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Who is the Temple of Set's Secret Master?

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As those of you who pay attention know the Temple of Set has been engaged in a public mind control initiative under the guise of a simple Podcast at for several years. Inn addition to the usual Setian voices of Dr. Michael A, Aquino (retired Lt. Col. in the US Army specialized in PsyOps and accused Child Abuser), Stephen E. Flowers (Wotanic S&M "Professor of Germanic Studies" with connections to underground German Nazi cults) and Don Webb (Fiction writer and SEC insider) has been one figure who previous to this has been unheard of: Mark Luskin.

Previous to this podcast's release little was heard about Mark Luskin in the Temple of Set. Yet he has been features on the show more than any other guest and has been given free reign to present on whatever topics he feels like. What topics has he chosen? How to join the group and an exultation for transsexuals, queers and other sexual extremists to practice diabolical Sex Magic.

After a year of investigation here is what I have been able to turn up on this elusive figure:

- Descended from a Brooklyn family of Irish descent associated with organized Crime, Banking and ironically Law Enforcement.

- Educated in Roman Catholic Schools including a high school noted for its association with Big Business and the Mafia. During this time he met Junky Queer writer William S. Burroughs which coincides with Burroughs' entry to the "Chaos Magic" Illuminati group, the Illuminates of Thanateros.

- He attended a CIA infiltrated Rockefeller One SUNY Campus on Long Island while being intimately involved with the local political machine, including those who signed off on the installations at Camp Hero. Studied Anthropology, Religious Studies, Psychology and Studio Art.

- Worked behind the scenes at a major Pharmaceutical Company as a consultant on Mind Control in Litigation, Advertising and manipulation of Safety Data. He also consulted on Satanic topics with the Wall Street Journal and the NY Press, usually to quash stories on the Temple of Set's activities in New York. My source at the NY Press said that he casually mentioned involvement with the Council of Foreign Relations, though this has not been confirmed.

-He consulted for the Church of Scientology to help them better use he Black Magic L. Ron Hubbard has done with rocket scientists Jack Parsons.

- Spent time within the manipulative, controlling and hedonic community documented at length in "We Live in Public" which was clearly an experiment in Mind Control, drug and violence based conditioning techniques.

- Is said to have been responsible for the set up of the Dreamachine in the Basement of the Hammerstein Ballroom during the Disinfo.Con event in 2000. You may not know that the Dreamachine, invented by the Hashish and Assassin obsessed degenerate artist Brion Gysin, was said to be responsible for Kurt Cobain's suicide.This event included the exhortation by comic book writer Grant Morrison for his audience to engage in sex magic and the event organizer Richard Metzger to out himself and those on stage as the Illuminati.

- Seen passing under the WTC on 9/11 and to have been seen near WTC 7 before its collapse. His whereabouts the next few days is unknown though he was seen a few weeks later in the American South West , including Las Vegas.

- Travelled to East Africa to connect with surviving ancient and abominable Setian Cults, including taking part in their Cattle Mutilations and DMT based drug rights under the cover of doing Paleoanthropological work into Human Origins.

- Physically trained in the arts of Kundalini (Reptilian) Yoga and a variety of Japanese Martial Arts, including the Art of Assassination, Ninjutsu. One contact mentioned he had trained with both US and Israeli Special Forces.

- His current whereabouts are unknown, having not been see locally since he resigned from running the Temple of Set's NYC group. He has however been keeping a high profile online, both through the podcast and via social media DARPA/CIA front Facebook. On Facebook especially he has been using known Project Monarch material as triggers in his uploaded photos.

Those with whom I have spoken seem particular concerned that Mark Luskin may actually be involved with the Temple of Set under an agenda of taking the group over for some even more sinister group or murders, mind controllers and seekers after the End of the World: The Process Church of the Final Judgement.


August 17, 2010