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His Legacy: Ignoring The Genocide Of Christians Over An 8 Year Period

Capt Joseph R. John

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For 8 years Obama failed to condemn the genocide perpetrated by Al Q’ieda, ISIS, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) who continued to butcher over 200,000 Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  Current media reports state Obama is trying to salvage, what he calls, “His Legacy.”  Obama will never be able to salvage “His Legacy”, because he turned a blind eye to the genocide that Al Q’ieda, ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist, and members of the MB perpetrated against Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  Obama repeatedly ignored pleas by 56 US Congressmen, on both sides of the isle, to provide Christians families with small arms weapons to protect themselves.  


Al Q’ idea, ISIS, and the MB crucified Christians, beheaded them, burned them alive, drowned them in cages, buried them alive, cut small children’s bodies in two, forced men to kneel in order to shoot them behind the head, and threw Christians from high buildings to their deaths.  In the last 2 years, ISIS has perpetrated 143 “Radical Islamic Terrorists” attacks in 29 countries, murdering 2043 people in “Hate Crimes” and “Crimes Against Humanity”; those murderous acts were executed to prevent Christians from exercising their “Freedom of Religion.” 

While Obama was ignoring the genocide in the Middle East, he minimized the 93 “Radica Islamic Terrorist” attacks in the United States (2/3rd of those attacks occurred in the last 4 years).  Yet for 8 years, Obama refused to allow personnel in the White House, the National Security Agency, the CIA, the FBI, Department of Defense, the Justice Department, 17 Intelligence Agencies, the US Armed Forces, and the State Department to properly identify terrorists killing Americans, as “Radical Islamic Terrorists” nor did he allow Government Agencies to associate ISIS, MB, MB Front Groups, or Al Q’ieda with Islam. 

House Speaker Paul Ryan called President Obama’s failure to protect persecuted Christians “abysmal.” He said Obama has had a distinct disinterest in including “Religious Freedom” and the “Genocide of Christians”,  among his foreign policy priorities.  Obama even left the State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom vacant for nearly two years.

On September 30th, the New York Times reported on a leaked recording of Secretary of State John Kerry conversing with leaders of the Syrian opposition fighting Syria’s President, Bashar Assad.  It cast light on Obama’s “Laisez Faire” attitude toward ISIS, and his continued minimization of the strength of the ISIS, which he referred to as a “JV Team”. 

In 2012, Kerry indicated that Obama believed that allowing ISIS to grow in strength and receive weapons delivered from Libya would serve his objective of helping oust Syria’s President, Bashar Assad, without the need to employ US Military combat personnel on the ground.  WikiLeaks E-mails back up Turkish President Erdogen’s assertion that the US has given support to terror groups, including ISIS in Syria.

In 2008, Obama said the reason he ignored the Pentagon, the State Department, and the Intelligence community, and pulled all US Military forces out of Iraq, was because there wasn’t a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq. Today there are nearly 5000 US Military combat personnel on the ground in Iraq, and hundreds of US Military combat personnel in Syria, and still there is no Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq (2 US Military combat personnel have been killed, and 14 were wounded in Syria in October). 

According to the New York Times report on Kerry’s conversation with Assad’s Syrian opposition, Obama did not calculate that Assad would turn to Russia for military support, making ISIS’ opposition to his regime irrelevant.   During the period when Obama was hoping ISIS would oppose Assad, ISIS genocide against Christians increased; Obama turned a blind eye to ISIS’ genocide and the rapid growth of ISIS from several thousand terrorists, to an multi-national trained force of over 50,000 “Radical Islamic Terrorists”. 

Obama tried to minimize and ignore the growth in strength of what he called the ISIS “JV Team”.  Obama’s continued minimization of ISIS resulted in 50 frustrated Central Command Intelligence Analyst co-signing a letter, protesting the fact that they were being pressured by Generals to produce intelligence reports that underestimate the true strength of ISIS and the danger ISIS’ Islamic State posed in the Middle East. Those Generals were, being pressured by their superiors in the Pentagon, to go along with Obama’s underestimated strength of ISIS. 

In the last 8 years, while Obama occupied the Oval Office, ISIS easily grew rapidly because there were no longer a US Military force in Iraq, and it spread its tentacles into 29 countries, perpetrating over 8986 murders worldwide (1123/year), as well as the genocide of 200,000 Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  In the previous 27 years Radical Islamic Terrorist murdered 4278 people worldwide (158/year). 

In a 2013 Congressional hearings, evidence was presented from DIA intelligence reports that from 2011-2012, US Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens was shipping weapons from deposed Libyan Ruler, Muammar Gaddafi’s armory.  Tons of weapons were being shipped from the port of Benghazi to Syria via Turkish ports, then on to the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Q’ieda, and ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists, who were opposing Bashar Assad. 

