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Don't let Monsanto take this one away.

Ronnie Cummins Organic Consumers Association

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Oct. 15, 2013

Don't let Monsanto take this one away.

Dear Organic Consumer,

Last year this time, you were pouring your heart and soul into winning the GMO labeling battle in California. So was I. With three weeks to go before the election, victory was so close we could almost taste it.

Then Monsanto snatched it away.

Please make a generous donation today to help us win this year’s key GMO labeling battle in Washington State. Every donation you make here will go directly to the YES on I-522 campaign.

Twelve months later, here we are again. The battleground has shifted to Washington State. The campaign is called I-522, not Proposition 37.

But we’re facing the same enemy. With the same deep pockets. The same arrogant, fear-mongering campaign of lies and half-truths. The same desperate determination to protect their obscene profits by keeping honest labels off of the GMO ingredients they put in your food.

We are ahead in the polls in Washington State. But not as far ahead as we were before Monsanto and the Junk Food Giants started blanketing the airwaves with their lies.

We need to run more ads. To reach more voters. And we need your help.

Please make a generous donation today to help us win this year’s key GMO labeling battle in Washington State. Every donation you make here will go directly to the YES on I-522 campaign.

Tomorrow, the ballots will be mailed. Friday, the voting will begin. On midnight, Nov. 5 it will be over.

Once again, victory is so close we can taste it.

But our experts in Washington State are clear: I-522 is not in the bag. Yet.

This has always been a David versus Goliath battle. It has been us – you, me, millions of moms and dads of every political persuasion – against shameless, soul-less corporations.

We need to win this one. And we need your help to do it.

Thank you! And thank you for being the heart and soul of this movement,

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund

P.S. Contributions to the Organic Consumers Fund, our 501c4 allied lobbying arm, are not tax-deductible. If you want to support our work on GMO labeling, but need your donation to be tax-deductible, please donate here to the Organic Consumers Association. Thank you!