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GMO fish?

Sen. Jeff Merkley

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Nov. 12, 2013

When I first heard that the Food and Drug Administration was considering approving a genetically-engineered salmon, I got a little queasy.

The FDA has never before approved a genetically-modified animal for human consumption. But it might just happen as soon as this week -- even though the FDA's review has been insufficient, failing to consider broad environmental and public health risks from GMO salmon.

Sign my petition right now and tell the FDA that GMO salmon is too risky.

Here’s some hard data that should give all of us deep concerns: The company that is producing these salmon says they won't be able to cross-breed, and yet their own information suggest that 5% of the eggs they produce and transport around the world may not be sterile.  If released accidentally, these transgenic fish could severely endanger natural fish populations.

As a fish designed to grow twice as fast as natural salmon, these engineered fish may also increase human exposure to growth hormones, anti-microbial drugs, and disease.

Salmon is one of the world's healthiest foods and a celebrated by native cultures and modern consumers alike.

We simply cannot afford to jeopardize this great resource and put the environment and public health in danger.  But that's exactly what will happen if the FDA rushes through approval of genetically engineered salmon without a much stronger review of the risks.

Please join me and let’s tell the FDA that GMO salmon is an unacceptable risk.


Senator Jeff Merkley