It was another of Obama’s “Gun Running Operations”, following the “Fast and Furious Gun Running Operation” to Mexican Drug Cartels, that resulted in the death of a US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

An April 22, 2014 report entitled, “How America Changed Sides in the War On Terror”, identified Hakim Belhaj, as a key Al Q’ieda operative, was known Libyan terrorist who the European Union banned, and who was identified as the principal organizer of the Radical Islamic Terrorist attack on the US Mission in Benghazi on September 11, 2011, played a major role in moving Gaddafi’s weapons from US Ambassador Chris Stevens to the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Q’ieda, and ISIS in Syria. 

The below listed comments and acts by Obama, reveals his state of mind, and why for 8 years, he refused to properly identify the terrorists killing Americans as “Radical Islamic Terrorists”, why he referred to ISIS as a “JV Team”, and why he refused to authorized the bombing of the Islamic State’s Capital of Raqqa (the Joint Chiefs recommended the strike, in order to decapitate the Islamic State’s leadership): 


1)    On ABC News Obama referenced---“My Muslim Faith.”


2)    Obama wrote that in the event of a conflict—“I will stand with the Muslims.”


3)    Obama refused to label the Ft Hood shooter who yelled “Allah Akbar” while he was killing 13 US soldiers as a “Terrorist.”


4)    Obama provided $100 million of US Taxpayer dollars thru Hillary’s State Department to build “foreign” Mosques.


5)    Obama exempted Muslims in the US from fines that Christians and Jews were forced to pay for, for not signing up for Obamacare.


6)    Obama appointed members of the Muslim Brotherhood and its Front Groups to NSA, DHS, CIA, DOD, STATE, & Justice.


7)    Obama refused to join world leaders in Paris after the Paris massacres, to show US solidarity against “Radical Islamic Terrorists”.


8)    Obama ordered Georgetown and Notre Dame to cover up all vestiges of Christianity before he would agree to speak there. 


9)    Obama freed 195 of the 240 most dangerous detainees in GITMO; 30% returned to combat and are killing US Military personnel.


10)                       Obama terminated the military tribunals established to put captured “Radical Islamic Terrorists” on trial in GITMO.


11)                       Obama assured Egypt’s Foreign Minister that—“I am a Muslim.”


12)                       Obama was the first US President in 240 years who refused to send a Christmas greeting from the White House.


13)                       Obama had Dept. ED install mandatory Arabic language, and Muslim Religious studies in the nation’s grammar schools.


14)                       Obama said NASA’s “Foremost Mission” would be to develop an outreach to Muslim communities.


15)                       In an Islamic Dinner with Muslims, Obama said---“I am one of you.”


16)                       Obama followed the Muslim custom of not wearing any jewelry (rings/watches) for 8 years during Ramadan.


17)                       Obama said the Muslim call to worship is “The most beautiful sound on earth.”


18)           For 8 years, in the Executive Office Building at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, DC, silence was enforced during the five times of

                    Islamic prayer each day (25 minutes/day, 7 days/week). Prayer rugs and crescent moon symbols were made available in several

                    areas of the Executive Office Building for Muslims visitors and Muslims working in The White House.


Millions of unprotected Assyrian Christians living in their ancient ancestral homeland of Mesopotamia, on the Plains of Nineveh, and Syrian Christians living in Syria who have practiced their religion since Christ walked the surface of the earth, were butchered by Al Q’ieda, ISIS, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, while Obama ignored their repeated requests for small arms for the self-defense of their families.


Despite the repeated petitions by 56 US Congressmen from both sides of the isle, who pleaded with Obama to provide Syrian and Assyrian Christians with self-defensive small arms weapons, to protect their families from the on-going genocide by ISIS, Obama refused to authorize self-defensive aid.  At the same time, Obama was accepting over 900,000 Middle East Muslim refugees, he refused to accept any of the over 300,000 Middle East Christians Refugees who fled from the genocide by “Radical Islamic Terrorist”. 


The US Congress must terminate all funding for the UN Middle East and African “Muslin Only” Refugee Program, run by Muslims in the UN---it has been discriminating against Christian Refugees for the last 8 years, and is an ongoing violation of “Freedom of Religion” and US Law. 


While the genocide of Christians in the Middle East continued, Obama brought in over 900,000 Middle East and African Muslin Refugees into the US, thru the UN Refugee Relief Program.  They were settled in 187 cities throughout the US, at a cost of billions of US tax payer dollars, while Obama prevented the FBI from determining if they had terrorist ties.  Obama refused to inform local and state elected government officials, and Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Officers where those Middle East and African Muslim Refugees were resettled. 


For 8 years, the “Republican” and “Democratic” leaders in Congress, worked closely with Obama and the US Chamber of Commerce to ensure the wide open Southern Border remained open.  For those 8 years “Radical Islamic Terrorists”. who have set up terrorist training camps just south of the US/Mexican border, were able to simply walk into the United States thru that wide open southern border. 


