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Obama Vows To Wipe Out Christians, Take Over All US Churches [Update]]

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Feb. 27, 2012


According to this FSB report, Obama, who during his 2008 Presidential campaign mocked America’s Christians by stating they were backward peoples “clinging to their guns and Bibles”instead of believing in the power of government, sent his Acting Deputy Solicitor General Leondra Kruger before the US Supreme Court this past week to argue that the government, not the Churches, has the power to appoint ministers and priests.
not so ~ misleading as always; firstly Cheryl Perich's case before he Supreme Court, a teacher being fired while disabled, is not a minister. Secondly, it's about the Americans with Disability Act, not about a religious institutions right to hire or fire their clerical staff:

In the early 2000s, Cheryl Perich was a “called teacher” or “commissioned minister” at  Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School in Redford, Mich. As such, she taught religious classes, led students in prayer and incorporated religious teachings into secular subjects like math, science, social studies and art.

But in 2004, she was diagnosed with narcolepsy and became unable to teach the fall semester that year. When she failed to return to school in January 2005, the school hired a replacement teacher. The school wanted to “peacefully release” Perich from her “call,” but Perich demanded she be reinstated — and threatened to sue the school if she wasn’t. It was that threat of a lawsuit — not Perich’s narcolepsy — that led the congregation to “rescind her call” (i.e. fire her). Apparently, it’s against church teaching to take an internal dispute of that sort to the secular courts.

But, now, the Obama DOJ wants the courts to force the Lutheran church and school to reinstate Perich, saying that the school fired Perich in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

----- Original Message -----
From: DR
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 6:58 AM
Subject: Obama Vows To Wipe Out Christians, Take Over All US Churches