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Islamic Scare Tactics

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From: TK
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:40 AM
Subject: Islamic Scare Tactics


You are at it again, using Islam as a whipping boy scare tactic.  Posting this kind of crap should not be tolerated by you if you are a true truth seeker.  Case in point is the following quote:

"From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania -- Muslim 70%

Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%"

I have lived in Malaysia for nearly 40 years and it is a model country for the world to emulate.  It is a major crossroad for cultures, religions, ethnic populations from around the Asian and world regions.  It is one of the most progressive countries in the world and does not have "unfettered persecution", ethnic cleansing, Shariah Law applied to non-Moslems or any special taxes applied to infidels.  In fact any radical Islamic groups are quickly dealt with by the government and monitored very closely.  The Islamic majority actually adds a moral temperance to the government and society and the current "1 Malaysia" political theme does pervade the entire country where all races live in harmony and peace.  All races share in the wealth of this country and the government has equitably spread the wealth to all.  So the above is a baldfaced "lie" and "unfettered disinformation".

Patrick, when you spread "lies and fear" as per above you are only supporting the devil's doing.  As I have written to you before, Islam is a threat to the Church and the Illuminati because Muslims pray and converse directly with the Creator and are individually responsible for their own "choices".  Refer to Lady Nada's article and you have the same fundamental belief that is Islam.  You are individually responsible and only the Creator can forgive, but even that is not required if you "learn from your lessons (choices) and do what is right.  Islam lets the individual know that the Creator is "neutral" (a "3") and that each individual is weighed in judgment by the amount of good versus the evil, the right choices versus the wrong choices, that one makes during his/her lifetime(s). 

And if you wish to compare Islam versus Christianity/Judaism you will quickly find that the Church and Jews have been behind more killings, genocides, murders and unholy acts even as I write this now.  How may Muslims did the Serbs kill?  How many Iraqis have died at the hands of the Americans.  How many Afgans, Vietnamese, Cambodians have died by Russian and American bombs?  Millions!  That is genocide.  By who?!   Who started the Crusades?  Who did the Inquisition?  Who was responsible for the Holocost?  It wasn't the Muslims that's for sure.  So who should you fear?  Point your finger in the right direction.  Know who your real enemy is......for it is not a Muslim.  It never really has been.

Patrick, I sincerely appreciate and admire the truth and love that you put into your work and your Pheonix Journals so I implore you not to muddy your face by supporting the slander of nearly 1/4th of the World's population for the advancement of the wrong agenda.  Stcik to the Truth.  And as all Muslims say in greeting and in passing, "Assalamu'alaikum" ("May Peace and Blessings Be Upon You") (Compare that to "HELL-O" (OH its you) and "Good bye" (good you are leaving).  As Lady Nada says...."You choose what is right".



NOTE:  We agree with this man, and have removed the article in question from Fourwinds. ---PHB

Ref:  "Slavery, Terrorism and Islam "