The FBI has opened over 1000 “Radical Islamic Terrorist” cases in all 50 states, to apprehend and prosecute “Radical Islamic Terrorist” operating in the United States.  To date the FBI has disrupted and prosecuted over 100 “Radical Islamic Terrorist” potential attacks within the United States, resulting in the arrests and prosecutions of 180 “Radical Islamic Terrorists.”


Despite the 180 arrests, there have been 93 ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks within the United States by Muslim Refugees from the Middle East and Africa and/or from their off springs; 2/3rd of those attacks occurred in the last 4 years.  Those attacks and threats of attacks have been covered up by the left of center liberal media establishment working very closely with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups, and the Obama administration. The attachment details many, but not all of those “Radical Islamic Terrorist” attacks initiated in the United States, that resulted in the death of hundreds of Americans Citizens on US soil.


Please review the below listed article to fully understand the “Step by Step” procedure Obama and Hillary Clinton followed to incubate ISIS “Radical Islamic Terrorists”, that allowed ISIS to grow and gain in strength.   


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.



Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt    USN(Ret)/Former FBI

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

San Diego, CA 92108


Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

-Isaiah 6:8




WND Exclusive

Step by step: How Hillary, Obama incubated ISIS

Jerome R. Corsi 

NEW YORK – By piecing together recently revealed WikiLeaks emails with evidence that has emerged over the past several years, it’s become increasingly clear that President Obama and his secretary of state at the time, Hillary Clinton in 2011, armed the Free Syrian Army rebels in an effort to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad, mirroring a strategy already under way in Libya to help al-Qaida-affiliated militia overthrow Moammar Gadhafi.  A consequence of the strategy was the emergence of ISIS out of the loosely coordinated Free Syrian Army coalition as well as the disastrous Benghazi attack in which a U.S. ambassador was murdered.

Various WikiLeaks emails examined by WND indicate the Free Syrian Army was among the first splinter rebel groups Clinton and Obama armed. The Obama administration apparently was hoping to replicate the regime-change strategy in which it armed al-Qaida-affiliated militia in Libya, including Ansar al-Sharia, the group responsible for the Sept. 11, 2012, attack at Benghazi.

The WikiLeaks email evidence shows a shift in policy in which Clinton and Obama appear to have decided in 2011 to topple the governments of Gadhafi in Libya and Assad in Syria, even if it meant arming “Radical Islamic Terrorist” groups that traced back to al-Qaida.

As WND reported last week, WikiLeaks emails back up Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s assertion that U.S.-led coalition forces have given support to terror groups, including ISIS in Syria.

The claim derived further support from a recording leaked to the New York Times of Secretary of State John Kerry admitting the Obama administration not only hoped ISIS would depose the Assad regime, it also gave arms to the jihadist army and its allies to carry out the task.

Blumenthal recommends Free Syria Army to Clinton

Hacked emails to Hillary Clinton from longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal that were published in October by WikiLeaks tell the story.

On June 20, 2011, Blumenthal sent a confidential email to Clinton at the State Department that included an article by David W. Lesch, a professor of Middle Eastern history at Trinity University in San Antonio. Lesch argued a strategy of regime change could be effected in Syria if the U.S. could find opposition groups in Syria capable of establishing “a Benghazi-like refuge from which to launch a rebellion and to which aid can be sent.”

In a subsequent confidential email July 24, 2012, Blumenthal further advised Clinton that the “growing success of the rebel forces of the Free Syria Army” caused him to believe the Assad regime was increasingly vulnerable to being toppled.

In an email Feb. 24, 2012, Blumenthal characterized the FSA as “loosely organized and uncoordinated,” noting it was “for the most part, local militias, many of them civilian based, that are simply calling themselves the FSA to appear to be part of a whole.”

Blumenthal commented in the email that the armed resistance to Assad “is not well funded or well armed.”

On Feb. 28, 2012, Jacob Sullivan, a State Department senior policy adviser to Secretary Clinton, forwarded to Clinton an opinion piece published in the New York Times by foreign correspondent Roger Cohen suggesting the strategy Obama and Clinton had used to topple Gadhafi in Libya should be used to bring down Assad in Syria.

“As the Bosnian war showed, the basis for any settlement must be a rough equality of forces. So I say step up the efforts, already quietly ongoing, to get weapons to the Free Syrian Army. Train those forces, just as the rebels were trained in Libya,” Cohen wrote. “Payback time has come around: The United States warned Assad about allowing Al Qaeda fighters to transit Syria to Iraq. Now matériel and special forces with the ability to train a ragtag army can transit Iraq – and other neighboring states – into Syria.”

Then, on Sept. 18, 2012, one week after the Benghazi terror attack, Blumenthal, in a confidential memo, alerted Clinton to the possibility of the FSA military taking over Damascus.

The prospect caused Assad’s wife and close relatives to urge Assad to flee Syria to avoid “the fate of Assad’s former ally Muammar al Qaddafi of Libya, who was captured and killed by rebel forces while attempting to flee his home territory in Sirte.”

