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From Rod Remelin

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Jan. 3, 2011

Ted Kennedy, Joe Kennedy, the Bush Family, the Clinton Family, Newt Gingrich,  Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden the list goes on and on and on - these are all self proclaimed  "Christians" and most are Roman Catholics. If these evil people are examples of Christianity - the devil doesn't seem so bad now, does he???
The Trinity Broadcasting Network is Zionist controlled. Keeps the Sheeple under the false illusion that "God is in control, don't worry be happy, you will be raptured".
Compared to our new world order evil christian government, the muslims really don't seem any better or any worse!
I do NOT believe that Jesus was a "christian" - Christianity was made up by the roman government two hundred years after the fact when Rome was bankrupt and needed to incorporate the christians into their society to help keep Rome a float. The roman household divinities were changed into the roman catholic saints and roman catholic household idols.
Jesus was NEVER a hypocrite.  Jesus was NOT greedy or addicted to power like the christian churches, jewish synagogues and the islamic oppressive cult. Jesus did NOT lie.  He did NOT instill guilt and hopelessness into shepple for control. Jesus did NOT need money.  God does NOT need money as; God is everything.
All Jesus taught was: LOVE,TRUTH, FORGIVENESS AND FREEDOM. Jesus did NOT start up a major corporation religion under a so called divinely inspired bible that has been written and rewritten and rewritten to suit the slave masters of the New World Order to help keep the slaves (us) under guilt and control.
It might be interesting also if we had a TV show about some secular, attractive Israeli soldiers destroying Palestinian olive trees, or possibly a documentary on the burning of mosques or the assaulting of Palestinian children on their way to school by supremacist Israeli settlers—interesting yes. But I suspect it will “never happen for obvious reasons.

We can of course look at Christians going all spumous over Sharia law and shake our heads at the wonder of it. But perhaps the mother of all ironies—what makes Christian support for Israel so astounding—is the Talmud’s depiction of Jesus. Ever thought about being cast into hell and spending eternity in a vat of boiling excrement?

This, according to the Talmud, is Jesus’ fate for his crime of heresy against the Jewish establishment. But hey, don’t take my word for it. Click here or here to view the precise passage from the tractate Gittin, or, should you prefer, you can read Princeton Jewish Studies professor Peter Schäfer, who quotes the same passage in his book, Jesus in the Talmud. But the boiling excrement isn’t the only disturbing image of Christ the Talmud serves up. A number of other tortures are imagined as well. And, moreover, it isn’t only Jesus. The rabbinical authors of this putridity also revile his mother, the Virgin Mary, whom they portray as a whore who “played the harlot with carpenters.” (See here, here, here, and here ).
Now for the $64,000 question: With the Talmud parceling out such noxious and mephitic characterizations of the central figures in Christianity, one can only wonder, in gobsmacked amazement, at so many Christians coming to view Jews as their most excellent friends while at the same time regarding Muslims—whose texts revere not only Jesus but pay highest tribute to his mother as well , who refer to him respectfully as “the son of Mary,” who view him as a messenger from God, leader of a group of disciples, and performer of miracles—one cannot help but wonder how is it possible Christians can be made to think of Muslims as the blackest and most menacing and fearsome of all their enemies, while simultaneously regarding Jews as their chosen chums and closest religious kinsmen?
Clearly the Zionist matador is an accomplished illusionist.
FFA is ostensibly a “Christian” organization, although I sometimes wonder how many Jews might also be involved in some of these groups in addition to the native Christians. For instance, David Brog, executive director of Christians United For Israel, the nation’s premiere Christian Zionist organization, is not actually a Christian; he is Jewish. The CUFI’s website describes Brog as a former Senate staffer and Tel Aviv lawyer. Which perhaps is neither here nor there, but it does give one pause to wonder.
So who is this Zionist matador? Does he have an identity? Is he the Father of Lies? The Prince of this World? Will an even more specific identity emerge at some point in the future? I do not have the answers to these questions. But here is what I do know—that his power over us decreases the nearer we come to God, but that, by the same token, the further we wander, venture, and navigate from this Sacred Well and the living water it contains, the more sharply his ascendency over us grows. Something else I know as well—something which “Christians” who support such groups as the Florida Family Association would do well to remember: that Jesus had an extremely low tolerance level for hypocrites.