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The 5th V–Star Day: The Amazing Day of Million Stars

Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten Program broadcasting on DMC

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Now the new historic world event on Saturday December 11th, 2010 has been the talk of the world when over 1,000,000 children gathering to do good deeds at Dhammakaya Temple.  This event had arranged by the kind adults and the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh’s disciples from all around the world. The pictures of this event have impressed everybody who watched via DMC and other TV and internet media.

The 5th V-Star Day, the day of the leaders of World Morality Restoration

H.E. Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the first president of the Republic of Kalmykia, joined this event.  He is a Buddhist, loves Buddhism and would like to restore Buddhism since he was young.  He has donated to build many temples around the Kalmykia and also, maintain and support the Buddhist study as well.  So Kalmykia is one country in Europe where Buddhism has been progressed most.  Also, he has the inspiration to change the world with the bright of Dhamma light.  This event was so impressive that he would like to introduce it to Kalmykian youths.  He said that when Thailand and Mongolia have V–Stars, Kalmykia will have as well.

H.E. Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the first president of the Republic of Kalmykia

The atmosphere was active especially at the exhibition booths where the children queued up to study.  Besides studying about 208 countries happily, the children joined the linguistic and singing contest.  They sang the Change the World song very beautifully.

The Entrance to 208-Country Booths

The V-Star child was excited about his passport to 208-country exhibition

A lot of V-Star children were interested in this exhibition

Another hot and hit one was the Law of Kamma zone where the organizers had made the models of hells, heavens and Himavanta Forest and established there.  Although it was crowded, the children queued up to see them happily.  Many children unveiled that they had joined the V–Star Day many times, but they liked this time most.  When they visited the Heaven Models, they felt like they were in the heaven.  When they came back home, they would do a lot of good deeds because they wanted to go to the heaven.  They did not want to go to hell because it was very horrible.

A very long queue to see the models of hell

One of the Models of Purgatory

The Entrance to Heaven Booth

Zone of the Biography of the Lord Buddha

And the waited time arrived, millions of V–Star children moved to the Grand Meditation Square around Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya.  They moved so quickly, nice and orderly that everyone appreciated.  Moreover, another impressive moment was over million children stood and sang the “Change the World” song together.  They sang beautifully and surprised and impressed Mr. Howard McCrary, the original singer.  He stood to see the children singing with happy mind from the beginning till the end.

V-Star Children sang the Change the World song

Mr. Howard McCrary, the original singer

Over 1,000,000 V-Star Children meditated following by Khunkru Maiyai

The atmosphere at the Grand Meditation Square was more special than the previous years because there were 60,000 V-Star children, who practiced themselves until they were accepted from their communities, won the scholarship from Khunkru Maiyai.  Today, the V-Star children have the good future waiting for because of their teachers. So they said the Teacher Praise together which made the teachers having tears of joy.

Khunkru Maiyai's 6,000 Representatives Gave the Scholarship
to 60,000 V-Star Children

This event showed the power of youths to change the world or to restore the world morality in Thailand.  It is one of the important steps which lead to change the world in other places in the future.  The beginning is to change yourselves, your families, socials and the world.  It is in our hands and it will be successful if you do it.