Clinton sought to arm Free Syrian Army

In an Aug. 17, 2014, email released by WikiLeaks, Clinton, after her service as secretary of state, suggested to adviser John Podesta: “At the same time, we should return to plans to provide the FSA [Free Syrian Army], with some group of moderate forces, with equipment that will allow them to deal with a weakened ISIL, and stepped up operations against the Syrian regime.”

Andrew C. McCarthy, a senior policy fellow at the National Review Institute, tied the statement to the Obama administration’s plan to equip Syrian fighters, either the Free Syrian Army or “other moderate forces,” to a U.S.-led operation in coordination with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to steer weapons to Syria, “ostensibly to fight both Assad and ISIS.”

McCarthy noted, however, that Clinton’s 2014 memo to Podesta asserted the Saudi and Qatari governments both supported ISIS and other “radical Sunni groups.”

In September 2013, WND reported Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., had relied on the work of Elizabeth O’Bagy, a 26-year-old graduate student, to argue in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Obama administration should send weapons to arm the “moderate” Free Syrian Army to oppose the Assad government in Syria.

In that article, WND detailed the extensive lobbying efforts conducted in Washington to advance the FSA as a “moderate group,” despite clear evidence the al-Nusra Front – operating under the FSA umbrella – had been declared a terrorist organization by the State Department; had pledged allegiance to al-Qaida’s top leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri; and was the group of choice for foreign jihadi fighters pouring into Syria.

Clinton ‘changed sides in war on terror’

WND reported in 2015 the Obama White House and the State Department under the management of Hillary Clinton “changed sides in the war on terror” in 2011 by implementing a policy of facilitating the delivery of weapons to the al-Qaida-dominated rebel militias in Libya attempting to oust Gadhafi, the Citizens Commission on Benghazi concluded in its interim report.

The April 22, 2014, report, “How America Changed sides in the War on Terror,” alleges “the U.S. was fully aware of and facilitating the delivery of weapons to the Al Qaeda-dominated rebel militias throughout the 2011 rebellion.”

The report asserted the agenda of al-Qaida-affiliated jihadis in the region, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and other Islamic terror groups represented among the rebel forces, was well known to U.S. officials responsible for Libya policy.

“The rebels made no secret of their Al Qaeda affiliation, openly flying and speaking in front of the black flag of Islamic jihad, according to author John Rosenthal and multiple media reports,” the interim report said. “And yet, the White House and senior Congressional members deliberately and knowingly pursued a policy that provided material support to terrorist organizations in order to topple a ruler who had been working closely with the West actively to suppress Al Qaeda.”

The report concluded: “The result in Libya, across much of North Africa, and beyond has been utter chaos, disruption of Libya’s oil industry, the spread of dangerous weapons (including surface-to-air missiles), and the empowerment of jihadist organizations like Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The report identified a key al-Qaida operative who played a major role moving U.S. arms into both Libya and Syria as Abdul Hakim Belhaj, (aka Abdallah al Sadeq). Belhaj was a veteran jihad fighter of Iraq and Afghanistan; commander of the al-Qaida franchise militia, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), aka Libyan Islamic Movement for Change; a post-revolution military commander of Tripoli; and the Libyan delegation leader to the Free Syrian Army in late 2011.

In September 2014, WND reported Elizabeth O’Bagy, who had been fired from her job with a Washington think-tank after her exposure by WND as a source for Kerry’s argument that the FSA is a “moderate” rebel force in Syria, had also arranged for McCain a trip to Syria in May 2013 in which senator met with Belhaj, who was then represented as a leader of the FSA.

In November 2013, WND reported trusted Libyan expatriates had claimed Belhaj was at large in Libya. The expatriates identified Belhaj as an al-Qaida operative, noting he was at the top of a list of Libyan terrorists banned by the European Union from obtaining entrance visas and was the principal organizer of the terrorist attack in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2011, in which Ambassador Stevens was murdered.

McCarthy reported Aug. 2 Ambassador Stevens had “moved an enormous shipment of weapons from Benghazi to the Syrian ‘rebels’ in Turkey,” as the Obama administration was working in 2011 to determine which Syrian “rebel” forces should be armed.

McCarthy pointed to a New York Times article in 2012, some three months before the Benghazi massacre, that reported CIA operatives were secretly in Turkey helping the Obama administration to decide which Syrian opposition fighters would receive arms clandestinely from the United States to fight the Syrian government.

The Times further reported the weapons including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons were being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries, including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood, and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

McCarthy further noted that before becoming ambassador, Christopher Stevens was the Obama administration’s official liaison to Gadhafi’s Islamist opposition in Libya, including its al-Qaida-linked groups. Among them were the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, with Stevens working directly with Belhaj.


