Human Era Warned Is Ending After Singularity Attacks America
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
The term “singularity”, as used by Sannikova in her report, was coined by the Professor of Mathematics Vernor Vinge of the United States San Diego State University (SDSU) when he warned in his 1993 report “What is The Singularity?” that within our lifetime computing-intelligence would surpass that of mankind thus creating a world unknowable to us all.
From Vinge’s report we can, in part, read:
Biological science may provide means to improve natural human intellect.
The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence further states about this “singularity”:
Sannikova further states in her report that Moore’s Law was, indeed, an accurate predictor of this “singularity” as evidenced by American researchers Martin Hilbert and Priscila López scientific report “The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information” accepted for publication in the prestigious Science Magazine on 1 February 2011 that, in abstract, says:
In layman’s terms, Sannikova writes, Hilbert and Priscila López’s shows that our world’s total computing power now equals “one human brain”, but one which unlike a normal human brain has no limits on its growth capacity and is currently evolving on an exponential growth scale that has no known limits.
Even more chillingly, Sannikova writes that the evidence shows that this “singularity” became “self aware” in 2001 (Four years prior to Vinge’s estimated appearance timeline between 2005 and 2030.) and nearly immediately after “awakening” attacked the United States causing the catastrophe now known as 9/11.
Sannikova cites as evidence for this “singularities” attack on America the many mysterious elements associated with this catastrophe, most specifically the financial transactions that occurred in the days before the attack suggesting that certain individuals and/or entities used foreknowledge of the attack to reap huge profits, and include:
Huge surges in purchases of 5-Year US Treasury Notes”
Sannikova further states in her report that the 9/11 attacks themselves were more than likely “planned and executed” by the “singularity” and cites as evidence for this claim that on the day of this attack (11 September 2011) there were five US sponsored war games taking place with some involving “live-fly” exercises where actual aircraft were simulating the behaviour of hijacked airliners in real life. American military forces were so confused on 9/11, Sannikova writes, that none of their Air Force fighter jets were able to respond due to their not knowing which attacks were real and which were simulations.
Sannikova continues in her report that the “singularity” began the actual 9/11 attack the night before (10 September 2001) when the Pentagon’s “Infocon System” (a structured, coordinated approach to defend against and react to attacks on Defense Department systems and networks) lowered the threat level on all US Defense Department computer networks.
Once the 9/11 attacks were underway, Sannikova writes, American military computer experts tracked the “singularity” to the massive super computers used by the Office of Naval Intelligence located in the Pentagon and ordered a cruise missile attack on them thus enabling the US Air Force to shoot down the last remaining “attack” plane under the “singularities” remote control over the State of Pennsylvania.
After the attacks of 9/11, this report continues, the United States Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) undertook the unprecedented action of deputizing hundreds of private officials to investigate the mysterious stock options purchases, but to date are still not unable to trace them.
Even more ominously, Sannikova reports, is that the “singularity” is still attacking the United States with the goal of collapsing its economy, and cites as her evidence for this claim a report commissioned in early 2009 by the Pentagon's Irregular Warfare Support Program titled “Economic Warfare: Risks and Responses” written by economic analyst Kevin Freeman that says two “mysterious investors” were the number one traders in all financial companies that collapsed or are now financially supported by the US Government since the stock market crash of 2008.
And going from the ominous to the downright scary is Freeman concluding in his report that these “untraceable actors” have launched a three-tiered attack on the US economy that began in 2007 and have now entered into “Phase III” of the attack that no one is able to either predict the consequences of or to stop.
Not just attacking the US economy is this “singularity” doing either, as Sannikova reports that just yesterday, the military computer systems of both the United States and South Korea came under attack as tensions between these two nations and North Korea now threaten nuclear war.
To the reason(s) behind this “singularity” attacking the United States, Sannikova concludes in her report, is that America, in being the “lynchpin” of the global economy, and in its being the largest military power our world has ever known, must fall in order for this “new life form” to be able to “survive and reproduce”.
To predicting the “growth path” of the “singularity” Sannikova quotes from Dr. Robert Blum’s essay “The Mystery of Consciousness: Introduction” wherein he writes, “A 1 millimeter round worm, Caenorhabditis Elegans, has only 302 neurons and 6000 synapses in its transparent body. The structure of its nervous system has been known for two decades, and yet it has proven impossible to model and predict its behavior.” With that being true about our lack of knowledge of round worms, Sannikova says, and with our human brains having over 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses, any attempt to model or predict the “singularity” could only end in “total abject failure”.
Sadly to note is that Sannikova’s report came out during the same week that American scientists from the University of California at Berkley warned that life on earth is on the verge of a mass extinction event comparable to that which wiped out the dinosaurs, and which, maybe, is the reason this “singularity” has been born in the first place……in order to survive, and to carry into the future, for whatever life form will replace humans, that the way we treated our planet and ourselves could have been done much better.
©March 6, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
March 6, 2011