why we, as his constituents, want this labeling bill to pass.  It's not just about our right to know.  We need to tell him a story and urge him on. The best way to get the message across is in person first, followed by a phone call, a letter in the mail, then email.

Tell Senator Nielsen to support SB1381, and tell him why you want his support, why you want him to be our champion!  Ask him to co-sponsor the bill!!!  DON'T FORGET TO MENTION TO HIM THAT PROP 37 WON IN SISKIYOU COUNTY!  If you gathered signatures for Prop 37, you can tell him that.  If you are a farmer or rancher, tell him that.  If you are a concerned mom or grandmother, tell him that.  The most important thing is to contact him, and use any and all means to do so!

Senator Nielsen's website

There are members of the California State Grange and the fabulous Sacramento Label GMOs leader who have been volunteering their time walking the halls of the capitol.  They have been paying for parking meals. etc while they have been at it.  Pamm is asking that you generously donate so they can continue.  Please go to this site and donate as generously as you can:

Thank you!  Please spread the word and stay tuned!

(I attended part of the Siskiyou Growers Seminar yesterday, and it became very apparent to me that two of the presenters were invited by our extension advisor to counter Howard Vlieger's presentation.  They are instruments of Big Ag biotech who don't care about famers and ranchers as long as the buy their GE seed and matching pesticide.  They outright lied, lied by omission, twisted the facts, and made light of serious affects of GMOs.)

Label Genetically Engineered Food!

Mary Thomas

Label GMOs Siskiyou Leader

5018 Solus Place

Weed, CA 96094

Phone & Fax 530-938-4073

Cell 530-925-2458