-----Original Message-----

To: "'Joseph R. John'" <>

Subject: Partial list of Refugees and Radical Islamic Terrorists who have perpetrated Terrorist Attacks in US


Below is a partial list of Refugees and Radical Islamic Terrorists who have perpetrated

Terrorist Attacks against American citizens---the partial list is truly unbelievable, and the Obama administration and the left of center liberal media establishment have done their best to cover up every one of those terrorist attacks for 8 years—it is part of a continuing criminal conspiracy that is damaging the National Security Interest of the United States!!!

The United States is under attack from coast to coast in  places like  Sacramento (CA), Houston (TX), Morganton (NC), Philadelphia PA), San Bernardino (CA), Times Square (NY), Moore (OK), Detroit (MI), Boise, Orlando, West Orange (NJ), Fort Hood (TX), Portland (ME), Chattanooga, Garland, Boston (MA), Portland (OR), Minneapolis, Buffalo (NY), Jonesboro (GA), Ashtabula (OH), Bingham (NY), Glendale (AZ), Phoenix (AZ), Little Rock (AR), Merced (CA), Marquette Park (IL), Seattle, Skyway (WA), Denver (CO), Aspen Hill (MD), Baltimore (MD), Arlington (VA), Fredricksburg (VA), Missouri, Kentucky, Scottsville,(NY), Richmond (CA), Washington (DC), Irving (TX), Port Bolivar (TX), Warren (MI), Waltham (MA), Manassas (VA), Buena Vista (NJ), and many more cities too numerous to list here.


The left of center liberal media establishment is working hand in glove with Obama, to covering up the fact that there have been 93 Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11.  To date, 100 ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist plots have been foiled by the FBI, resulting in the arrests of over 180 ISIS Muslim Refugees and Radical Islamic Terrorists by the FBI across the United States, and there are 1000 FBI ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist cases under investigation in all 50 states.  We encourage all American citizens to put pressure on their Congress to pass the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Act, and to get the Republican Leaders in Congress to finally do something after 8 years to protect American citizens and their children from Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The below “partial list” of the Muslim Refugees and Radical Islamic Terrorists who have participated in Jihad killings and attacks against the American citizens since Obama took office—are only listed, because the complete numbers of Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks are just too many, to all be listed here. 

There are now over 900 open cases on potential ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists in all 50 states being prosecuted by the FBI, those terrorist are a percentage of the 900,000+ Muslim Refugees Obama forced fed into 180 cities resettling them throughout the US thru the UN Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program while ignoring FBI warnings that they cannot vet them to determine if they have terrorist ties. Now we find out that Obama had his appointees at DHS scrub clean the data base of hundreds of Radical Islamic Terrorist suspects they maintained records on—that was a conspiracy that damaged the national Security of the United States: 

  • On January 7, 2016, Aws Mohammad Younis Al-Jayab, a Palestine born Iraqi, was arrested in Sacramento, CA on charges of assisting jihadi organizations.
  • In an unrelated case, also on January 7, 2016, Omar Faraj Saeed al Hardan, an Iraqi Refugee, was arrested in Houston, TX on charges of providing material support to ISIS and going thru terrorist training.
  • In Philadelphia, PA, a jihadi opened fire on a cop on January 8, 2016. He fired 13 shots and hit the police officer three times, grievously wounding the man.
  • On January 11, 2016, Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions said the number of people implicated in radical Islamic terrorist plots in the U.S. has jumped to 113.
  • On January 16, 2016, Mohamed Elmi, 31, and Mohamed Salad, 29, both of Calgary, 

    Canada, were arrested after they invaded the doorway of a neighborhood bar and grievously wounded a 38-year old stranger.


  • On February 16, 2016, a court magistrate ruled after hearing the FBI testimony that Khalil Abu-Rayyan, a 21 year old Dearborn, MI man  was too much of a threat to public safety and ordered him held without bail. He gets excited by thoughts of beheading Americans, burning people alive and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings. He’d actually made plans to shoot up a 6,000 member Christians in Detroit, in conversations with an undercover FBI agent.. (If I) can’t go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.” He also told the agent that “shooting and death make me excited. I love to hear people begging and screaming. … I wish I had my gun.”  The FBI claims Abu-Rayyan has since late 2014 used Twitter for “retweeting, liking and commenting” on Islamic State propaganda.

On February 12, 2016 a machete wielding assailant known to the FBI, identified as Mohammad Barry, a Somali living in Ohio attacked Jewish and Christian patrons at a restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, wounding four people. Witnesses said it was carnage.  Some of the patrons fought back by throwing chairs. Police later shot and killed Barry after a short chase. Investigators are trying to determine if Barry attacked the Nazareth Restaurant because he thought the owner was Jewish.  In actuality, the restaurant is owned by an Israeli Christian.

  • On January 7, 2016, Aws Mohammad Younis Al-Jayab, a Palestine born Iraqi, was arrested in Sacramento, CA on charges of assisting jihadi organizations.

