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Rocky Montana

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R. Montana / 10-5-2014

As with the corruption of the true meaning of Christmas and Easter, children have come to see Halloween as a time of amassing and consuming massive amounts of processed and sugar-laden chocolate candy, for the most part.  Ask any child what Halloween means to them and you will most likely hear, "lots of free candy"!  Did we, who were not properly counseled by our parents, not think the same way when we were small children, unable to discern between "right and wrong"?  Most adults are now aware that consuming candy is not good for the physical body.  Eating excessive amounts of candy can immediately give the consumer a rather bad stomach ache, but that is just for starters.  The cumulative effects of eating these unnatural foods, loaded with processed sugar and chemicals, can also lead to future and long term diseases such as rotting of teeth and teeth roots, tooth loss, and the need for dentures.  An even more pernicious disease possibility is diabetes.  (In addition to eating excessive amounts of sugar, poor nutrition-- lacking intake of essential minerals and vitamins-- can also lead to the risk of contracting diabetes.)  The effects of diabetes vary.  A diabetic may have to take insulin shots indefinitely.  Diabetics may have a shortened lifespan.  Additionally, diabetes in more serious stages has led to blindness and amputation of toes, feet and even legs, etc.  The diabetic in this stage often becomes unemployable, is often confined to a wheel chair and may even require a part-time or full-time nurse or even hospitalization indefinitely.  Parents: Do you really want to condemn your children to a lifetime of physical suffering via tooth rot, tooth losses and diabetes, etc.?  Who are some of the largest beneficiaries of Halloween, Christmas and Easter?  TV advertisers, manufacturers and purveyors of candy; and on the other end, dentists, doctors and nurses, hospitals, skilled nursing centers and drug companies.  Is it any wonder why most all TV commercials target the children?

The assimilation of the Halloween lie of getting "something for nothing" can be as damaging to a child's emotional and social growth as are the effects of sugary candy on the child's physical health.  Through this "learned evil action" only God knows how many children have been influenced through adulthood to the mindset of getting something for nothing, by taking things from other people (robbery) by way of intimidation, force and deceit?  There were some 3.4 million "reported" household thefts in 2011.  That does not take into account armed robbery, grand theft auto, and white-collar crimes, etc.  Our prisons are overflowing with men and women who have committed these crimes against society and many are out on parole.  Do you think there might be a connection between the adult parents condoning un-Godly behavior on Halloween, and our national crime wave and prison population?  Are we adults who willingly go along with this "trick or treat" form of blackmail on Halloween day not perpetuating this lie, this corruption of God's Law, and fostering a criminal mindset in their children?  Do we adults allow ourselves to be victimized and intimidated by our very own children's behavior which we condone on Halloween day?  And do we cave into peer pressure and feel compelled to perpetuate and participate in this evil activity?  If so, might we actually be contributing to the corruption of our youth by allowing this Halloween lie and lawless activity to continue?

There is an alternative to the "trick or treat" corruption of our youth on Halloween day.  In recent years, adult parents who see this evil holiday for what it is have started a movement away from the "trick or treat" aspect of Halloween.  They want their children safe and off the streets and are opting to host masquerade parties for their children and their children's friends.  Instead of giving children massive amounts of candy, more healthful snacks are provided.  Instead of enforcing the acts of "something for nothing", wholesome games are played which are fun for all participants.  And instead of dressing up as monsters, devils and witches, children are encouraged to either dress-up as their favorite historical characters or don't dress-up at all.  I applaud this movement away from the demon and satan imitation and worship of Halloween (satan's day) and hope that this more physically and socially responsible trend takes greater hold in our society.  May this is the first step in abandoning Halloween (satan's day) altogether.