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FW:  Dec. 20, 2014














Glenn Canady

“Learn the Secret to Eternal Life!” - Join and get all my free ebooks – stay informed on the latest from US Intel!


Note by Glenn:  Please friend me on my Facebook if you spread truth and let’s work together!  The best way to reach me and get my daily emails about breaking stories is to Join Project Nsearch.  I will be announcing free home solar systems there soon and a way to make $1,00 to $3000 for each system given away!  When you join, login and go to the “Ebooks” menu option and you’ll get my free ebooks, “How to Spread 1,000 Times More Truth” and “Suppressed Health Secrets” as well as getting the very latest news about free energy devices powering homes and vehicles right now!  Be sure to LIKE my “Glenn Canady” Facebook page too and the “Veterans Today Truth Wariors” page where we’re taking massive action against the NWO as a team!  Lastly, subscribe to my Youtube channel and New Youtube Channel, new Twitter account and share all my BIN Articles!  We are being lied to by our fake news more each day!  Let’s wake up the planet by spreading more truth from VeteransToday (US Intel) than ever before!   If your alternative media outlet is not publishing the articles and interviews from VeteransToday (VT) then they are “controlled opposition” period!  VT doesn’t censor anything so why are you continuing to support the bad guys censoring VeteransToday, the largest private intelligence agency on the planet, that put out the real Snowden leaks on 9/11?  You came to BIN because they don’t censor anything, so never tolerate an alternative media outlet that censors VeteransToday!


Before you read the story, I just want to say there are two things you must do aftewards.  First pray to God that mistakes happen and that the baby is saved this year!  Secondly, I want all of you to spread this to as many as you can over the next 24 hours.  We have the proof – it’s all REAL!  By not helping, you are giving consent to this evil!

As incredible as this story may sound, it’s all true and Stew Webb has accumulated the proof with all his sources with US Intelligence and the secret service.  He also has the legal sworn testimony of Anthony Lavey who is the  son of Anton Lavey, founder of the church of satan.  Anthony gives an incredible testimony of what he witnessed in the video below.  He saw US Presidents attending this event and Stew has gotten confirmation from many in US Intel and secret service that this is true.  So look at ALL the evidence and all the videos.  It’s all real and Stew Webb broke the story.  It’s even confirmed by local news when they caught a guy in Oklahoma working for the Illuminati trying to kidnap an infant for the sacrifice.! That video is also below.

The building shown above is called “The Navarre” and it’s the location where the Illuminati Council of 13 sacrifice an infant on the Summer and Winter solstice every year.   The Winter Solstice sacrifice happens in the early morning hours of December 21st this year.  The Illuminati Council of 13 meets in the basement of The Navarre which has a special location along magnetic ley lines and why they like to do it here.  There are tunnels leading from the Brown Palace Hotel across the street and Stew can tell you where the door to the tunnels is, it’s very near the Ship’s Tavern bar in the hotel.  

US Intel reported to Stew Webb that last year they parked a special satellite over the event last year and saw 12 hooded figures sacrifice a baby, drink it’s blood and eat it’s heart!    We are hoping that we can get much more attention on this event this year.  If you are in the Denver area and want to help expose this event, please contact Stew Webb on the numbers listed on his his website and bring your camera and a big group with you!  By the way, the Council of 13 is really 12 men, they leave the 13th seat empty for satan to occupy if he decides they’ve done enough evil I guess for the last 6 months!

The Navarre used to be an old whorehouse and sits across the street from the swanky Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver.  There is actually a tunnel with an entrance near the restrooms for the bar inside the Brown Palace called the Ship’s Tavern that allows guests of the hotels to go under the street and over to the Navarre in secret.  The cover for The Navarre is that it’s an “art studio” but it’s only open for the public once or twice a year last Stew checked on it!  They aren’t making ANY money only being open once a year so clearly the main purpose of this building is NOT as a museum!

You can read more about Anthony Lavey including his sworn legal statement here:

Stew also has some very shocking footage of an FBI raid on a real satanic sacrifice that I will not even link to because it’s really too shocking for most of the readers.  It’s on the front page of his website at but don’t even look for it if you are easily shocked because it’s very disgusting and it’s real.  They killed over 25 people at this one home alone and there were body parts everywhere when they busted down the doors.  Not good stuff to view at all!  Here’s the shocking testimony of Anthony Lavey.  

Anthony Lavey – Witness to the Illuminati Council of 13 Sacrifice in Denver!  He saw US Presidents attending when he was younger!   Stew has his sworn legal statement on the matter.  After Anthony gave this interview to Stew, he was beaten up badly!