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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Oct. 11, 2013

(NaturalNews) Here's something exciting you just can't miss: a new "GMO mini-summit" has been announced by Jeffrey Smith and John Robbins, and it's FREE to register and listen in. The mini-summit begins in two weeks (Oct. 25 - 27) and features remarkable guest speakers like Ken Cook, Rachel Parent, Andrew Kimbrell, Vandana Shiva, Robyn O'Brien, and of course Jeffrey Smith and John Robbins.


Register now at:


Again, registration is free, and you'll learn a wealth of critically-important information about GMOs such as:


• How genetically engineered foods are manufactured


• Studies revealing the health effects of GMOs on animals and humans


• The possible GMO connection to health issues like allergies, autism, and leaky gut


• The ramifications of corporate seed monopolies, the globalization of GMOs, and lawsuits against farmers whose crops have been contaminated


• The difference between hybrids and GMOs


• Analysis of the controversial French study (the Seralini report) on rats, GMOs and cancer growth


• How politics and corporate greed have corrupted the truth and put our environment and health in danger


• How to help your family eat healthier and avoid GMOs at kids' parties, school lunches, restaurants, and while traveling


• How GMOs affect bees, butterflies, amphibians and other species


• The economic impact of GMOs on farmers and consumers


• How to make sense of food labels and ingredient lists


• Ways to get involved and become active in the fight for GMO labeling and the future of agriculture


...and much more!


Click here to register now (it's free!).


I'll be listening, too

In case you're wondering, I was not able to participate in this mini-summit, but I wholly support its key founders Jeffrey Smith and John Robbins, and I'm passionate about their mission. Truthfully, I've been too deeply involved in the groundbreaking project Natural News will be announcing around Christmas, and I simply haven't had time to get involved in much else lately.


But just like you, I'll be listening intently to this mini-summit so that I can stay up to speed on the latest need-to-know information about GMOs, our health and the environmental outlook for the entire planet.


This GMO mini-summit is yet one more way that the online activism community is breaking new ground and empowering people with precisely the kind of knowledge the mainstream media would never dare broadcast. By listening to this summit, you are discovering hugely empowering truths the status quo does not want you to know. This summit is, in effect, the best example of what "they" don't want you to know about GMOs.


Click here to register now and be prepared to tune in starting Oct. 25, 2013.