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GMOs celebrated: Monsanto Executive wins the world food prize

Lance Johnson

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July 26, 2013

(NaturalNews) It can't be any more sickening than to watch an idea, so poisonous, become so celebrated, rewarded, and praised. A major World Food Prize award, started by Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Norman Borlaug, was given out recently to Monsanto Executive Robert Fraley and two other biotech masterminds. Mary-Dell Chilton, founder of Syngenta Biotechnology and Marc Van Montagu, founder of the Belgium Institute of Plant Technology Outreach also received the reward this year at the Iowa foundation.


World Food Prize loses all credibility as GMOs are praised

Upon their selection as winners of the $250,000 World Food Prize, the threesome agreed that the wider use of genetically engineered crops should be encouraged more so now than ever. Their prize, regarded as the Nobel of agriculture, is nothing more than a show to deceive the scientific community and the rest of the world that GMOS are safe and saving lives. Founder of the prize, Norman Borlaug, said, "Genetically modified crops offer higher yields and more resistance to pests, plant disease and harsh weather."

Biotech industry is no savior to mankind

All in the name of solving global food crisis, the idea of bio engineered food has arrived into modern day as the people's savior. What the biotech giants refuse to admit is that their laboratory seed is not even producing real food, but instead feeding the world with spliced, modified organisms that human cells don't understand. Genetically modified plants, such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and canola are manipulated. Foreign genes from bacteria and viruses are forced into their DNA, creating fake "food" that's never been in the food supply and is foreign to the human body. The human body will always need and deserve real, unadulterated food. The fake foods filling the grocery shelves are nothing more than slow, subtle poisons, making human cells more susceptible to cancer and chronic disease. This is so true considering that GMO foods like corn and soybeans are simultaneously sprayed with chemical pesticides. The seed, laboratory designed to withstand the pesticides, is not real. It's engineered. To make matters worse, these Franken-food crops grow up in a chemical environment of pesticides, delivering a dose of poison to each person who consumes


It goes no further than common sense that this approach to eating has its own morbid ill effects on the human population. The madness must be phased out of the world and more healthy practices of

growing food need revived.

The resistance is growing

The resistance is growing. The May 25th March against Monsanto proved that millions worldwide are sick of being poisoned as they took to the streets in protest.

At the same time the World Food prize was being rewarded, controversial, resisted strains of GMO wheat were showing up in Oregon. Monsanto abandoned that GMO strain of wheat in 2005 when worldwide opposition repelled it.

On top of it all, there are currently eight governments of the European Union that have

effectively banned Monsanto's GM corn and other forms of genetically modified crops from their countries.

Still, though, genetically engineered crops occupy over 430 million acres around the world, and

much work is to be done to stop these fake crops from spreading.

GMOs are linked to thousands of allergenic reactions, including sick, sterile, and dead livestock. Lab animal studies show damage to virtually every organ, and the human body isn't any more invincible.

The neonicotinoids pesticides developed by these biotech giants are destroying the ecosystem and causing bee colony collapses.

Video Revolt

Now is a great time to join in on the July 24th Monsanto video revolt. Learn more here:

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About the author:

Lance Johnson is avid learner of natural health, who's creating an all natural products movement from the ground up at: As more hearts move toward natural solutions in a world of toxins and propaganda, Lance believes real health opportunities exist. Pick up a 100% Natural Armed Defense Deodorant or a few bars of Liberty Soap from the Free Spirit online store.

Lance and his wife are also passionate about nutrient utilization and detoxification at the cellular level. They love sharing their testimony and reaching out to those seeking positive lifestyle changes.

Contact Lance and Kender on their site for more empowering health information.

Lance Johnson is avid learner of natural health, who's creating an all natural products movement from the ground up at: As more hearts move toward natural solutions in a world of toxins and propaganda, Lance believes real health opportunities exist. Pick up a 100% Natural Armed Defense Deodorant or a few bars of Liberty Soap from the Free Spirit online store. Lance and his wife are also passionate about nutrient utilization and detoxification at the cellular level. They love sharing their testimony and reaching out to those seeking positive lifestyle changes. Contact Lance and Kender on their site for more empowering health information.