·         On June 12, 21016, Omar Saddiqul Mateen, the son of Afghan refugees,  massacred 49 gentle & innocent Americans, and wounded 53 others, in the Orlando night club, Pulse, in the deadliest mass shooting in US history

  • In an unrelated case, also on January 7, 2016, Omar Faraj Saeed al Hardan, an Iraqi Refugee, was arrested in Houston, TX on charges of providing material support to ISIS and going thru terrorist training.
  • In Philadelphia, PA, a jihadi opened fire on a cop on January 8, 2016. He fired 13 shots and hit the police officer three times, grievously wounding the man.
  • On January 11, 2016, Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions said the number of people implicated in radical Islamic terrorist plots in the U.S. has jumped to 113.
  • On January 16, 2016, Mohamed Elmi, 31, and Mohamed Salad, 29, both of Calgary, 

    Canada, were arrested after they invaded the doorway of a neighborhood bar and grievously wounded a 38-year old stranger.

  • On February 16, 2016, a court magistrate ruled after hearing the FBI testimony that Khalil Abu-Rayyan, a 21 year old Dearborn, MI man  was too much of a threat to public safety and ordered him held without bail. He gets excited by thoughts of beheading Americans, burning people alive and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings. He’d actually made plans to shoot up a 6,000 member Christians in Detroit, in conversations with an undercover FBI agent.. (If I) can’t go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.” He also told the agent that “shooting and death make me excited. I love to hear people begging and screaming. … I wish I had my gun.”  The FBI claims Abu-Rayyan has since late 2014 used Twitter for “retweeting, liking and commenting” on Islamic State propaganda.

On February 12, 2016 a machete wielding assailant known to the FBI, identified as Mohammad Barry, a Somali living in Ohio attacked Jewish and Christian patrons at a restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, wounding four people. Witnesses said it was carnage.  Some of the patrons fought back by throwing chairs. Police later shot and killed Barry after a short chase. Investigators are trying to determine if Barry attacked the Nazareth Restaurant because he thought the owner was Jewish.  In actuality, the restaurant is owned by an Israeli Christian

