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Mike Mack On GMOs: 'There Is Very Little About Farming That's Natural'

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Jan. 24, 2014

I'm certain that Mike Mack loves GMO food, as long as it is profitable; and he doesn't have to eat it, while other people who must to survive become ill or sterilized as a consequence of eating it.

And when I said, sterilized, there are probably more than a few readers who rolled their eyes, and said, "Come on, Claire: this HAS to be a bad joke!"

No joke, folks:

In 2001 scientists at the Epicyte bio-lab in San Diego created the ultimate GM crop—'contraceptive corn'—after researchers discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm. By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives. Announcing his success at a press conference, the president of Epicyte, Mitch Hein, pointing to his GMO corn plants and announced, "We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies." Shortly after the 2001 Epicyte press release, all discussion of the breakthrough vanished. The company itself was taken over in 2004 by Biolex and nothing more was heard in any media about the development of spermicidal corn. Did it to go underground? Are your taco shells safe? What of your cornmeal or cornflakes? Is this killer cereal already turning up on our breakfast tables..? End of excerpt Scientists Create GM Corn Which Prevents Human Conception This from 2001. Is this why biotech people are in Africa as I type this?


In 2001 a company based in San Diego named Epicyte isolated a protein that was said to bring on sterility in men and women. It has been noted in a few sources on the Internet that an alliance and deal were made with Monsanto and DuPont to place this epicyte gene into commercially available GM corn. Now, since Monsanto and other companies are so hush hush about their process and so vehement about opposing labeling one must wonder when they read such stories that would otherwise look like they came from science fiction if indeed we are consuming GM corn with an infertility gene in it that will ultimately bring about sterility within two to three generations to curb the overpopulation "problem." It is no secret that certain organizations and eugenicists have for decades been working on ways to decrease populations specifically among those they deem to be undesirable. The eugenicist movement was very big in the beginning of the 1900s in the US with names like Margaret Sanger and even Nicola Tesla among others being associated with them. Is it really out of the realm of believability to think that these biotech companies in league with Monsanto and other chemical companies and rich backers would not try in some way to pass on this philosophy clandestinely through plants? If so, how would we know? Our foods aren't labeled and we can't trust the agencies involved with disclosing the truth. ~Mike Rivero