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Donald Trump Inserts Himself Into Mosque Controversy

Dawn Wotapka

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Donald Trump, whose well-known moniker is on everything from buildings to vodka, has offered up some of his fortune to restore peace in New York City. He’s willing to buy out Hisham Elzanaty, identified as one of eight investors behind the controversial 13-story Islamic center planned near Ground Zero.

It’s doubtful that Mr. Elzanaty alone can stop the project.

Still, in a letter released late Thursday, Mr. Trump offers to buy the site at 45 Park Place in lower Manhattan for the price paid plus 25%. (Mr. Elzanaty could probably hold out for more.) Mr. Trump points out that while the downtown location is not spectacular, this deal would “end a very serious, inflammatory, and highly divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse.”

Associated Press
Donald Trump at the U.S. Open on Tuesday.

The offer is, of course, all cash. Mr. Trump-whose name seems to somehow become part of every major Big Apple real-estate story–ends the brief letter on an oddly cheerful note: “Hopefully, something good can happen!”

He might be right: There are reports that the mosque will be moved away from its controversial location.

Readers, do you see Mr. Trump as a peacemaker or publicity hound–or possibly a little bit of both?

Follow Dawn on Twitter @dwotapka

Sept. 9, 2010