  • On May 3, 2015 an attack with gunfire was carried by two Radical Islamic Terrorists followers of ISIS at the entrance to the Curtis Culwell Center, in Garland, TX featuring cartoon images of Mohammad—both were shot and killed by a police officer. Just prior to the attack one of the gunmen posted “May Allah accept us as Mujahedeen”—he wrote both pledged allegiance to “Amirul Mu’mineen”, a likely reference to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
  • An immigrant from Ghana, who applied for and received US citizenship, pledged allegiance to ISIS and plotted a terrorist attack on the US soil (June 2015).
  • An immigrant from Sudan, who applied and received US citizenship, tried to join ISIS and wage Jihad on its behalf after having been recruited on line(June 2015).
  • In November 17, 2015 A Uzbek Muslim refugee in Boise, ID was convicted of plotting to bomb US military bases.
  • On August 14, 2015 three Somali Muslims, Mohamud Mohamed, 36, and Osman Sheikh, 31, Abil Teshome, 23, brutally beat and murdered Freddy Akoa, 49 a Christian in Portland, ME. The attack allegedly took place over the span of several hours, in which Akoa suffered cuts and bruises all over his body, a lacerated liver and 22 rib fractures. However, according to the autopsy, Akoa died as a result of blows to his head.
  • Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez murdered five US Armed Forces (1 Navy and 4 Marines) in Chattanooga, TN in July 2015.  Mohammad was an immigrant brought here by his family from Kuwait at a young age, and who was later approved for U.S. citizenship, who carried out the Islamist attack that killed the 5 military personnel in Chattanooga.
  • The Somali refugee who recruited the San Bernardino killers also recruited the jihadist who attacked the Garland, TX "Draw Mohammad" contest in May 2015, fled the United States.
  • An Iraqi immigrant, who later applied for and received US citizenship, was arrested for lying to federal agents about pledging allegiance to ISIS and his travel to Syria (May 2015)
  • An immigrant from Syria, who later applied for and received U.S. citizenship, was accused by federal prosecutors of planning to rob a gun store to “go to a military base in Texas and kill three or four American soldiers execution style.” (April 2015)
  • Six Somalian Muslim refugees were arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota for attempting to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS.
  • Five Muslim refugees (same family) were arrested in Missouri, Illinois and New York for sending arms and cash to ISIS.
  • Five Somali Muslim refugees were charged in July 2014 with fundraising for jihadi groups in Africa.
  • On December 14, 2014, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, born to a Muslim African American family, executed two NYC police officers as they sat in their patrol car.  Brinsley is reported to have approached the two officers as they were sitting in their patrol car in the notorious crime ridden Bedford-Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn, New York and began firing rounds into the vehicle before fleeing on foot to the closest subway station where he later committed suicide. 
  • Two Bosnian Muslim refugee in Portland, Oregon was arrested in November 21, 2014 for trying to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
  • On November 4, 2015 18 year old Faisal Mohammad who had a black ISIS flag in his possessions and a terrorist manifesto, stabbed 4 of his fellow student at U C Merced; police had to shoot him to stop his stabbing spree.  He had pro-ISIS propaganda on his computer. The FBI said he was self radicalized.
  • In San Bernardino in December 2015 two Middle East Radical Islamic Terrorist, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik,  who said they were ISIS, attackers (immigrants) killed 14 civilians and wounded 21 others, were recruited to their jihad by a Muslim Somali refugee who has now moved to Syria, but continues to recruit Jihadist in America using social media.
  • refugee from Uzbekistan was convicted of providing material support and money to a designated foreign terrorist organization. According to the Department of Justice, he also procured bomb-making materials in the interest of perpetrating a terrorist attack on American soil. (August 2015)
  • An immigrant from Albania, who applied for and received Lawful Permanent Resident status, was sentenced to 16 years in prison for giving over $1,000 to terrorist organizations in Afghanistan, and for attempting to join a radical jihadist insurgent group in Pakistan. (August 2015)
  • An immigrant from Egypt, who subsequently was granted U.S. citizenship, was charged with providing, and conspiring to provide, material support to ISIS, for aiding and abetting a New York college student in receiving terrorist training from ISIS, and conspiring to receive such training. (August 2015)
  • A second Immigrant from India, who is married to a US citizen, who was indicted on charges of conspiring to provide thousands of dollars to Al Q’ieda in the Arabian Peninsula, in order to assist them in their global Jihad, and on one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud (November 2015)
  • A Kazakhstani immigrant with lawful permanent resident status conspired to purchase a machine gun to shoot FBI and other law enforcement agents if they prevented him from traveling to Syria to join ISIS. (February 2015)
  • An immigrant from Pakistan, who entered the United States on a fiancé visa thru Canada, and subsequently became a Lawful Permanent Resident, along with her husband, killed 14 people at a Christmas Party in San Bernardino, CA on December 2, 2015 , and wounded 22 others, in the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001.
  • Somali-American was arrested after encouraging several friends to leave the United States and join ISIS, and giving one individual over $200 for their passport application. (December 2015)
  • The son of Pakistani immigrants, along with his Pakistan bride, murdered 14 coworkers, and wounded two dozen, in that same terrorist attack.  His Pakistani-born father has since been placed on the no-fly list (December 2015).
  • A Bosnian refugee, along with his wife and five others, donated money and supplies, and smuggled arms, to terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq. (February 2015)
  • An Uzbek refugee living in Idaho was arrested and charged with providing support to a terrorist organization, in the form of teaching terror recruits how to build bombs. (July 2015)
  • An immigrant from Saudi Arabia, who applied for and received U.S. citizenship, swore allegiance to ISIS and pledged to explode a propane tank bomb on U.S. soil. (April 2015).
  • An immigrant from Yemen, who applied for and received U.S. citizenship, along with six other men, was charged with conspiracy to travel to Syria and to provide material support to ISIS. (April 2015).
  • A Uzbek man in Brooklyn encouraged other Uzbeki nationals to wage jihad on behalf of ISIS, and raised $1,600 for the terror organization. (April 2015)
  • An immigrant from Bangladesh, who applied for and received U.S. citizenship, tried to incite people to travel to Somalia and conduct violent jihad against the United States. (June 2014)
  • In September 30, 2014, Alton Nolan, a proponent of Sharia and suspect Radical Islamic Terrorist, beheaded an employee of Vaughan Foods, and was prevented from beheading a second employee in Moor, Oklahoma.
  • An immigrant from Afghanistan, who later applied for and received U.S. citizenship, and a legal permanent resident from the Philippines, were convicted for “join Al Q’ieda and the Taliban in order to kill Americans.” (September 2014)
  • A Somali immigrant with lawful permanent resident status, along with four other Somali nationals, is charged with leading an al-Shabaab fundraising conspiracy in the United States, with monthly payments directed to the Somali terrorist organization. (July 2014)
  • A Moroccan national who came to the U.S. on a student visa was arrested for plotting to blow up a university and a federal court house. (April 2014)
  • The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing by Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev; those brothers and their family were Muslim refugees. -The Boston Bombers were granted political asylum and were thus deemed legitimate refugees. The younger brother applied for citizenship and was naturalized on September 11th, 2012. The older brother had a pending application for citizenship. (April 2013)
  • A college student who immigrated from Somalia, who later applied for and received U.S. citizenship, attempted to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Oregon. (December  2013)
  • On February 18, 2012, two Radical Islamic Terrorists from Pakistan, who later applied for and received US Citizenship, were apprehended trying to detonate a bomb in New York City
  • In September 15, 2012, Amine El Khalifi, and al Q’ieda Radical Islamic Terrorist plotted to do a suicide bombing of the US Capital.
  • In  2011 Mohammad Alfatlawi a proponent of Sharia Law was charged with the “Honor Killing” of his wife and daughter in Detroit, Michigan.
  • In May 4, 2010 Faisal Shahzad conducted a terrorist car bombing plot in Times Square that failed.
  • On June 1, 2009, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, a convert to Islam, who had gone to Yemen in 2007 and stayed for about 16 months, open fire on a Little Rock, Arkansas US Armed Forces Recruiting Office in a drive by shooting with a rifle, against a group of US Army Soldiers standing in front of the Recruiting Office.  He killed Private William Long and wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula.
  • On November 5, 2009, Maj Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 US Army soldiers and wounded 32 others in Fort Hood  while yelling “Allah Akbar” at the top of his lungs—Obama insisted it was simply “Work Place Violence” and not a Radical Islamic terrorist attack by a disciple of Anwar Al-Awlaki. Prior to the shooting, in his previous assignment as an intern and resident at Walter Reed Army Medical Center his colleagues and superiors were deeply concerned about his behavior and anti-American comments---but because they were cowered by the Obama’s administration’s warnings and perceived threats to their military standing, that they better be “politically correct’ and not disparage such anti-American comments---nothing was done to drum that Radical Islamic Terrorist out of the US Armed Forces
  • In December 2009, the bombing terror plot to kill 290 innocent passengers on a flight from the Netherland to Detroit the Nigerian Radical Islamic Terrorist, Umar Farouk Abdulmutlallab (aka the Underwear Bomber) failed to detonate on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 because the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned, and passengers were able to subdue him until he was arrested.
  • Two Al Qaeda members who had killed American soldiers in Iraq were arrested in Kentucky in 2009 - and, both were refugees!

