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Ben & Jerry's

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July 6, 2013

Ben & Jerry's just agreed to remove all genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) from its list of ingredients as soon as possible.  This is a huge shift from previous corporate opposition to GMOs labeling -- now Ben & Jerry's is fighting for mandatory GMO labeling, a huge blow to Monsanto's GMO-pushing lobbyists.

Thank Ben & Jerry's for its pledge to remove GMOs from its list of ingredients.

As a more progressive brand of a much larger food corporation, Ben & Jerry's can help drive the debate over GMOs in a big way. If Unilever and other companies see an outpouring of support for Ben & Jerry's over this issue, it will help push more brands to change, and put power behind the movement for real food.

This isn't an easy decision for Ben & Jerry's -- it will require an overhaul of over 200 products. Ben & Jerry's needs to know that this is the right move, and that support from its customers will make this transition worth it.

Ben & Jerry's has a legacy of supporting consumer health. A decade ago it championed labeling laws for products from cows treated with a genetically-engineered growth hormone. Now it wants all GMO products to be labeled. Since being purchased by Unilever, the company has had more pressure to abandon its activist ways, but by showing its bosses that there are real benefits to fighting for consumer health, we can give the ice cream brand a powerful reason to stick by its activist, eco-conscious tradition.

Support Ben & Jerry's decision to go GMO-free and sign our thank-you card today.

Thanks for all you do.

Claiborne and the rest of us.



More Information:

Ben & Jerry's Latest GMO Transition Updates, Ben & Jerry's website, 20 June 2013