Please read the below listed article where Obama has erased the identification of hundreds Radical Islamic Terrorist from the DHS data base and watch list so Federal Law Enforcement Officers can no longer locate them or monitor their terrorists activities.


Copyright 2016, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author 



Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt              USN(Ret)

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

San Diego, CA 92108


Fax: (619) 220-0109


Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

-Isaiah 6:8


Obama DHS scrubs records of hundreds of Muslim terrorists

Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller is the publisher of and the author of the WND Books title "Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance."


Not only did the Obama administration scrub counter-terror programs of jihad and Islam, now we find out that his administration scrubbed the records of Muslim terrorists. If the enemedia were not aligned with the jihad force, this would be front-page news across the nation.

An agent of the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, for 15 years, Philip Haney, reported Friday that after the Christmas Day underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, tried to blow up a crowded passenger jet over Detroit, “President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to ‘connect the dots.’ He said, ‘This was not a failure to collect intelligence; it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.'”

Haney revealed: “Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material – the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.”

What Haney discloses is truly shocking: “Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to ‘connect dots.’ Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database.”

Who gave the order to scrub the records of Muslims with ties to terror groups?

These new shocking revelations come fresh on the heels of whistleblower testimony in the wake of the San Bernardino jihad slaughter, revealing that the Obama administration shut down investigations into jihadists in America (and quite possible the San Bernardino shooters) at the request of the Department of State and the DHS’ own Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Division. Haney noted: “They claimed that since the Islamist groups in question were not Specially Designated Terrorist Organizations (SDTOs) tracking individuals related to these groups was a violation of the travelers’ civil liberties. These were almost exclusively foreign nationals: When were they granted the civil rights and liberties of American citizens?”

How is this not impeachable? When did foreign terrorists get civil rights?

Haney described how he began investigating scores of individuals with links to the traditionalist Islamic Indo-Pakistani Deobandi movement, and its related offshoots, prominently, Tablighi Jamaat..


I have reported on this infiltration for years. I reported on it extensively in my book, “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.” Obama has partnered with terror-tied groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim American Society and others. The stealth jihad in the information battle-space has led to the vigorous enforcement of blasphemy laws under the Shariah, as Obama ordered that counter-terror training materials must avoid all reference to Islam and jihad. Under Islamic law, it is prohibited to criticize Islam.

The Obama administration is Shariah-compliant at all costs. Its number one priority is to protect Islam, even when it puts American lives at risk. The cold-blooded slaughter of Americans in the homeland by Muslims has not tempered Obama’s Shariah enthusiasm. On the contrary, Garland, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, UCMED, San Bernardino, etc., have accelerated it.

My civil liberties and your civil liberties are being abridged in accordance with the blasphemy laws under Shariah. My organization is engaged in 15 different free-speech lawsuits against various cities. Our free-speech lawsuit against Boston is heading to the Supreme Court, because even though truthful, our ads violate the laws of Shariah (“do not criticize Islam”). We are being forced to adhere to Shariah mores, but jihad murderers are given sanctuary and protection – to slaughter Americans.

The moral, or in this case the immoral, of the story is this: Jihad terror works.